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My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting

03-29-2015 , 12:24 PM
MMHC2 Hunchers,

$25 entry SWEET 16 / ELITE 8 HUNCH!

4 Sweet 16 picks due before start of first game Thursday, Mar 26
4 Elite 8 picks due before start of first game Saturday, Mar 28

Points awarded based on seed of the team you pick to win

El d (reigning champ)
$175 first, $50 second

These are all independent picks, so even if you choose a team to lose in sweet 16, you can still pick them to win in elite 8.

Here are picks so far:

LKJ - 14
(2) Arizona
(1) Kentucky
(7) Michigan State
(2) Gonzaga

El Diablo - 12
2 Arizona
1 Kentucky
4 Louisville
2 Gonzaga

Did - 12
Arizona 2
Kentucky 1
Louisville 4
Duke 1

GM - 10
(2) Arizona
(1) Kentucky
(7) Michigan State
(2) Gonzaga

Howard Treesong - 9
Notre Dame (3)
Arizona (2)

Louisville (4)
Duke (1)

SiMor29 - 9
(3)Nodre Dame

(7)Michigan State

Saklad - 8
Zona 2
Kentucky 1
Michigan St 7
Gonzaga 2

Bluff - 7
3 ND
2 AZ

2 Gonzaga

Yakmelk* - 1
2 arizona
1 kentucky
4 loyisville
2 gonzaga
*late entry but will allow it due to already being out of contention
03-29-2015 , 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by SiMor29
In your opinion. They have a set of standards that you need to either conform to or move on. You can't just arrogantly assert that they're wrong when you want something from them. Maybe they are, but even if they are(they're not, by the sounds of things), you don't hold any cards. Stop being so pig arrogant and learn that sometimes you just have to eat it.
is entirely correct.

You don't make the rules. They do. If you think the rules are dumb, there are ways to politely and constructively discuss the rules. It seems unlikely that that's a skill you have, but it's one you might want to work on if advancing anywhere is something you ever desire. You can't just (figuratively or literally) yell at people for being "stupid" and "not understanding" the "correct" way of doing things.

You accepted a job with a set of parameters. It appears they have been transparent and consistent with those parameters, and very patient with you as far as not terminating you despite you failing to conform (likely because they see your +/- on the actual monetary ledger). However, that doesn't mean they "should" promote you, or even pay you more. It seems (from an outsiders view) like they have you in the role that maximizes their EV the most. They don't have to pay you more than other people in the same role, yet you produce more money. They can keep you buried at the bottom of the org chart where you can't do much harm, and don't have to interact/bother people higher up.

Simply put, if your goals are what you imply they are, you need to shape up and behave more like a reasonable person.

On another note entirely, I think an interesting salary negotiation you might want to consider is a commission scheme. That way you're incentivized to work harder, and make more money. You could even set the baseline as somewhere between where you, and the guy who makes the 2nd most in the office currently rate, or something. Who knows, they might find it interesting. And it might make you more money, and make you happier.
03-29-2015 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by thebayareabeast 7
I guarantee Ive banged more broads than you in my life.
Why don't we both take a lie detector test (i'll pay for it) and make a wager on this?
03-29-2015 , 12:32 PM
losing massive amounts of iRespect for people still trying to give this idiot actual advice.

some people just aren't worth it.
03-29-2015 , 12:32 PM
Citanul its funny you talk about a commission structure because I think it was just the other day I told another co worker as we were walking out of the office that its "Too bad we dont work on commission" and she said I needed to "get on them about that" HA.

Of course I would be all for it but you wouldnt believe how penny pinching this company is. They would never just start paying out extra monies in commissions when they are perfectly content with watching me bring in what I do and get paid nothing for it.
03-29-2015 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by #Thinman
losing massive amounts of iRespect for people still trying to give this idiot actual advice.

some people just aren't worth it.
Noone cares about your opinion or what think.

Multiple that by 15 and you will start to grasp the level that certainly noone gives a rats ass "What you respect".

You are lower on the totem pole than the bacteria that resides in dog****.
03-29-2015 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by thebayareabeast 7
In reality the email was stating a case that was basically true.

Another thing that irks me is that the supervisor herself has admitted that I make valid points, but its "the way I present it" that backfires.

Does this really seem that reasonable? Its not like Im cursing, insulting... etc
Is that when they took your email privileges away?
03-29-2015 , 12:35 PM
At some point you just face the fact that this company that I work for is somewhat of a Randall.
03-29-2015 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by StoneColdTex
Is that when they took your email privileges away?
My email privileges were never taken away you desperate dickhole.

Did I ever state that?
03-29-2015 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by thebayareabeast 7
Citanul its funny you talk about a commission structure because I think it was just the other day I told another co worker as we were walking out of the office that its "Too bad we dont work on commission" and she said I needed to "get on them about that" HA.

