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My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting

08-22-2014 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
I thought you were paid, because of that math stuff. (It's just like magic to me!)
I should still escrow or get a vouch in case I flake. Just to be fair to everyone.
08-22-2014 , 01:57 PM
I believe it was El D who vouched for me last time. If someone can vouch for me this time, great. If not, I don't mind escrowing.

And I'll vouch for SCT if he needs it.
08-22-2014 , 02:23 PM

Please get your new PM accounts made and please vouch for people. Not really worried about anyone on the list.

OOT, anyone who wants to play in this, get your name in the ring. We'll let add'l people join until one week from the start of the contest 'til we hit 25


Hunchcapping II plus Huncharity Drive

Huncharity Pool: at least $915
Hunchcapping Pool: at least $1550



Howard (El D vouch)
ec_outlaw (El D vouch)
Sole (Alobar escrow)
SCT (ec vouch)
El D (Howard vouch)
ninetynine99 (El D vouch)
citanul (El D vouch)
tylertwo (El D vouch)
Wires (Soup vouch)

Brock Landers

I'm pretty sure there'll be room for whoever wants to play, so if your name is not on this list and you want to play, speak up!

Getting everyone vouched for tomorrow won't be a problem.

Charity pledges:

NoSoup: $145 + $50 match to Bluff charity
ElD: $145
Howard: $145
tyler: $145
Bluff: $50 (in addition to $50 penance buyout penalty to pool)
RJ: $105
Myrna: ??
trigstarr: $105
DDIP: $25
08-22-2014 , 03:15 PM
Be afraid, be very afraid

Just a little pre contest example of what you are up against.

22-Aug Adelaide Crows +110
08-22-2014 , 03:21 PM
I'm vouching for Alobar.
08-22-2014 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I'm not a person who actually lacks for compassion at all FWIW. I exercise a lot of it in my work, and my guess is that within my office I fall a bit to the softer side of the spectrum.

The jump that you seem to make from "doesn't make the same armchair diagnosis of mental disability to this specific person based on his internet posts" to lacking in overall compassion is a silly one.
My language was admittedly sloppy and I didn't mean to indict you specifically. I don't think any reasonable observer could deny that you (along with a a host of others) antagonized tbab and treated him to some degree or another with malice. The key question of course is if he was someone who deserved to receive such abuse due to his obviously abusive and untrustworthy behavior as a cogent actor who was responsible in some technical sense for his bad acts or if he was compelled to behave that way by biological or environmental factors beyond his control. Once you believe that he is incapable of behaving differently, I personally think it wouldn't take a lot of compassion to realize that it is cruel to continue to bait him. If you believe specifically that his inability to control himself stems from mental illness as Yak does, then you might have an even stronger emotional reaction.

I've tried very hard not to diagnose tbab as mentally ill, if for no other reason than that it is a very specific conclusion that I am not qualified to make. I am, however, beyond convinced that he was as unable to control his outbursts of rage as he was to control his gambling. I doubt that anyone in the thread ever thought that he would come back from a temp ban a changed man, any more than they believed he would stop gambling. Even if he is not technically mentally ill, I am certain that therapy could help him get better control of his words and actions and improve his life significantly. Many people who would benefit from therapy are not someone with a formal diagnosis of mental illness. As a trivial example, someone who is unable to stop smoking may not have an addictive disorder, but could certainly benefit from appropriate counsel.

I recognize that it is somewhat pointless to belabor these points and I'm going to try very hard to let the whole question go in the future, even if provoked. Feel free to remind me if I can't do that. I'm now walking again and will most likely revert back to my normal silence once I'm back at work next week.
08-22-2014 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by NoSoup4U
My language was admittedly sloppy and I didn't mean to indict you specifically. I don't think any reasonable observer could deny that you (along with a a host of others) antagonized tbab and treated him to some degree or another with malice. The key question of course is if he was someone who deserved to receive such abuse due to his obviously abusive and untrustworthy behavior as a cogent actor who was responsible in some technical sense for his bad acts or if he was compelled to behave that way by biological or environmental factors beyond his control. Once you believe that he is incapable of behaving differently, I personally think it wouldn't take a lot of compassion to realize that it is cruel to continue to bait him. If you believe specifically that his inability to control himself stems from mental illness as Yak does, then you might have an even stronger emotional reaction.

