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***nOOTvember general/low content discussion thread*** ***nOOTvember general/low content discussion thread***

11-23-2008 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Triumph36
when i see a post by myself in a thread, i know it's gonna be pretty good
Don't throw your back out trying to suck your own dick!!!
11-23-2008 , 04:11 PM
I'm gonna float a late lunch at on Dec. 6 for the OOT meetup. We can get a couple barons and some delicious bbq chicken empanadas. I think this coming week a lot of people will be gone for Thanksgiving and if we wait too much longer it starts to get into Christmas vacation. Becca, memento, solids, Triumph, killa and whoever else can make it are welcome to come.
11-23-2008 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
Don't throw your back out trying to suck your own dick!!!
lol fo realz
11-23-2008 , 04:25 PM
lol plz, that was hilarious
11-23-2008 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Eyedea

I'm not sure why this bothers me, and it probably reflects poorly on myself that I root for "cooler" or "more unique charities" that are basically one person operations, but the money goes to this big operation.
Alternatively, Noah [redacted] doesn't care about black people.
11-23-2008 , 06:21 PM
Anyone seen any of Seth Mcfarland's cavalcade of cartoon comedy? Its basically Family guy "flashbacks" without the rest of Family Guy.

A sample
11-23-2008 , 10:20 PM
Anyone had experience with depositing checks at a bank teller in the US?
Let's say a guy has a check, and it is written out to some other guy, and there is an account number at the back. Can he say, "Hay I am depositing this check for some other guy." How anal are banks about this?
11-23-2008 , 11:11 PM
Ok, I've had enough of this. Mickey Mouse's ears in profile don't make sense.

He turns to the side and his ears magically pivot, rotate, and slide around his head? I'm not buying it.

They should look like this:

Or if we are to believe they are spherical, then this:

These animators have been getting away with this for decades and no one says a word. Enough. THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES.
11-24-2008 , 01:08 AM
And yet the missing fingers don't bother you?
11-24-2008 , 01:14 AM
Industrial accident afaik.
11-24-2008 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by Taso
taso's sick
and too congested to sleep
11-24-2008 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by AC-Cobra
I want to resurrect Dids' idea of an OOT champion poster bracket. As Dids himself said it would be great as OOT loves bracket's (see swede's various movie ones), loves talking about itself and loves poster competitions. Can we make this happen Killa?

Also, and I havent been around forever so this may suck, but what if we had a 1 time tournament for those exiled from OOT via Survivor. As in one winner gets welcomed back into the fray. Of course this would only work if there are enough non sucky posters that have been exiled and I have 0 clue on this matter.
By the way I'd be more than willign to put forth the effort for doing the bracket etc. People actually want it? Triumph scurred? Killa?
11-24-2008 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by econophile
I'm gonna float a late lunch at on Dec. 6 for the OOT meetup. We can get a couple barons and some delicious bbq chicken empanadas. I think this coming week a lot of people will be gone for Thanksgiving and if we wait too much longer it starts to get into Christmas vacation. Becca, memento, solids, Triumph, killa and whoever else can make it are welcome to come.
weekends in december aren't looking great for me, so i have to respectfully decline.
11-24-2008 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Eyedea
I'm currently reading Stumbling on Happines by Daniel Gilbert

The tag line on that site says that "Gilbert write like a cross between Malcolm Gladwell and David Sedaris" which I think is pretty good praise.

Enjoying it so far, will report back when finished.
It was ok to me. I dislike his overall premise, and his ending solution. His solution is ludicrous at the end because there is no way you will find someone with the same life experiences that you can use as a reference point.

However, despite disliking the beginning and end, the middle was chock full of goodness about how your brain tricks you to believe or remember things, and was a great education.

11-24-2008 , 10:31 AM
My radio at the moment is set to C-SPAN, which has a 3 hour call-in program called Washington Journal in the morning. In the post election climate, there are some pretty hilarious weirdos coming out of the woodwork (I'm sure they were there before and are just becoming more visible now.)

Some examples:

Woman: "These executives, blah blah blah. They should work for minimum wage, see how they like it."
Host: "What do you do?"
Woman: "I'm self employed, but at least I manufacture something that gets . . ."
Host: "What do you manufacture?"
Woman: "Pornography. I . . . " <click>


Man: ". . . you know, these big corporations screw up, and the government rushes in to bail them out. But I'm trying to do some experimentation and design something new and ecologically sensible, and I can't get a loan or any funding, and the government isn't coming to help me out."
Host: "What do you want to design?"
Man: "Oh, it's great and uses space technology. It's a device that turns urine into drinking water. Actually, you can mount it right on your fridge and have either water or ice cubes."
11-24-2008 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by gumpzilla
Man: "Oh, it's great and uses space technology. It's a device that turns urine into drinking water. Actually, you can mount it right on your fridge and have either water or ice cubes."
when you get your invention ideas from bad kevin costner films, something went drastically wrong in your life somewhere.
11-24-2008 , 11:02 AM
I have an alarm clock problem that someone may be able to help with.