Of course I would be all for it but you wouldnt believe how penny pinching this company is. They would never just start paying out extra monies in commissions when they are perfectly content with watching me bring in what I do and get paid nothing for it.
Why haven't you applied for El Diablo's junior sales position? He said there is an opening.
03-29-2015 , 12:39 PM
BEAST, you guaranteed you've had sex with more women than me. I just offered to wager on this at even money, and pay for the lie detector test. Are you interested in backing up your guarantee?
03-29-2015 , 12:39 PM

I doubt babs would get a job anywhere (or if he did, would lose it very very quickly) where he ever has to talk to a prospect or customer.
03-29-2015 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
BEAST, you guaranteed you've had sex with more women than me. I just offered to wager on this at even money, and pay for the lie detector test. Are you interested in backing up your guarantee?
For the love of God either go away or stfu.

And no its not because I think you would win the bet, you dumb little midget.

Its because you are unbelievably sad and ****ing annoying.
03-29-2015 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by thebayareabeast 7
Citanul its funny you talk about a commission structure because I think it was just the other day I told another co worker as we were walking out of the office that its "Too bad we dont work on commission" and she said I needed to "get on them about that" HA.

Of course I would be all for it but you wouldnt believe how penny pinching this company is. They would never just start paying out extra monies in commissions when they are perfectly content with watching me bring in what I do and get paid nothing for it.
So basically what you're going to do is just continue to believe you're beyond reproach and carry on regardless? You may well be, at your current level, but speaking as someone who hires and fires, your attitude is the opposite of what people look for when they're advancing people.
03-29-2015 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

I doubt babs would get a job anywhere (or if he did, would lose it very very quickly) where he ever has to talk to a prospect or customer.
I talk to customers 40 hours a week and have been doing so for nearly 2 and a half years. What the devil are you talking about.

More 2+2 brilliance being showcased yet again
03-29-2015 , 12:43 PM

It seem likely that if you simply had never spoken to or emailed any of your coworkers, ever, you would be making more money than you do now and possibly have been promoted beyond where you are now.

If you could simply act professionally (as described in a post a while back), you'd likely have advanced significantly.

It isn't that the company doubts you can make them money. It's that they have no incentive to pay you more to do the work you do currently, and believe (justifiably) that putting you in a position where you have to communicate more, or have more interpersonal responsibilities, would be an enormous mistake.

While you can always attempt to change your behavior, change their minds, and prove them wrong, it's very likely that you've poisoned the well at this current place and if you ever want to be promoted it will have to be elsewhere.
03-29-2015 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by thebayareabeast 7
Citanul its funny you talk about a commission structure because I think it was just the other day I told another co worker as we were walking out of the office that its "Too bad we dont work on commission" and she said I needed to "get on them about that" HA.

Of course I would be all for it but you wouldnt believe how penny pinching this company is. They would never just start paying out extra monies in commissions when they are perfectly content with watching me bring in what I do and get paid nothing for it.
You don't understand commission plans then... Proper commission plans are self funding.

They key is to set quotas that are reachable, yet higher than current collection rates.

If they bring in 50,000 more a month than they would have, and pay out 20k in commissions to collect it... then they are 30k to the positive.

Yet Top Producers (are there any in your office?) get extra pay/incentive to bring in more profit to the company...

But be careful what you ask for. Going on commissions means dropping your base pay. So if you make XX,000 per year. They typically will guarantee you some % of that... Maybe 60%, the other 40% is earned as commission. Have a good year and make more than you would have. Have a bad year, maybe make a lot less.
03-29-2015 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by thebayareabeast 7
For the love of God either go away or stfu.

And no its not because I think you would win the bet, you dumb little midget.

Its because you are unbelievably sad and ****ing annoying.
03-29-2015 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
BEAST, you guaranteed you've had sex with more women than me. I just offered to wager on this at even money, and pay for the lie detector test. Are you interested in backing up your guarantee?
No one cares TG10, go attention whore somewhere else.
03-29-2015 , 12:47 PM

Making calls for a collection agency is not interacting with customers.
03-29-2015 , 12:50 PM
Who am I interacting with then? As a matter of fact, our organization is probably the most customer service oriented agency in existence today.

And I dont just make calls.
03-29-2015 , 12:52 PM
You guys want to make serious money? Start a ****ing collection agency.

You fund it, I will make that **** go. My experience has been absolutely invaluable at this company.

I know the ins and outs of the business. I could start one and run it easily, the funding is the difficult part.
03-29-2015 , 12:53 PM
I know the laws, the softwares, the tactics, the methods, the regulations, everything.

Oh man I could start up a monstrous agency.
03-29-2015 , 12:54 PM
And I would train people on how to collect, just like I do. An agency with 30 beasts doing the work would be unreal.
03-29-2015 , 12:55 PM

If you're so good at this job, why have you stayed at this company that's only willing to pay you $16/hr and hasn't promoted you after 2.5 years?

There are a bunch of collection agencies in your area. Why haven't you taken your top producer skills to one of them?
