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My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting

04-28-2015 , 09:51 PM
Beat you to it.

Zero resemblance.
04-28-2015 , 09:59 PM
Did you send it to me?
04-28-2015 , 10:00 PM
Not interested Larry. Thanks anyway.
04-28-2015 , 10:00 PM

I read the JMakin offer as follows.

Option 1 - You ship him the recording for free, and have his word he will never disperse it. If he does, you get $500.

Option 2 - You ship him the recording for $50, and he can do what he pleases with it.
04-28-2015 , 10:01 PM
I have declined his offer.
04-28-2015 , 10:02 PM
No prob babs,

Your boss will enjoy hearing how I acquired the first one when I send it to her.
04-28-2015 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Just unreal
I decline the candy every time.
I'm sure if you consult a significant sample size of alpha males who post on the internet, they'll tell you turning down candy is definitely a sign of an alpha. GJ beast!
04-28-2015 , 10:04 PM
It's possible she's wrong about her assessment of that call--maybe she has a point, maybe she doesn't know what the **** she's talking about. But whether or not you have a valid complaint, it's not appropriate to express a complaint to your supervisor that way. She listed off a number of things that bothered her about they way you talk and act towards her, and those were all things you did during the conversation you recorded.

You're obviously upset with her for what she said to you beforehand, and it's fine to be upset with your boss when she criticizes you or makes a dumb decision or does something stupid. But you have to find better ways to deal with things when you're upset with her.

People complain about their bosses all the time. They go out for drinks with their co-workers and commiserate with each other about their crappy boss; they call their friends and vent on and on and on about how much they hate their boss; they put a picture up on the wall and throw darts at it; they go to the gym and get their frustrations out with a good workout; they post on the internet about how their job is driving them nuts. Those are all perfectly acceptable ways to deal with being pissed off at your boss.

What you can't do is complain to your boss about how wrong she. You can't interrupt her, argue with her, raise your voice at her, or show your contempt for her. If you have a valid complaint, you need to wait until you're no longer upset, and have calmed down, and then raise you concerns with her, and she may even be receptive. But you can't express you're complaints when you're still noticeably upset, because even if you're 100% right, there's no chance she'll listen to anything you say if she feels attacked.
04-28-2015 , 10:04 PM
Anyone else who wants to hear the audio I'm gonna send to babs' boss, hit me up.
04-28-2015 , 10:07 PM
Maybe you can sell it to jmakin for $50
04-28-2015 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Just unreal
I would like to hear Howard and Alobars feeback.
Originally Posted by Just unreal
I would also like RJs insight as well.

Hey, what about me? Worked out well the last time didn't it? I listened to the recording then PM'd you to ask if you wanted my impressions by PM or itt, you said itt so I then duly posted my thoughts — noting that my impression was that you sounded like the intelligent, top performer you are.

I offered to help with your resume weeks before Larry but you spurned me. After Larry posted his proposed format and strategy I offered suggestions.

I even made you a fake, non-operational LinkedIn page.

I've never stalked you.

Sheesh, I've always been here for you… now this treatment!?!?!?!?!

04-28-2015 , 10:09 PM
I'd be interested in hearing
04-28-2015 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Brock Landers
Am I the only one who pictures Babs' boss acting/looking exactly like the boss in Workaholics?
i def did as well. babs as adam who wants to bang his boss and is oblivious to the fact that she hates his guts. its so perfect
04-28-2015 , 10:14 PM
Im not oblivious. She hates me 100%.
04-28-2015 , 10:15 PM
I think that's fairly accurate, and that she does not just let things go, forget about them, hold no grudge and move on.
04-28-2015 , 10:16 PM
How do I move on when I work with her every damn day?
04-28-2015 , 10:17 PM
babs love life is hella boring

gaping Bovada is where this thread should get back to
04-28-2015 , 10:18 PM
Sounds like you need a second opinion re: conversation with tBoss

04-28-2015 , 10:18 PM
You simply move to a new location. Larry helped you out and you don't even interview.
04-28-2015 , 10:19 PM
Stop being a Larry, Larry.
04-28-2015 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by ninetynine99
Sounds like you need a second opinion re: conversation with tBoss

Check your pms

You know you're one of my favorite posters. I wouldnt leave you out.
04-28-2015 , 10:21 PM
I was only joking with a beast.
04-28-2015 , 10:24 PM
I do think if you were willing to change your attitude and start treating her with respect, she wouldn't hate you 100% anymore, but I don't know if you're able to find a way to do that. If you can't, your situation isn't going to get any better, and your best bet is to find a new job.
04-28-2015 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I do think if you were willing to change your attitude and start treating her with respect she wouldnt hate you 100%
I curious what about our interaction made you think this.
04-28-2015 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
No prob babs,

Your boss will enjoy hearing how I acquired the first one when I send it to her.
oooh, bang bang

Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Anyone else who wants to hear the audio I'm gonna send to babs' boss, hit me up.
sup bro

edit: goddammit i keep getting excited and replying to things without reading the next 20 posts or w/e
