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Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl

11-02-2010 , 03:06 AM
I realize this is super pathetic, but I don’t have the best natural game and would appreciate advice or any comments about getting date with this girl.

So I order food out a lot as I am way too lazy to make it. So I went to outback steak house where you call and they deliver the food to your car (curbside service).

First encounter:
Cute girl comes to my car (at least 8/10 on my scale)…
Her- you look familiar
Me- haha not sure
Her- blah blah
….standard transaction from there. I noticed she was strangely nervous while talking (stumbling over a few of her words), thought that was weird as she was pretty hot. From her body language/conversation it seemed like she was showing some interest in me. Thought very little about this initial encounter.

Second encounter (two weeks later)

Same hot girl comes up to car.
Her: it’s cold out here
Me: yeah, is that an official outback steak jacket you got there?
Her: yeah, blah blah
Me: do you get to keep it?
Her: no I wish, maybe if I leave I can ask em to give it to me as a gift.
*Hands me receipts*
Me: why are there like 6 receipts? (jokingly)
Her: haha its just one long one folded. We fold em because they are so big..
Me: o damn.
(I just got a txt msg, so I glance quickly at phone)
Her: I don’t want to go back inside, they will make me work.
Me: really?
I am about to ask her a follow up Q, after my lame response, but sadly she goes inside and I realize saying “really” was far from smooth (o well live and learn). So she comes back and hands me the food, we exchange pleasantries, and then I am out like a thief in the night.


I want to ask this girl out. She is cute, seems genuinely nice and doesn’t seem completely repulsed by me like most girls (joke). I plan to maybe make some small talk next time and ask her “can I take you to lunch sometime” (sound okay?). However, I realize 1on1 first time food dates can be a little awkward, so anyone got a better idea on what to do or is a lunch date standard protocol? How long until I plan my next visit there? If she says no or is taken, I will feel a little bit led on as it feels like there is a bit more then surface interest in each other. Worst choice is doing nothing right? I don't know what college she goes to, her name, if she goes to college, how old she is, but hopefully I can find this all out. Just would appreciate some feedback before I muster up the courage.

Yo henry, do I have a chance or am I completely screwed? Also, I will post updates, ldo.
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 03:11 AM
adurrr, really? they'll make you work???

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11-02-2010 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by Taso
adurrr, really? they'll make you work???

lmao. If I followed up with the last part, at least it would be clear I was joking.

just saying "really" is about as bad as it gets. looool.
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 03:34 AM
before everyone piles on this guy with "ohh man you really ****ed up at 'really' ", saying ANYTHING is not intrinsically a bad or good thing. just wanted to point that out. like a cool guy could say something even 'intrinsically' worse like "HERP DERP" and it would probably even be funny. again, there is no such thing as intrinsically bad thing to say to a girl, its all relative

now onto the question, you have under a 0.01% chance with this girl, do you think this girl, with the amount of guys that she meets / offers to go out that she gets every day, would want to date you -- a guy obviously with no experience with girls like her, and with no understanding about how to handle her?

and i am not suggesting this girl is gods gift, because obviously she's just a ****ing waitress. but you should move on.
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 03:39 AM
Also I read the rest of your post and it says you would feel led on if she rejects you, based on the "more than surface" chat you had with her, consisting of "I don't feel like working." Are you for real? Jesus christ.

Case in point, even if she steps into your car and sucks your dick right there, you should still not feel led on. Based on the content of your post, I think if she flirted with you like she does with other customers normally, you would buy the ring in advance "just to get it ready."
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by Double Ice
before everyone piles on this guy with "ohh man you really ****ed up at 'really' ", saying ANYTHING is not intrinsically a bad or good thing. just wanted to point that out. like a cool guy could say something even 'intrinsically' worse like "HERP DERP" and it would probably even be funny. again, there is no such thing as intrinsically bad thing to say to a girl, its all relative

now onto the question, you have under a 0.01% chance with this girl, do you think this girl, with the amount of guys that she meets / offers to go out that she gets every day, would want to date you -- a guy obviously with no experience with girls like her, and with no understanding about how to handle her?

