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*** No (supafey is not a good poster) vember Official LC thread *** *** No (supafey is not a good poster) vember Official LC thread ***

11-21-2018 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I thought the correct response to bad thinman posting has always been to comment on his relationship with his kids.
He once non-ironically complained about another player at a blackjack table taking the dealer's bust cards, so you can mix that in as well.
11-21-2018 , 01:09 PM

lol, i've never once complained at a bj table, you've been licking solar panels with microbet again
11-21-2018 , 01:23 PM
About, not at.



lol 'work zones'

bj idiots @ <$25 tables don't bother me at all. pretty much expected.

idiots at quarter tables can piss me off pretty good depending on the idiot, but it rarely tilts me.


What do these idiots do that pisses you off?

standard stuff, you've seen it all too. i guess a good one would be a full table, single deck. you only get two hands these days. first hand leaves the count fat in our favor, maybe one 10+ came out and someone split 7s. second hand dealer 6 and everyone happily sits on their 19's/20s...except third base with his 12 and the dyeing need to defend his $25.

roll the 10, roll the 5.

we've all seen it before. still not enough to tilt me, but sure, i get pissed.
11-21-2018 , 01:29 PM
Perhaps you should post some pics with less clothes on so we can see how much the coat flatters your figure
11-21-2018 , 01:37 PM
LKJ is correct that the chance of a Thinman apology is zero.
11-21-2018 , 01:45 PM
So we're finally going to get to see what it really means to get doubled up. I, for one, am excite.
11-21-2018 , 02:25 PM
I nominate Yeti to be the OOT mod to handle the level 2 escalation
11-21-2018 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by microbet

I don't think you're going to get anywhere with your revenge plan (and might get yourself banned), but I'll support you with an anarchy-ban and ignore Thinman until you call a lifting of the seige.
Naaahhhh.... See... If stage two and three won't work, I will leave 2+2. Because I won't be in any environment, where such crap is acceptable. And till then I will read-up on Thinman's posting history and see what fun I could have with it, when I am not on 2+2 any more.

Originally Posted by de captain
If you're worried about stupid comments from stupid men you're going to have a hard time here.
Till this point I was only one time in a similar situation. Actually majority of the time was cool here.

Originally Posted by LKJ
The progression where you started with a winky emoticon and then later decided to become so enraged that you're threatening to exact IRL consequences is a pretty strange one.
I do cut men here some slack to what I accept and what I don't and try to react jokingly to more stuff than I do in RL. That led to winky emoticon. He emphasized with his reaction that the intention was not a joke but really sexual harassment.

Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
LKJ is correct that the chance of a Thinman apology is zero.
That is perfectly fine and an option I totally consider.

Originally Posted by Brock Landers
Perhaps you should post some pics with less clothes on so we can see how much the coat flatters your figure
Very wrong moment for that.
11-21-2018 , 02:51 PM
Lol are overreacting
I read through Thinman's post and saw them as nothing but funny.

Didn't read the backstory, but that jacket doesn't look good. Your skin looks young and I imagine that jacket ages you by 20yrs. And paired with that floral skirt just screams grandma.
11-21-2018 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Lol are overreacting
I read through Thinman's post and saw them as nothing but funny.

That is one of the differences between me and you.
11-21-2018 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Lol are overreacting
I read through Thinman's post and saw them as nothing but funny.

Didn't read the backstory, but that jacket doesn't look good. Your skin looks young and I imagine that jacket ages you by 20yrs. And paired with that floral skirt just screams grandma.

When did you escape containment?
11-21-2018 , 03:03 PM
dz calling someone a milk’n’toast is the most ape thing in history
11-21-2018 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by lapka
That is one of the differences between me and you.
I knew there was something. I just couldn't put my finger on it. Thanks.
11-21-2018 , 03:06 PM
Ugh Jesus Christ people.
11-21-2018 , 03:06 PM
I dare you to PM killa to inform him that you'll quit the site if your demands aren't met.