I've tried very hard not to diagnose tbab as mentally ill, if for no other reason than that it is a very specific conclusion that I am not qualified to make. I am, however, beyond convinced that he was as unable to control his outbursts of rage as he was to control his gambling. I doubt that anyone in the thread ever thought that he would come back from a temp ban a changed man, any more than they believed he would stop gambling. Even if he is not technically mentally ill, I am certain that therapy could help him get better control of his words and actions and improve his life significantly. Many people who would benefit from therapy are not someone with a formal diagnosis of mental illness. As a trivial example, someone who is unable to stop smoking may not have an addictive disorder, but could certainly benefit from appropriate counsel.

I recognize that it is somewhat pointless to belabor these points and I'm going to try very hard to let the whole question go in the future, even if provoked. Feel free to remind me if I can't do that. I'm now walking again and will most likely revert back to my normal silence once I'm back at work next week.
I was done discussing all of this also, but just cant control my rage... Well not really but...

I can tell you why I think that the Beast can control his rage just fine.

He is a typical internet tough guy poster that feels like he can say and yell anything he wants to anyone he wants. And he does.

If he acted this way in real life. He would be in jail or dead. As confrontational, rude, mean, insulting, etc as he was. If he was that way in real life he would have been involved in physical altercations every day. Enough of those, and you are either behind bars or someone buries you.

He absolutely could control it. But that doesn't fit his persona online.
08-22-2014 , 05:39 PM

I have no problem with any of what you've said or done, but think you are wrong wrt how much of his uncontrollable rage was sincere vs an act.
08-22-2014 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by ec_outlaw
Take all the psychology **** to a different forum.
I agree with you and I'll let Stone Cold have the last word accordingly. If he likes, I'd be more than happy to continue via PM. I doubt anyone is that silly however.

Originally Posted by Alobar

I missed what your original post in regards to what escrow was to. If its for survivor I think soup is escrowing. If its for hunchcap II RJ (or myself) can escrow. If you are tlaking about something else, then just ignore me
SGT RJ is doing the escrow for survivor.

I had a busy day learning to walk today, so I didn't ever post the charity thing, but I will do so before I crash. I'll also PM trigstarr.
08-22-2014 , 05:47 PM
With Hunchcap II a mere 9 hours away, I just want to say good luck to all participants. May your odds be long and your hunches correct. Hopefully we get some more people to sign up before the deadline passes.
08-22-2014 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by NoSoup4U
The key question of course is if he was someone who deserved to receive such abuse due to his obviously abusive and untrustworthy behavior as a cogent actor who was responsible in some technical sense for his bad acts or if he was compelled to behave that way by biological or environmental factors beyond his control.
Originally Posted by El Diablo
I have no problem with any of what you've said or done, but think you are wrong wrt how much of his uncontrollable rage was sincere vs an act.
Does it count if I just requote myself? Clearly Team Evil Villain believe it was an act and Team White Knight believe it was compulsive behavior. I'd even go so far as to say both sides believe there was a little of both. Its just a matter of how much you think there was of each. And I'm really done now. I swear.
08-22-2014 , 05:52 PM
With Hunchcap II a mere 9 hours away, I just want to say good luck to all participants. May your odds be long and your hunches correct. Hopefully we get some more people to sign up before the deadline passes.

I still feel we need a punishment for last place. Maybe posting a video of yourself ITT of you flexing in the mirror and blasting Metallica while you stare at yourself and nod.
08-22-2014 , 06:02 PM
Thats right, good luck all. This will be the first time that Ill be betting on sports in my life. That your results may be overshadowed by my euroland sports lines and wins.
08-22-2014 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by StoneColdTex

He absolutely could control it. But that doesn't fit his persona online.
not that it really matters, and everything soup has written is really intelligent and I cant really disagree with it cuz he appears to know way more than me about these matters

but I had a bet with tbab for $100 towards the end there that he wouldnt say anything negative to anyone (he came up with this bet, I of course was happy to accept), He was pretty impressive in his ability to refrain from saying anything negative, for a pretty giant time frame for him. I let him out of the bet because im way too nice and it was the ugly period where he was self aware of how much his gambling ruins his life and I felt bad. As soon as I did, he went on a rabid tirade, so clearly he was controlling it because he didnt want to lose the bet, so he has the ability.