and i am not suggesting this girl is gods gift, because obviously she's just a ****ing waitress. but you should move on.
yeah so what, that doesnt mean he cant take a shot right? Agree that odds are against him but I disagree about 0.01%
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 04:13 AM
I would forget about this girl for now and start working on yourself. Get in shape, get some confidence, read some material on how to handle social situations, etc. You obviously have some self-esteem and confidence issues going on. Nothing out of the ordinary for a young clueless dude such as yourself. We've all been there (well, most of us.) There are a million waitresses out there when you're ready. You've already blown it with this one and there is nothing special about her anyway (She's cute and nice. Big deal.)
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 04:22 AM
she totally wants the ****
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11-02-2010 , 04:44 AM
Here's some advice to get you on the right track, since you appear totally clueless (no offense.)

Girls have a very simple and sure-fire way of judging you. They will ask you a very simple question: "Do girls of my status usually go for you?" If you answer yes, then they'll pretty much bypass all the rest of it (for the time being.) If you answer no, they'll move on. The way that they ask you is by sensing whether or not you are confident around them. If you are, then they will assume that you are used to getting girls like them and must meet the requirements of being a good mate (good at making friends, good at dressing yourself, good at conversation, good at dealing with conflict, good in bed, etc.) If you're not confident, then they will assume it's because you are out of your league and they'll move on. Pretty simple stuff, and it all comes with practice. Of course, they will eventually find out if you are not good at any of those things, so get good at them and the confidence will come naturally.
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by MiztaBlue
doesn’t seem completely repulsed by me like most girls (joke).
this is not good that you felt the need to clarify.
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 04:56 AM
Heres what you do, ur suppose to say"allright honny come in my car and ill warm you up"

then you park your car and start eating and purposely get your hands messy and drop a piece of food on your crotch and ask her to hand you a napkin... then she sluttily says"i'll help you with that" (whipes you down there then...) then gives you head... easy game son!
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:00 AM
When I'm nervous about something whether its a presentation/speech for school or I'm at some party talking to ladies I do my best work slightly intoxicated. Whether its a little drunk or a little high I found my perfect state of mind in social situations because I become loose and more comfortable with the people around me. OP you need to find your perfect state of mind, its usually whatever relaxes you.

Another thing, like the previous posters said you're going to get owned a few times before you polish your game. I know I made some of the worst noob mistakes and sometimes I got denied hard, but soon I realized it was okay because I just kept on practicing and then my success rate went up. GL man.
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:02 AM
Muster up the courage and ask her for a coffee.

Couple of things to keep in mind:

1. Waitresses flirt with every guy, she's not in love with you.
2. The coffee date may be so ****in boring that you want to gouge your eyes out.
3. I have no clue if you seem like a good date, how her situation is. The first will mostly determine if she say yes.

You should just ask her out to get it out of your system and see how your initial feeling matches up.
If you see her regulary you could try some more flirting but since she's working you dont have lots of room. Girls like this just snap judge you based on looks/status since you have no chance to show anything else.

Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:24 AM
+1 to go build up your self confidence.
Go to gym make a ton of money etc etc.

Also hot girls aren't worth dating. Esp overly social ones or ones that work at social places (like restaurants).
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:27 AM
I think I came across as more clueless then I actually am. I am not that guy, who thinks any waitress that makes conversation is in love with me. I do realize that with my original post it comes off that way. I also don’t think this girl is out of my league and its not even close.

For what its worth, I am young, good looking, tall, have a good sense of humor, have good friends, intelligent,play a sport, have a nice car, know what I want to do in life and have money. I hate to sound like a narcissist, but I do believe I am far more attractive than the average male my age. I’ve had girls give me their #’s before and I am much more confident with girls then I was previously (one of my closest friends is a girl). I have been working out for awhile and feel good about myself.

