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The Office comes back Thursday!!!! The Office comes back Thursday!!!!

04-26-2008 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by pirateboy
Solid EP, but weakest of the last 3 IMO. Still better than other TV.
wow i thought it was eons better than the first one back and still a lot better than the second one back.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
04-26-2008 , 04:23 AM
For me it was this weeks about even with the dinner party and both much better than last week. I thought this week's episode had a lot of good stuff. The scenes with Ryan, Dwight, Michael and the hobbit were all really good and while it wasn't all great there were a few really good lines from both office parts of the episode.

I think I laughed the hardest, once again, at Creed's line.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
04-26-2008 , 05:05 AM
found the acting to be very poor. i thought ryan/pam/jim/toby were all pretty unconvincing
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04-26-2008 , 08:15 AM
Dwight was insanely good this week.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
04-26-2008 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by drexah
lol the first thing i thought of when i saw ryan in this episode (after the conference scene) was that he was on E, then 10 seconds later i realized it was coke. yea it was pretty obvious for people who have done it or whatever but i'd have to agree with goofy...the majority of people watching this show probably had absolutely no idea until the blatant jittery finger scene / him going to the bathroom right after. pretty funny episode i laughed out loud a few times (dwight on that guy resembling a tolkien charater was awesome) but i didn't think the stuck in the office bit was even funny at all, actually kind of pissed me off because it seemed like they were setting up some sort of 'failure' between jim & pam in the future, and jim reminded me way too much of michael.
I agree with all this.
All of the Dwight/ Hobbit stuff was gold.
(takes off glasses) "Do you have powers?" or "Don't step on him."

Also, I can't figure out their endgame with Pam and Jim. I could see them possibly breaking up/having a fight then getting back together and getting married to end the series.

This continuing trend of Jim acting like Michael when he isn't around has to stop. It's so dumb and Jim's character is way too funny to have him turn into an idiot.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
04-26-2008 , 02:17 PM
This episode was a lot less horrible than most of the ones from the past season+. Michael was a lot less stupidly implausible and caricaturistic and Ryan's character was a lot more natural feeling and believable, apart from the first few minutes when he's visiting the branch which was pretty painful. Toby's bit came off as super forced and not believable and the "Jim gets everybody stuck in the building and now they are mildly annoyed at him" subplot was pretty flat and didn't make me care a single bit about their plight. I felt like I was just waiting for those scenes to be over so they could get back to the Michael/Dwight/Ryan.

Overall it was bittersweet. Disappointing because it still had so much of what I've come to loathe about the show, but good because it seemed like they're hopefully moving back to the right direction. Sadly, the only part about watching it that I can think back on that makes me happy is LCD's Tribulations playing in the background of the first club (imo their best track to date).
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
04-26-2008 , 02:20 PM
Oh yes, and Dwight's character was way better than he has been in a long while, mostly because he didn't have as many lines and they weren't shoving a seemingly never-ending stream of his parody-of-himself qualities down the viewer's throat like they have been lately.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
04-26-2008 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Yeti
i dunno. some of you guys are way too generous with your praise. did it keep my attention? yes. were there a few laughs? sure. was it a good episode? no, not even close.

i am especially disappointed with matty declaring this the best episode of the season. and i'm not one of those who think everything should be kept inside the office. 'woa, michael and dwight going to NYC to go clubbing with ryan? sounds awesome!'. but it just wasn't that funny at all. michael ordering food in a club? HAHA. ryan doing tons of coke and dancing like an idiot? LOL! there's a little guy and dwight keeps calling him a hobbit? MFING HILARIOUS!

just very very weak writing.

there were some good bits. i did like the panning to the locked gate scene heh, that was pretty funny. but tbh even jim was pretty hit and miss in this episode, which is very rare. the toby leg scene was maybe the most awkward tv moment of all time. yikes.
Yeti is the voice of reason on this episode. It was a pretty weak episode by Office standards. The episode looks great on paper as he said, but it was just sloppy writing. And the Pam/Toby thing is not funny Office awkwardness, it's too weird and forced. They keep beating us over the head with the awkward scenes these past 3 episodes. I like it when it's just subtle and believeable.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
04-27-2008 , 11:05 PM
Good ep. I think that this ep was the best presentation of the Dwight character in a long time.

The Hobbit in the deleted scene was classic..."Don't blame me for what Ryan does. I'm not his dad. I'm his friend. Friends help you have a good time.....and sell you the stuff you need to have a good time".
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
04-27-2008 , 11:41 PM
this episode was hit or miss. when i saw the description online, i was very excited bc i figured this premise had a lot of promise, but it didnt fully deliver.

dwight was excellent. ryan was funny at times. michael was ok (the calling his mom in the club was very amusing). the stuff in the office wasn't engaging or all that funny. i found myself just hoping for the scenes to cut back to the club every time.

i think the jim is a bad manager storylines always seem forced and odd (the previous episodes with the one birthday party a year idea was something that made no sense for his character to think) and the whole idea that the security guard would lock the gate when there are still a ton of cars inside makes no sense. also, how is it that jim, whose job is to sell people stuff over the phone, was so awkward in a phone conversation?

now that they've lost the dramatic tension of the will-they/wont-they pam and jim stuff, they seem to be struggling with what to do for the more serious subplots. i honestly like it better if they just do purely light-hearted stuff. the british version of the office was far superior in infusing drama into the show.(then again, that was probably the best depiction of the soul-crushingly brutal life of working in a **** white collar job i think there will ever be on television)
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
04-28-2008 , 07:30 PM
just watched; this was easily the best recent episode. great stuff.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:00 PM

MGS? No. Some idiot named Mark Greg Sputnik will take credit.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:06 PM

and I thought toby was supposed to be in costa rica.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:06 PM

Holy ****, Stanley the Manley.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:07 PM
LOL @ Dwight. Master negotiator.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:09 PM
omg this episode is the nuts so far
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:09 PM
Is an Xterra really a chick car? I've never really gotten that impression.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:11 PM
Yeah, unless the second half is god awful, this will easily be the best episode since the restart, if not the whole season.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:13 PM
OMG Creed, you kill me.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:14 PM

"I'd like to put a piano in front of Pam without her glasses and see what happens. I'd also like to see her topless."

That's [censored] gold.

EDIT: If Michael tickles Stanley, I will **** my pants.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by MikeyPatriot
OMG Creed, you kill me.
Just about to post about Creed. LOL at the topless comment.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by MikeyPatriot
Yeah, unless the second half is god awful, this will easily be the best episode since the restart, if not the whole season.
Do you really watch TV shows with this in mind? Really?
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:17 PM
LOL @ dwight scameing andy

if this episode had stock I would go all-in.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by lippy
Do you really watch TV shows with this in mind? Really?
Do you really make posts like this on message boards? Really?

Edit: And for the record, no I don't. But a common theme of this thread has been ranking each show compared to the others, so I'd thought I'd share. Sorry that got your panties in a bunch.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:20 PM
this is awesome. So good. Ive loved every moment thusfar.
The Office comes back Thursday!!!! Quote