I think what hes actually unable to do is not respond to people he views are attacking him. Cuz he still did that, he just didnt insult them when he did it.
08-22-2014 , 07:31 PM
I will vouch for that softie Yakmelk.
08-22-2014 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
not that it really matters, and everything soup has written is really intelligent and I cant really disagree with it cuz he appears to know way more than me about these matters

but I had a bet with tbab for $100 towards the end there that he wouldnt say anything negative to anyone (he came up with this bet, I of course was happy to accept), He was pretty impressive in his ability to refrain from saying anything negative, for a pretty giant time frame for him. I let him out of the bet because im way too nice and it was the ugly period where he was self aware of how much his gambling ruins his life and I felt bad. As soon as I did, he went on a rabid tirade, so clearly he was controlling it because he didnt want to lose the bet, so he has the ability.

I think what hes actually unable to do is not respond to people he views are attacking him. Cuz he still did that, he just didnt insult them when he did it.
Haha ace, curious to know why you felt compelled to let him out of it, when he was doing so well? He obviously can control himself but his persecution complex is crazy.
08-22-2014 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by NoSoup4U
My language was admittedly sloppy and I didn't mean to indict you specifically. I don't think any reasonable observer could deny that you (along with a a host of others) antagonized tbab and treated him to some degree or another with malice.
Yes, that's to do with him being a piece of ****.

The key question of course is if he was someone who deserved to receive such abuse due to his obviously abusive and untrustworthy behavior as a cogent actor who was responsible in some technical sense for his bad acts or if he was compelled to behave that way by biological or environmental factors beyond his control.
And it requires an extremely liberal and generous armchair diagnosis purely of internet posts to alleviate a person from all personal responsibility for his behavior. It's basically a conclusion a person only reaches if they're predisposed toward such a conclusion, one they reach if they want to, because the evidence wasn't possibly sufficient to support it.

Once you believe that he is incapable of behaving differently, I personally think it wouldn't take a lot of compassion to realize that it is cruel to continue to bait him. If you believe specifically that his inability to control himself stems from mental illness as Yak does, then you might have an even stronger emotional reaction.
Dude you really have to stop talking about Yak as if he's a person whose opinions are to be taken seriously, etc. His voice never had a legitimate place in this; he just inserted it anyway and acted as a net negative.

Anyway, I'm willing to let this topic drop as well now since you've already signaled that you wish to (that's obviously not something that ec gets to decide), but sufficed to say that if this situation was representative of your overall worldview, I think that you're far too lax about alleviating people of personal accountability and responsibility for their actions.
08-22-2014 , 08:20 PM
Ahem. Is this what you think is the right way to start a fun game in OOT? I'm going to start wanting my money back any minute now. People are allowed to have differing opinions about the nature of things and NoSoup didn't ask anyone else to pay for anything.

I have twenty three years dealing with the twelve steps. I know I have no power over tbab's gambling, I just hoped it might open a little door.
08-22-2014 , 08:24 PM
Don't mind me tyler, I'm just a person who, for biological/physiological/emotional reasons well beyond my control that I shouldn't be held accountable for, can't help but abrasively assert my opinion.

But like I said in the last post, I'll let it drop from my end now.
08-22-2014 , 08:32 PM
LKJ, I wonder if Tbab created a 2p2 account to lurk so he can put you on ignore while he reads this thread.
08-22-2014 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
LKJ, I wonder if Tbab created a 2p2 account to lurk so he can put you on ignore while he reads this thread.
Haha I did have the thought a day or two ago that he's probably pretty pissed that ignore doesn't work without an account to do it on.
08-22-2014 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
Going to have to pull a tbab here and drop out
just quoting before I take off so there won't be any accusation when I return or w/e.
08-22-2014 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
just quoting before I take off so there won't be any accusation when I return or w/e.
Oh, you were serious?
08-22-2014 , 08:46 PM
Not much I could do about it.