Seriously, while I want to tread lightly because I get that sexism crops up constantly in women's lives and isn't good, Thinman is just a troll (and bust-card truther) who people don't take seriously. It would be completely impossible for most posters to get riled by him, no matter how far he has objectively crossed the line in any given post. And this particular bit of trolling from his end was completely lazy, low-energy, and generic garbage. You should at least make him work up something clever in order to draw this sort of reaction.
11-21-2018 , 03:09 PM
Thinman gets a break. Feel free to continue defending that jackass though. MLYLT, stay the **** out of this thread.
11-21-2018 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
Thinman gets a break. Feel free to continue defending that jackass though. MLYLT, stay the **** out of this thread.
You should have waited until he posted his boobs imo.
11-21-2018 , 03:14 PM

Just so you know, threatening to trainwreck someone irl is probably a worse offense than what thinman did. He was making a joke. Much like you were making a joke when you referred to yourself as a revengeful *****. Btw that, that should be 'vengeful'.

My biggest disappointment though is the 'I will take my ball and go home' schtick. Do you even have a ball? You benefit from ott FAR more than ott benefits from you. You are a semi-endearing mascot for all intents and purposes.

Here is a cold, hard truth of any and all forums on the internet: Nobody ****ing cares whether you go or stay and anyone who leaves will have no real impact on the forum. Nobody. ****ing. Cares.


It was "Reading comprehension you freaking dildo', in red, reduced to RCYFD

PS - Lapka, Thinman also used to go by By-Tor. This may help with your creepy internet stalking of his past posting.

PPS - Z had a lot of valid takes on the situation, but much like Thinman, they get muddied by his online persona.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
11-21-2018 , 03:53 PM
When does Festivus kick off? Should be a good year!
11-21-2018 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit

Just so you know, threatening to trainwreck someone irl is probably a worse offense than what thinman did. He was making a joke. Much like you were making a joke when you referred to yourself as a revengeful *****. Btw that, that should be 'vengeful'.

My biggest disappointment though is the 'I will take my ball and go home' schtick. Do you even have a ball? You benefit from ott FAR more than ott benefits from you. You are a semi-endearing mascot for all intents and purposes.

Here is a cold, hard truth of any and all forums on the internet: Nobody ****ing cares whether you go or stay and anyone who leaves will have no real impact on the forum. Nobody. ****ing. Cares.
How often did you read that I will leave and see me stay?

I completely understand that no one cares. I mean I saw, less than you, but enough people leaving. And I totally profit a lot from OOT. How I deal with life changed here for the good. It would be a serious loss for me if I had to leave. I would miss a lot of people from here. But the thing is ..... It is not about what I learned here or so.... It is about how I feel here.... And I will leave the moment someone starts mistreating me. I will leave and won't look back. It is not a threat or so..... Like I said, I completely understand that no one cares. It is just a fact. And you know that he wasn't joking. His reaction to my very clearly drawn boundary proofs that he wasn't joking. And about trainwreckin .... If I wouldn't be here any more that would be exactly what I would be doing. I am glad that I don't have to. But I won't let no one be a dick to me without consequences.

It is exactly like first time when I was in a similar situation. A lot of people say something along the lines: "Just ignore him. He is just a troll. Don't wrestle with a pig because you get muddy and the pig will enjoy it " NO!
You clearly have to choose your battles in life. And I do cut a lot of slack men for something like a not so classy joke. But when I very clearly signal "STOP" and a guy continues, I see red. And I won't share any space with any pigs.
11-21-2018 , 04:15 PM
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
11-21-2018 , 04:17 PM
I'm in the bad posting containment thread but the title is not what it should be? Have I gotten lost? Send help?
11-21-2018 , 04:26 PM
I've heard Larry say 'bad posting' irl so now it echos when I read that. Which is nice.
11-21-2018 , 04:29 PM

The title has supa in it, what more could you want from a bad posting containment thread title?
11-21-2018 , 04:30 PM
My ослабленный lapushka,

On 2+2 there is literally one real rule and you're breaking it.


True story I was going to include you with the other lame vanillas but you're not that old and I was going for accuracy.

Last edited by DoctorZangief; 11-21-2018 at 04:37 PM. Reason: bahahah thinman banned
