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Today , 01:18 AM
Building furniture together is probably code for some specific type of ****ing.
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Today , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
Building furniture together is probably code for some specific type of ****ing.
Haha agree with this. I helped her build some furniture Saturday and we ****ed after lol

Btw feel free to lol. She wanted to invite Indian guy out Friday night bc I tried to get her to come to Albany we me and some friends I have (girls). I asked her- isn’t it awkward if we both go out bc you went out with both of us- I still kinda believe she doesn’t like dude and he’s just a friend but that is like a funny thought (she prolly boned him).

More red flags- she had like bruises on her legs: she said they are from moving but I’m skeptical lol.

The oddest thing- the Indian guy went to school with the girl I went on date with before Asian girl. So I took my new girl out to a board game club with the azn chick I friend zoned so they both connected on ig and she mentioned it was hilarious and small world that Indian guy went to hs with other girl I dated and friendzoned. My current girl was butthurt bc I told her other azn girl I friendzoned had a better nicer personality
Than her kinda. I’m ready to get bashed in this thread. Boys get your popcorn ready bc I’m sure you will get a lol results post in 2-3 weeks on this situation.

The one thing I think is great for me: she’s having nyc friends over for July 4 and already invited me over to meet them and hang out for a night. Worst case scenario here- I have a sexy FWB that lets me stay over whenever I want. She’s coming to my place before her nyc trip at end of this week. I’m hoping she cancels nyc trip bc she likes me but I see that as like a 2-5% probability of happening.

Btw final note what sucks about this situation. She lives like 40 min away from me and after work traffic to where she lives is really bad. I live in Albany and she’s in Saratoga Springs NY. 40 min commute is doable but def not ideal.

Last edited by Jkpoker10; Today at 01:29 AM.
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Today , 01:38 AM
1. Don't force anything, if something happens it will happen. You have no real control over what she ultimately decides.
2. Act as chill and relaxed around her as you possibly can. I don't have to tell you that neediness is a highly undesirable quality.
3. Enjoy the ride. Have fun with her, **** her brains out, etc.
4. ?????
5. Profit
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Today , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
1. Don't force anything, if something happens it will happen. You have no real control over what she ultimately decides.
2. Act as chill and relaxed around her as you possibly can. I don't have to tell you that neediness is a highly undesirable quality.
3. Enjoy the ride. Have fun with her, **** her brains out, etc.
4. ?????
5. Profit
#2 is what scares me. I feel I will come off as super needy. The great thing- I try not to text her often like at start of day. She almost always texts me to start off a convo like in the morning Monday- Friday. I’ve said I want you to be my gf and we have had awkward convos kinda about it but I plan to stop unless she brings it up going forward or there is like a point of no return (say in 2-3 weeks I just decide it’s all or nothing- I’ll have take and just end it if she says no: I can’t see you being a husband/ father). Like I’ve said- this chick is super responsive via text: I’ve never in my life had a chick be so responsive and flirty via text.

I really appreciate the thoughts posted on this thread. I prolly come off as a cuck but if you guys saw what this chick looked like vs the average chick in Albany and surrounding areas: you would understand my thoughts. Chick even has a super solid career. It’s hard to find beautiful chicks that have a top level career in upstate ny honestly.
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Today , 01:55 AM
The good news is that she’s being honest. And that’s actually a big thing and a good thing.

The bad news re that is it means she isn’t super bothered about if that hurts your feelings

‘Can’t see you being a dad yet’ = code for money and ‘prospects’. Doesn’t have to mean she’s a gold digger and women are very happy to take on projects if the raw materials are there but idk what you do for a living and how much $$ you make and what the future prospects of it are but I do think that’s the key, more so than ‘can he mow the lawn’

Idk, if I were you I would either

1. continue seeing her and ****ing her but draw back from the touch freely stuff - be nice but be stronger with her and hold back with the emotional stuff - also be a little hard to get and not always at her beck and call. And be strong with yourself about setting parameters and timing for how long you’re prepared to put up with that

2. Pull back immediately, tell her you like her but don’t want to mess around any more and won’t see her again until there’s a commitment

What you can’t do is give her all the emotional stuff and companionship she wants while she still sees other people. She won’t respect you and you’ll demean yourself
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Today , 01:58 AM
and never start the texting ffs. Let her text you and then take your time to get back to her.
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Today , 02:00 AM
Dude, looks aren't everything.

