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06-15-2014 , 12:27 AM
How were you cheated?
06-15-2014 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by Dexter_Cain
How were you cheated?
The Giants lost.
06-15-2014 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by Dexter_Cain
How were you cheated?
06-15-2014 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Tbab wins


All of the picks are not on PM, and certainly the numeric values are not correct because neither of you knows how to bet a Unit.

We know your picks are going to be on PM, that was agreed on and how all bets are made. So what are you ranting about?

If you refuse to post your results here, and refuse to track the results of G10 to keep him honest, then I see no reason for anyone to award you any money.

You agreed to the judges, they said posting results was a requirement.

So post your results daily or forfeit.

You can leave the thread when the contest is over.
06-15-2014 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Tbab wins
I know exactly what has happened here and that I have been blatantly cheated by you shameless jerks.

No point of even talking about it now because I can overcome it but the truth is all of you truly should be ashamed of yourself.


Translation for McDaniels:

Grear has been secretly given picks by someone sharp.

Even thought I am complaining about it, I am not complaining about it, because I am a better bettor than whatever sharps are helping grear*, but you should feel bad about doing it.

Everyone is secretly shaking hands and hustling me.

I have had it with you untrustworthy gentlemen.

Last edited by Larry Legend; 06-15-2014 at 12:37 AM.
06-15-2014 , 12:32 AM
I guess I'm not sure that Tbab knows that sharps are an actual thing. He went to great lengths to state that nobody is ahead at gambling lifetime.
06-15-2014 , 01:30 AM
Well I told him to fade the giants but that's hardly cheating. Anyone can see the giants have just been on a hot streak and still suck the same ass they did last season.

Go dodgers!
06-15-2014 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by StoneColdTex
I think Myrna was free rolling you also.
LOL. Please dude.
06-15-2014 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by Tbab wins
Im seriously about to just be done with all you morons. Do nothing but waste my ****ing time, cheat, lie, troll, make stupid assumptions, and make me bang my head against the wall.

And have somehow managed to bring bad luck to me and the Giants.

Gape yourselves.

It's witchcraft I tell you. Greear has paid to have the Giants cursed.
06-15-2014 , 01:56 AM

Little Kid Takes A Baseball To The Knee, Milks Injury Until He’s Gifted The Ball

One young Giants fan had a tough night in San Francisco on Monday. Not only did he fail at securing a Brandon Crawford ground rule double in the second inning, the ball hopped over the wall and took out the kid’s knee, sending him to the ground hard.

And if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, the kid couldn’t seem to hold it together and the waterworks were unleashed as he tried to recover from the injury.

The one good thing about crying – especially as a little kid – is that people will feel bad for you and do anything to get you to stop, including giving you the souvenir baseball that they rightfully earned. That’s exactly what the nice man who secured the ball did and, wouldn’t ya know it, the kid’s pain magically disappeared almost immediately.

Look at him raise that ball in triumph like he actually did something to deserve it.
Interesting strategy. Crying worked for the kid…
06-15-2014 , 02:03 AM
All this rage just standard beast.

From 2013...

06-15-2014 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by MyrnaFTW
LOL. Please dude.
unfortunately for you Myrna, his ranting tonight, both calling everyone out/name-calling as much as possible and "FU GUYS IM OUT!" are exactly the same thing he did in the thread where he stiffed iceminus at sbr in a picks contest. you can go back and read it still, thread was linked itt but I can find it tomorrow if you wanna read it.

in his head, he's justified in not paying you bc everyone is mean to him.

Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Wiper has your messages, he's just waiting for you to give him permission to post them.
over the last few months, maybe in 2014, 99% of my posts have been via the iphone app, and unless I'm really dumb (likely regardless) you can only go back through maybe 40 or 50 PM's. the rest I've never been able to see on the app.

but after getting home from a concert a bit ago and catching up on this thread, I went downstairs and got on the desktop to look back at all of these PM's that are such a hot topic...

few things...

-didn't go down quite the way he remembers things.

-ironically enough, when we were discussing betting, he used quite a few of the same talking points and/or...I dunno, "catchphrases" in regards to his handicapping prowess.

can't lie, I giggled a couple times even in my "past my bedtime" state.

-he was thankful for me telling him how to not be found as easily on google. yes, he actually used the words "thank you". it was in reference to me pointing out how easy it was to find him using google and about 2 minutes of clicking buttons.

forgot he had scammed another person besides the guy in a picks contest on sbr. screenname's there, i forget it now but if it's important to anyone I can get it tomorrow or sometime.

