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My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting

06-21-2015 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
what is your take on this tragic event?

sounds like some pretty awful aim.
06-21-2015 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Just unreal
Alphas are the ones who manage to create a thread that hits 50k posts and legendary status because of their uncanny brilliance.
This video is the youtube equivalent of you. Almost 3 million views and nothing alpha about it.


People just like to laugh at you smelling your finger and falling off the tree.
06-21-2015 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
what is your take on this tragic event?
What kind of reply are you looking for here?

This is super lame of you.
06-21-2015 , 12:41 PM

What do you have lined up today? Hopefully a lot of baseball watching and capping! Maybe you can snap off a big lead in the MLB freeroll and get some opponents to start lifting their legs up.
06-21-2015 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
What kind of reply are you looking for here?
This is super lame of you.
+1 what a douche question.
06-21-2015 , 12:47 PM
We know how special this day is to a beast so I doubt any capping will be taking place.
06-21-2015 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
What kind of reply are you looking for here?

This is super lame of you.
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
+1 what a douche question.
eh, no idea what you guys are talking about. nothing nefarious about that question the way i intended it! at all.
06-21-2015 , 01:02 PM

I assume they are talking about how tasteless it is to make a joke out of someone getting murdered and a few other people getting shot.
06-21-2015 , 01:50 PM
Hunchcap (IV?) hunchers,

Datwizz showing some world class hunching early!

Additional entries accepted through end of June.

IMPORTANT: Please include "HCIV?" in any post re: this contest!

Skippy - please escrow $50 with Bluff (thanks Bluff!). We'll take our chances with everyone else this round. Bluff - please confirm I got the escrow status right, thanks.

datwizz 5.31 (3)
Brow 4.77 (13)
Bluff 4.73 (4)
jmakin 4.11 (4)
Wires -.66 (2)
GM -1.43 (7)
ECoutlaw -1.63 (13)
Code -1.67 (4)
BigToe -2 (2)
HT -2 (2)
Banned -2 (2)
Babs -2 (2)
Sak -2 (2)
Alobar -2.12 (16)

Babs vouched by Bluff
Code, datwizz, BigToe escrowed to Bluff
Waiting on Skippy escrow to Bluff

Doesn't matter when you make your new PM, you just need to post it here before you make any picks.

HCIV? rules:
50 picks
Starts Fri Jun 19 (dates California/Pacific time)
Ends Sun Jul 19 (all picks must begin play by Jul 19 and end by Jul 20 to count)

$50 entry

Any pick avail on PM between -400 and +600
Picks under -400 will be subject to penalty
Picks over +600 will be paid out at +600

1-unit placed per bet on PM
Unused picks count as a loss

Penalties: .25/.5/.75/1/1.5/2/forfeit
Diablo to judge any disputes with assistance from previous contest judges

PM is the definitive record of what counts for your picks.

Any messups (invalid odds, bet other than 1 unit entered, pick outside date range, duplicating a pick, etc) on PM subject to penalty.

Taking opposite sides of a contest to burn picks not allowed (this will be up to judge's discretion. If you believe you have a chance to win different sides of a contest with different wagers, be sure to explain that in thread before making wagers).

New, empty PM account required for all participants.

Prizes (based on current entries): $600 1st, $200 2nd, $100 3rd
06-21-2015 , 01:57 PM
im gonna look back over the rules and make a PM acct later today or tmrw, maybe i can sneak a few bets in here and there over the next couple weeks

if any of you clowns are in vegas, msg me and lets have a couple beers
06-21-2015 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
So you're saying there's a chance he's not? Typical weaselly lawyer hedging. Be a man and take a stand.
I've never met the man live, nor seen him argue in court or do other lawyerly things. I do know his name and the internets reveal data indicating there's a lawyer by that name in the same place that LKJ had me send money. There's a very very very slim possibility that there's some Manti T'eo catfishing/fraud going on here, but I'd rate the chances of that as very low -- about as high, say, as the chance of a Beast actually listening to advice he's been given ITT.

If that makes me a wimp, so be it!
06-21-2015 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

I assume they are talking about how tasteless it is to make a joke out of someone getting murdered and a few other people getting shot.
oh, ok. back to suggesting people stalk and rape women then i guess! nobody had a problem with that.
Originally Posted by Just unreal
One of them I have already asked her for her number, she said she is unable to give it out when working, so I gave her my number but she never called me.

The other is the sexy blonde. Shes not super attractive but I would still pound the **** out of her.
Originally Posted by ((Banned4lyfe))
Wait for her to get off then follow her to her car.
Originally Posted by BluffMyNuts
Why stop there you beta fish, follow her home and sneak in her bedroom. Wait in the closet, hop out, yell "surprise" and have your way with her. Women love surprise sex.
i don't know what i was thinking asking a question to illicit a response which hints what level of empathy someone has and if his hatred for a city eclipses that.
06-21-2015 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by PuddinOnHatz
Deleted the post with the pics because **** all of ya'll. Every last one of you would **** her & you're talking **** about her, to what piss me off? **** ya'll, **** your **** mothers & **** your bastard fathers.

Banned you're cool & the dude who posted the cliffs, thanks. The rest of ya'll, go find some lube, a dildo & go **** yourselves.
Finally you post something funny! Very nice!

You should seriously consider cross-posting this with your comedy thread as an exemplary example of how to deal with hecklers.

Again, LMAO!

Nice work Puddin!
06-21-2015 , 02:16 PM
Haha damn I accidentally made some picks intended for my freeroll acct on my HCIV account. luckily didn't bet more than 1 unit!

06-21-2015 , 02:36 PM
Standings for the freeroll?
06-21-2015 , 02:37 PM
****ing brazil women losing vs aussies, I run so bad. The goal keepers at the world cup are ****ing disabled ******s
06-21-2015 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
oh, ok. back to suggesting people stalk and rape women then i guess! nobody had a problem with that.

i don't know what i was thinking asking a question to illicit a response which hints what level of empathy someone has and if his hatred for a city eclipses that.
Woah I never advocated that a women be raped, surprise sex does not equal rape. Get your head out of the gutter.
06-21-2015 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by wiper
always kinda hilariously awkward when I run into my mom today, and she doesn't know what to say so she wishes me HFD and says "you're a dad to so many kids wiper you deserve praise too"...not enough eyerolls in the world.
That's pretty bad, but she's probably thankful she doesn't have a Beast for a son. He would have ripped her a new ******* then came on here and complained about how his parents treated him like **** on Father's Day.
06-21-2015 , 02:50 PM
**** I need some beer bad.

heading out the door
06-21-2015 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Big Toe
****ing brazil women losing vs aussies, I run so bad. The goal keepers at the world cup are ****ing disabled ******s
Catching is hard.
06-21-2015 , 02:54 PM

My account. Got all my ****ty picks out of the way in the free roll.
06-21-2015 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Big Toe
****ing brazil women losing vs aussies, I run so bad. The goal keepers at the world cup are ****ing disabled ******s

yeah, goalie's gotta hold that first one and not give up the rebound. seemed like a pretty straightforward catch.
06-21-2015 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by CRCK
That's pretty bad, but she's probably thankful she doesn't have a Beast for a son. He would have ripped her a new ******* then came on here and complained about how his parents treated him like **** on Father's Day.

I always get a kick out of it. headed to unc's to swim and cook out with all the fam, will report back how many HFD's I get. lol
06-21-2015 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Just unreal
**** I need some beer bad.

heading out the door
Wow, you might have gone as much as 24 hours without alcohol.

06-21-2015 , 03:43 PM
Holy **** tanaka and the ****ing cards are ****ting on my hunching hopes today.