You seem to overlook everything not right in this situation and focus on her looks.

And to be honest, she sounds kinda mid as far as body type, the way you've described her.

Sounds like you're dating a Chinese ironing board.

A really pretty one.

But then beauty is subjective.

I've had friends that go on about a pretty woman and to me shes ok.

And I've thought a woman attractive but others didn't because they judged a woman's appearance on the idea if they had a chance with her.

Sent from my LM-V600 using Tapatalk
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Today , 02:08 AM
I agree, I find that how a woman treats and respects you (I mean real respect, not if she makes you dinner once in a while) is more important than if she's fantastic looking vs just good looking.

Edit: Bottom line for me: If a woman who you just ****ed and is in bed with you is openly texting another guy (!) right afterwards (when you've asked her to be your freaking GF), she doesn't respect you one bit.

Last edited by All-inMcLovin; Today at 02:14 AM.
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Today , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
She wanted to invite Indian guy out Friday night bc I tried to get her to come to Albany we me and some friends I have (girls). I asked her- isn’t it awkward if we both go out bc you went out with both of us- I still kinda believe she doesn’t like dude and he’s just a friend but that is like a funny thought (she prolly boned him).
she likes being chased

idea of putting two guys in the same room with her who are both pursuing is entertainment for her

idk man, it kind of sounds like this girl is attractive but just really sucks otherwise
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Today , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
Building furniture together is probably code for some specific type of ****ing.
we should start a gameshow, "are they building furniture or having sex"

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Today , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
she likes being chased

idea of putting two guys in the same room with her who are both pursuing is entertainment for her

idk man, it kind of sounds like this girl is attractive but just really sucks otherwise
Yeah it sounds like he's putting that attractiveness on a pedestal.
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Today , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
The good news is that she’s being honest. And that’s actually a big thing and a good thing.

The bad news re that is it means she isn’t super bothered about if that hurts your feelings

‘Can’t see you being a dad yet’ = code for money and ‘prospects’. Doesn’t have to mean she’s a gold digger and women are very happy to take on projects if the raw materials are there but idk what you do for a living and how much $$ you make and what the future prospects of it are but I do think that’s the key, more so than ‘can he mow the lawn’

Idk, if I were you I would either

1. continue seeing her and ****ing her but draw back from the touch freely stuff - be nice but be stronger with her and hold back with the emotional stuff - also be a little hard to get and not always at her beck and call. And be strong with yourself about setting parameters and timing for how long you’re prepared to put up with that

2. Pull back immediately, tell her you like her but don’t want to mess around any more and won’t see her again until there’s a commitment

What you can’t do is give her all the emotional stuff and companionship she wants while she still sees other people. She won’t respect you and you’ll demean yourself

I make 6 figures- upstate ny so costs aren’t insanely high compared to big city USA. Not cheap but like middle of the road costs- in doing better than most people in my age group. I don’t think it’s an assets thing per se- she may think I have a gambling or spending problem per se but I think that could easily be fixed and I have a great income. I do think it’s a husband/ father thing as I do come off as immature.

Idk she texted me this morning she misses me lol. Still think she’s going to be my gf in 2 weeks. I might be way off but I’ve never had a girl treat me as well as she has. If she had no interest- she wouldn’t openly text me etc and quickly respond to my texts.

Btw to appearance thing- this chick is really smart, has solid career, and looks great. She’s not a sloth who sits at home, doesn’t go to gym, etc. I feel most chicks on dating apps where I live look terrible- they don’t work out and go to gym + are country/ red neckish. This chick dresses extremely well and her personality is wonderful. I don’t think it’s a looks thing per se- they are great but she’s more well rounded than her looks.
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Today , 08:47 AM
The problem is, even if you succeed, it's going to suck for you because she's so addicted to male attention. Do you think that's going away if she becomes your girlfriend or, god forbid, wife?
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