I want an alarm clock that has separate volume setting for the radio and the alarm. Sometimes I like to listen to some music or talk shows quietly, using the sleep timer, while falling asleep at night, but have the alarm blast the **** out me in the AM.

I search the webz last year around Christmas time for a few hours, and have tried a bit this year to no avail. If there's one that's also an Ipod docking station then it's a bonus.
11-24-2008 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by P Chippa
I have an alarm clock problem that someone may be able to help with.

I want an alarm clock that has separate volume setting for the radio and the alarm. Sometimes I like to listen to some music or talk shows quietly, using the sleep timer, while falling asleep at night, but have the alarm blast the **** out me in the AM.

I search the webz last year around Christmas time for a few hours, and have tried a bit this year to no avail. If there's one that's also an Ipod docking station then it's a bonus.
If one of these doesnt exist make it yourself. I think you've got a better shot than the urine to water guy.
11-24-2008 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by AC-Cobra
If one of these doesnt exist make it yourself. I think you've got a better shot than the urine to water guy.
Chippa Inc

Bacon Rings and Alarm Clocks for the masses
11-24-2008 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by garcia1000
Anyone had experience with depositing checks at a bank teller in the US?
Let's say a guy has a check, and it is written out to some other guy, and there is an account number at the back. Can he say, "Hay I am depositing this check for some other guy." How anal are banks about this?
You could walk in dressed like a Taliban terrorist and say you are depositing a check for some guy youve never met and they wouldnt care.

Just deposit it like normal, they arent even going to know you arent whoevers name is on the check, if they ask something personal just go "oh, im just depositing this in his account", and thats it.

I ruitinely (wtf, I try to spell check this word and it gives me "fruitiness"?????) deposit checks for someone with an spanish name, im a goofy looking white guy the tellers most of the time give me a receipt that contains his account balances and crap and tell me "have a nice day Mr. Sanchez"
11-24-2008 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
I ruitinely (wtf, I try to spell check this word and it gives me "fruitiness"?????) deposit checks for someone with an spanish name, im a goofy looking white guy the tellers most of the time give me a receipt that contains his account balances and crap and tell me "have a nice day Mr. Sanchez"
That reminds me, when I go to Albertson's, I never remember my "VIP card" or whatever the heck it is, and use my phone number, which I have had the same for about 12 years. This phone number for Albertson's is tied to a roommate from way back named Dave Hummel, yet I always pay with my debit card which has my name on it. However, the VIP card name must always override because every single damn cashier says 'Thank you Mr. Hummel, have a nice day.'

I almost feel like a criminal who has successfully stolen someone's identity for profit..

11-24-2008 , 11:43 AM

Mr Hummel thanks you for the all the free turkeys your Alberton's points have allowed him to receive over the years.
11-24-2008 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by 4_2_it

Mr Hummel thanks you for the all the free turkeys your Alberton's points have allowed him to receive over the years.
He is more than welcome since a) I'm saving money using his likeness, he can consider it residuals/royalties, and b) that albertson's makes fresh brown rise sushi every day. MMMMmmmmm.

11-24-2008 , 12:25 PM
Two quick funny kid stories poker related that I thought you would get a laugh out of:

1. So, we were at dinner with Dan, a friend of his from out of town, and me and my wife and kids. At some point the conversation some up about how smart Randy is. Kelly asks Randy what we call a pre-algebra question of "X+y = 10 if X is 4, what is y" which is actually really effing hard for a 6 year old.

In the spirit of showing that Randy was smart in a variety of things, I then asked "Ok Randy, you have KT, and the flop comes Q84, do you check bet or fold?" He said "check" which is perfect for the information given and what we have taught him (he plays "fit or fold" poker, which is good enough for his age ), and the wife gave me an evil look.

2. So my wife yelled at me last week. Randy has to read for ten to fifteen minutes a day every day for homework in his reading log.

Last week on Tuesday, my wife had an appointment she had to go to, and asked if I could take the kids to swim class. We agreed that I would just meet her at swim class about an hour early; the kids would bring their homework with them, and do it there, while she went to her appointment. (This was because of location of the swim class to my work and rush hour consideration)

So, Randy does the rest of his homework, and then wants to do his reading, but doesn't have a book to read. I check my bag, and, well, I have one book in there.

So, on Tuesday, Randy's reading log showed 10-15 minutes of "Hold em for advanced players"