-then the more I scrolled forward, I found more..."threatening" pm's. also some back and forth with microbob and mat regarding him posting my IP address, my hometown, etc. here. also I linked bob to some threads where he did the same and said some really mean things that hurt my feelings re-reading on other forums.

anyway yeah, they're all still there. he's right in that some of them from me to him were long, however some of them from him to me were longer and again, funny to think, actually cordial for a while.

lastly, reading those old pm's was...umm, weird. he hasn't changed at all all the way down to "I can really pick winners I don't know how I do it they just come to me, I'm just not disciplined enough".

anyway yeah, I won't post them bc a) 2p2 rules (even if I did, he'd say I changed them or something), b) it should say enough that I still have pm's from ~4+ years ago, even though my PM box has been full several times and had to delete lots and c) I don't want to.

the fact that I hadn't posted itt for hours, and when I did way earlier I don't remember exactly but I thought it was just lightweight lol-ing, but when he went on his rant a couple hours ago I was still forefront in his head honestly is worrisome.

he and I have interacted online for years and we've butted heads 95% of the time, but other than the times he didn't pay bets, threatened me or was going full-****** over a perceived slight (whether it was me or anyone), I've always found him entertaining.

so yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I do hope he pays myrna bc myrna's a good dude and has been a regular in gambling threads here for a long time and he hasn't done anything wrong. the rest of us sure, we poke the bear (beast) daily, but I'm hardwired to despise people who lose bets and don't pay, and tbab stiffing would be pretty ****ty.
06-15-2014 , 02:09 AM
typed all that out on my phone. why, when I was just at a desktop just before I came up to type it I couldn't tell you. lol

sleeping pill finally kicking in and ready to let it do it's work...
06-15-2014 , 02:23 AM

how mad would you be if tomorrow is the day your 2nd-crush kid rickie breaks through and gets his first major?
06-15-2014 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by wiper
unfortunately for you Myrna, his ranting tonight, both calling everyone out/name-calling as much as possible and "FU GUYS IM OUT!" are exactly the same thing he did in the thread where he stiffed iceminus at sbr in a picks contest. you can go back and read it still, thread was linked itt but I can find it tomorrow if you wanna read it.

Like I said before. If he tries to stiff me , it will cost him more than 300 in the long run.
I still believe he will pay. Who else will give him action unescrowed?
06-15-2014 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by MyrnaFTW
Like I said before. If he tries to stiff me , it will cost him more than 300 in the long run.
I still believe he will pay. Who else will give him action unescrowed?
I'm just worried that he's starting to calculate the EV of paying you.

if he does, he starts off the rest of his 2+2 prop betting career -300, if he doesn't he can keep the money which is essentially like winning $300 bc he had been planning on losing it next week.
06-15-2014 , 02:38 AM
Are you tripping balls on Lunesta, Wiper?
06-15-2014 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
Are you tripping balls on Lunesta, Wiper?
ambien, and yes. hard to think lol laying in bed now so it'll all be over soon
06-15-2014 , 02:39 AM
06-15-2014 , 02:57 AM
How dumb can you people be.

Greear agrees to mlb, nba, nhl.

Then falls behind.

Then all of a sudden starts making all golf and tennis bets.

Loooooooooool please. This is beyond shady. Im being teamed up against by it looks like el diablo and greear and likely others as well.

Someone who had +ev bets in tennis and golf would have stated from the getgo that he will be betting tennis snd golf, not agreeing to stick to major sports.
06-15-2014 , 03:00 AM
There is absolutely no reason to trust el diablo, greear, or any of you.

Theres some seriously shady **** going on here, its obvious to me.

This has been a complete bs contest.
06-15-2014 , 03:04 AM
I think hes getting his golf and tennis picks from el turd.

What I do know is this contest has been a complete debacle since he started desperately hammering golf and tennis props.
06-15-2014 , 03:07 AM
Its obvious from el diablos general demeanor and responses that hes in on this somehow and stands to gain from me losing.

Obviously he will never admit it but its clear as day to me.

Nice try with the whole "Greear you may even be dumber than Babs" charade.

What do you bitches say we end this charade.
06-15-2014 , 03:08 AM

Wtf are you doing? Stop letting the trolls get to you. You have a lot of picks left in this contest, just stick to your game and stop rushing picks and you'll be fine. Best way to silence the haters is to win and rub G10's $500 on your titties.
06-15-2014 , 03:10 AM
we all stand to gain by you losing
