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My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting

06-12-2015 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
He wanted my name/info. Paypal could have circumvented this but he insisted on Venmo. Later, he retracted that and said he was fine with a variety of payment options, but I felt he was a risk and sold his debt to Alobar by that point.

If being a moron is some kind of hobby of yours I suggest continuing with this pointless debate.
I've been doing business on the internet for a decade now. You're such a weird bitch.
06-12-2015 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Saklad
What's the mullen/babs bet? I must have missed it

Cavs title Babs either stops posting ITT for a month or needs to make a video saying how wrong he was about the Warriors (my choice)

GSW title is vice versa

Edit: actually double checking Babs doesn't have the option of asking me to make a video, just no posting ITT for 30 days. Doesn't matter anyway.
06-12-2015 , 01:06 PM
El D,

Sign me up.

Originally Posted by Wires
El D,

I'm understand there may be a new 30 day Hunchcap running. If so sign me up. I'd prefer the $100 buy in but if people prefer to drop it to $50 I'm still good to go.
06-12-2015 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
He wanted my name/info. Paypal could have circumvented this but he insisted on Venmo. Later, he retracted that and said he was fine with a variety of payment options, but I felt he was a risk and sold his debt to Alobar by that point.

If being a moron is some kind of hobby of yours I suggest continuing with this pointless debate.
I wasn't attacking you at all. Don't get so defensive. Not wanting to give out your info is your right. I was just pointing out to rep he was wrong about what started that whole mess.
06-12-2015 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
i'll go in for 50 if babs participates
Maybe Banned with vouch for him.

I suspect he'll make excuses not to hunch it up with us though as he knows he's unlikely to win and that'll shatter his facade of being good at sports betting even further.
06-12-2015 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by ec_outlaw
I wasn't so much defending Grear as I was pointing out that others were being ridiculous putting all the blame on him.
no, everybody should have already known that jmakin was uncomfortable giving out his personal info and/or didn't have paypal set up. the solution for alobar to work as a middleman was perfectly acceptable, tgreear just manufactured a concern about alobar's integrity in order to take the most difficult line possible, because he's a petulant little manchild/halfman

Nowhere did I suggest shipping to Alobar as an escrow. Sober up and read it again. On a previous hunchcapping contest everyone sent to him after it was over so he could send out payments. There was no escrow. Everyone had vouches. That worked fine and we should do it again, using whoever volunteers to distribute the winnings. Reading comprehension is hard.
cool story, but everybody already expressed a desire not to escrow and for the losers to just pay the winners when it was over. bluffmynuts offered to help coordinate the payments. you musing wistfully for no apparent reason about a time when alobar successfully escrowed for HC1 while tgreear refuses to ship the money he owes to him is kinda...strange?

Actually no, it didn't. This whole thing started over Jmakin refusing to give his info to Grear so he could pay.
tgreear demanded jmakin's personal info because he wanted to make him uncomfortable. all he had to do was ship where he was instructed to ship to, but he didn't, and that was his choice.
06-12-2015 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
+drunk_lol not only a bottom 3 poster in this thread, but on all of the internet as well.

alcoholic, drug addicted, gambling addict.
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
I've been doing business on the internet for a decade now. You're such a weird bitch.
i've made more money than you in poker this year, just like every other year in the past decade that you've been "doing business"

broke loser stuck at micro sngs
06-12-2015 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Interest list so far:

BigToe (prefer $50)
rep ($50)
GM ($50)
Code (prefer $50)

Looking to get details ironed out and contest underway by next Friday Jun 19.
Would love to participate as well if possible! Preferably $50.

06-12-2015 , 01:37 PM
Oh look, the druggie, alcoholic, gambling addict is lying again. I'm shocked that someone with that trio going for them would also be a liar!

G10 baby nectar all over your face bro. Have some self respect and go get a towel.
06-12-2015 , 01:40 PM
face it tgreear, i'm just better than you

$100 freeroll to whoever can find me lying about anything itt
06-12-2015 , 01:44 PM

Why are you so angry?

With Warmest Regards,

Fruit Saklad
06-12-2015 , 01:48 PM
Greear, how about if you try being nice for one whole day and then see how it feels. I'm not being mean, I just don't think this is healthy.

In the spirit of total kindness, tyler
06-12-2015 , 01:53 PM
Obv Tyler has been taking advantage of CO's weed laws. Beast, take note.
06-12-2015 , 01:54 PM
Kindly stop talking about blowing guys, being blown by guys and anything semen related.
Thank you in advance!
06-12-2015 , 01:56 PM
Wager Placed

Sf Giants ML -154

Risking 100 to win 65

Available roll is now 530
06-12-2015 , 02:03 PM
Wager Placed

Dodgers 1st 5 innings ML -215

Risking 100 to win 47

Available: 430
06-12-2015 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Just unreal
Wager Placed

Sf Giants ML -154

Risking 100 to win 65

Available roll is now 530
That's not a very wise bet beast.
06-12-2015 , 02:11 PM

Interest list so far:

BigToe (prefer $50)
rep ($50)
GM ($50)
Code (prefer $50)
Wires (prefer $100)
Skippy (prefer $50)
06-12-2015 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
face it tgreear, i'm just better than you

$100 freeroll to whoever can find me lying about anything itt
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
no, i was disputing your claim that your time for a weekend was worth $2k. you are the lying midget who needs to play poker with idiots, not me.
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
or just not inviting the midget who wears clown shoes
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
face it tgreear, i'm just better than you

$100 freeroll to whoever can find me lying about anything itt
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
no, i was disputing your claim that your time for a weekend was worth $2k. you are the lying midget who needs to play poker with idiots, not me.
"Little People of America (LPA) defines dwarfism as a medical or genetic condition that usually results in an adult height of 4'10" or shorter, among both men and women, although in some cases a person with a dwarfing condition may be slightly taller than that.The average height of an adult with dwarfism is 4'0, but typical heights range from 2'8 to 4'8.

Also, I have never wore clown shoes.

You sending my $100 via pay pal or venmo? Or do you want me to go find the posts where you speak of my height in exact terms that are wrong and lies?

Gimme that hunnnnid bitch
06-12-2015 , 02:14 PM
G10 baby nectar all over that drunk idiots face. Give me my $100 you vile ape.
06-12-2015 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
Give me my $100 you vile ape.
06-12-2015 , 02:18 PM
+rep_lol if you want I'll put the $100 you owe me vs $120 of your money in a single HU match to give you a chance to get even. We can even play Omaha.

Let me know. If not you have 24 hours to pay me or I'll begin the website.
06-12-2015 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Brock Landers
Kindly stop talking about blowing guys, being blown by guys and anything semen related.
Thank you in advance!
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
G10 baby nectar all over that drunk idiots face. Give me my $100 you vile ape.
tGreear, you must have missed my post above, please read it carefully.

Thanks again!
06-12-2015 , 02:20 PM
Grear, what's your height?
06-12-2015 , 02:21 PM
that's an insult tgreear, not a lie. try harder next time k pls tks
