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Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief

01-07-2016 , 07:29 AM
I don't buy this. As a native california who has been high since conception - unless your weed is laced with something I don't get how you can be so in "withdrawal"

Times I've had to quit weed I get super irritated and get some insomnia but it doesn't become like a shaking, freak out withdrawal... however everyone's body chemistry is different so to each their own
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 07:30 AM
I do appreciate however that even if you're up 48 straight hours from lack of THC that you haven't lashed out at anyone in any Beast-like way - A Beast would be WAY more belligerent by now
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by Natamus
I don't buy this. As a native california who has been high since conception - unless your weed is laced with something I don't get how you can be so in "withdrawal"

Times I've had to quit weed I get super irritated and get some insomnia but it doesn't become like a shaking, freak out withdrawal... however everyone's body chemistry is different so to each their own
Just in, People are different! Have you been diagnosed with a similar mental illness as Tuma seems to have ?
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 08:27 AM
Good luck Tuma.
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by Natamus
however everyone's body chemistry is different so to each their own
Its called reading comprehension Yak you autistic penetrate
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 08:39 AM
Found a bottle of Neurontin in my room. It's an epilepsy drug (no side effects booyakasha!) that can help mood issues. Took 100mg a little while ago. Feeling a little more sleepy (sitting at a computer seems helpful. Before I was posting on my phone/wasting in my bed for about 3 days), not sure if it's a bias, natural falling asleep time, helpful lol_meds, or what. It doesn't matter. I'm about 30% to visit the ER now.

Again, I know no apology is needed, and sorry has less meaning the more you use it, but I am indeed sorry for dragging my issues through your guys morning reading material. It just kind of helps to talk about them in an honest way.
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 08:41 AM
Watch hockey
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 08:43 AM

Good for sleep
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 08:44 AM

(Not in the mood to figure out how to rotate this.)

If there's any sensitive info in this picture please delete it Alobar.
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 08:51 AM
Looks clean, hang in there tuna, this too shall pass and you'll get the rest
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Natamus
Looks clean, hang in there tuna, this too shall pass and you'll get the rest
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe

Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 09:05 AM
Why are you worried about how long you've been without sleep? I mean obviously it sucks but I think people have been awake for a lot longer than that without serious ill effects.
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 09:20 AM
I can see your name there, Mr. Northstar Fox
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 09:32 AM
Tuma needs some fish oil
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 10:01 AM
A shot of brandy and you'll be right as rain.
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 11:17 AM
Get some sleep Tuma, we'll need you rested when Babs comes back. 48 hours doesn't seem too big of a deal health at all wise though
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 11:23 AM
Probably only a 15% chance of dying.

I was lying about Detroit btw. It's vile.
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Probably only a 15% chance of dying.

I was lying about Detroit btw. It's vile.
You have a way higher than 15% chance of dying in Detroit
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 11:28 AM
I'm heading over to Chicago where people still have some humanity.
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 11:37 AM
As far as Im aware of, you cant suffer any sort of damage from just being awake. Eventually your body goes to sleep. Unless you have some rare medical condition (you don't) where you actually cant sleep, then you eventually die. There was some study, where they forced people awake for like 10 days or something, and once they got sleep, they were back to normal with no adverse affects. So im way late to the party, but dont pay a few thousand dollars in medicals just because you are freaking out about not sleeping. good luck either way tho, hope you get through this
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by DrawNone

Please allowed tBab an hour or two of uninterrupted posting, as long as he agrees to answer questions. It sounds like he has a few exciting stories to tell since we last heard from him.
Sounds like he should do larrys podcast then!
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 12:28 PM
El Niño loosening his belt on the Bay Area, soon a beast will be paddling a milk carton to his hookup to buy weed while the turtles look on in horror
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
Excessive weed.
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
01-07-2016 , 12:53 PM
Good luck Tuma.
Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief Quote