On the other side of the spectrum, I do have a lot of confidence issues. Mostly from the past, but it obviously carries over. I will admit my social skills can certainly improve, as I don’t possess the natural gift of gab like some of my friends. I HATE awkward silences so I usually fire out questions to avoid it, which might come across as unnatural but I am working on fixing this. I still have a lot of room to improve socially and I enjoy reading/learning from my wrongdoings. If you saw me you would probably think I do a lot better then I actually do.

I am confident that despite my screw up here, I still have a decent chance. I am still an attractive male specimen who believes the chance of a first date are high. You guys say 0.01% but I honestly think its above 50%+. Worst case scenario, she rejects me, I stop eating there, develop an eating disorder and die.
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:35 AM
very simple...

Next time you order food and she brings it out to you this should happen.

You: Hey, um, do you think I can ask you something?
Her: Uh, sure.. what's up?
You: Well, I mean, I'm sure guys ask you this all the time at this job but *deep gaze into her eyes*......
Her: *terrified look like OMG another loser is going to ask me if he can take me out sometime*
You: ..... do you think you could bring me some extra napkins?

and then she laughs and lets you put it in her butt.
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by SiQ
very simple...

Next time you order food and she brings it out to you this should happen.

You: Hey, um, do you think I can ask you something?
Her: Uh, sure.. what's up?
You: Well, I mean, I'm sure guys ask you this all the time at this job but *deep gaze into her eyes*......
Her: *terrified look like OMG another loser is going to ask me if he can take me out sometime*
You: ..... do you think you could bring me some extra napkins?

and then she laughs and lets you put it in her butt.
that's pretty awesome

also, OP, being nice to her customers is part of her job. Led on? seriously?

in before "but she was REALLY nice!"
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by MiztaBlue
I think I came across as more clueless then I actually am. I am not that guy ....

For what its worth, I am ....
That's fair

So ask her, whats the question?
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by SiQ
very simple...

Next time you order food and she brings it out to you this should happen.

You: Hey, um, do you think I can ask you something?
Her: Uh, sure.. what's up?
You: Well, I mean, I'm sure guys ask you this all the time at this job but *deep gaze into her eyes*......
Her: *terrified look like OMG another loser is going to ask me if he can take me out sometime*
You: ..... do you think you could bring me some extra napkins?

and then she laughs and lets you put it in her butt.
lol this is awesome.
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by Taso
adurrr, really? they'll make you work???

I don't know what it was about today, but that is like the fifth time that I've actually lol'd at post on here.
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by MiztaBlue
If she says no or is taken, I will feel a little bit led on as it feels like there is a bit more then surface interest in each other.
lol. she is a server. flirting with awkward dudes is responsible for like 50% of her income.

i mean, go ahead and ask her out but jesus christ. she doesn't owe you anything.
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:52 AM
I do regret saying that I would of felt "led on", I basically mean it sucks to get rejected. In the end she can do whatever she wants, and I just meant it was a bad read if she says no. But that was TERRIBLE and creepy wording by me. It is really hard to explain indicators when a girl is showing she is attracted to you. I would agree that none of this conversation seems remotely different from a normal waiter to customer interaction.Yet, I guess I am going off body language/eye contact/other stuff. As mentioned, I consider myself fairly attractive and she is not out of my league, so I wouldn’t consider it far fetched.
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by Double Ice
That's fair

So ask her, whats the question?
Taking her to coffee versus lunch versus putt putt or bowling or inviting her to a party?

Also not knowing her name, where she goes to school, how old she is and asking for first date?
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by WinEvryRacex
that's pretty awesome

also, OP, being nice to her customers is part of her job. Led on? seriously?

in before "but she was REALLY nice!"
Originally Posted by gimmetheloot
lol this is awesome.
I used this gem once at a hooters with great success and once at a local bar with epic fail because she didn't get that I was joking... the ****.

OP have you ever been to a strip club?
Need Social/Life  Advice to land girl Quote
11-02-2010 , 06:13 AM
Her name will be written on the reciept, not to mention her name tag.
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