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My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting

03-12-2015 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Trollstoy
Beast. You have to pay something a month for your abode, you're jeopardizing your payment acting a fool at work. Be happy you're still employed and for ****s sake, don't go in stoned/drunk.
lol @ someone needing the advice of "don't go to work on drugs or drunk"
03-12-2015 , 11:10 PM
I should have worded it better, was calling you out for lack of updates in your goals thread.
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
This is a really dumb post.
03-12-2015 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by Saklad

It sounds like your boss is gearing up to fire you.
I'm actually starting to believe he is in fact a top producer or he would have been canned by now. No one would put up this much with a mediocre employee.
03-12-2015 , 11:13 PM
As a G fan away from the thread I too am looking forward to updates.
03-12-2015 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by thebayareabeast 7
She also says I have a bad attitude and I make negative comments and create an uncomfortable work enviornment for others.
I'm sure she's just being overdramatic. You seem like a delight.
03-12-2015 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by BluffMyNuts
I should have worded it better, was calling you out for lack of updates in your goals thread.
I had issues with my kids that prevented me from putting in anywhere near good volume in February, so that kind of bummed me out and put me behind pace. I'm up like 4K so far this month so things getting back on track.

Good enough? Do you want more details?
03-12-2015 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
I had issues with my kids that prevented me from putting in anywhere near good volume in February, so that kind of bummed me out and put me behind pace. I'm up like 4K so far this month so things getting back on track.

Good enough? Do you want more details?
Hey man you made the thread, I happened to see it and subscribed. I think it's cool you're trying to make 100k this year and wanted to follow along. You could always make a two line post saying "Issues with kids, still grinding and will update when I have a chance".
03-12-2015 , 11:38 PM
I am far and away the best producer in the building. The number 2 person is about at half of my production.

If you dont believe me, have fun. I dont care.

Its the truth.
03-12-2015 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by BluffMyNuts
Hey man you made the thread, I happened to see it and subscribed. I think it's cool you're trying to make 100k this year and wanted to follow along. You could always make a two line post saying "Issues with kids, still grinding and will update when I have a chance".
Yes I did make the thread. I am under no obligation to keep updating it though. The way stuff is, it's unlikely I get on a set schedule again for my play in the next few months. It wasn't an issue that I planned on dealing with this year. And although it shouldn't, it really kills my desire to play. I'm trying as best I can to get in hours, but it's annoying.

Not to mention the amount of PMs I get when I update that thread.
03-12-2015 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by thebayareabeast 7
I am far and away the best producer in the building. The number 2 person is about at half of my production.

If you dont believe me, have fun. I dont care.

Its the truth.
I'm not trying to be a dick here. Is your work place for mentally handicapped people?
03-12-2015 , 11:41 PM
No it isnt. Although one of the girls I was training today appeared to have some kind of disorder to be honest.
03-12-2015 , 11:46 PM
BEAST, while you were posting on the other forum, the boss that you've told us all here is a "9 or 10" you described as "not that pretty" and with a "big nose"

I would like some clarification on which it is.
03-12-2015 , 11:53 PM

They should pay you more if you're the top producer.

How much does a top producer bring in per month, on average?

Honest question, I have no idea what a successful month would look like in your line of work. 5 figures? 6 figures?
03-13-2015 , 12:09 AM
Beast, do you have a quota?

What happens when you exceed it? I am with Fruit Saklad, tell us how much money you bring into this company.
03-13-2015 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by thebayareabeast 7
I was training two different people today and both complained about me saying I was rude.

Funny thing is the training I gave them was fantastic if they would just soak it up and stop being little bitches.
The self-awareness in this post is just staggering.
03-13-2015 , 12:14 AM
Instead of trying to raise capital for a handicapping venture failure we should start our own collection company. You can write me down for 1k.

collections software
office space
phones, computers etc...

Beast, approx. how much do we need to get this thing off the ground? I'm 100% serious bty.
03-13-2015 , 12:40 AM
At this point, we should be taking bets on how long it takes for Babs to get fired. Bet you miss your old boss now, eh?
03-13-2015 , 01:06 AM
BayAreaBeast, after these new found revelations about how your boss feels about you, is it perhaps safe to say, that your job is driving you nuts, and you're thinking of quitting?
03-13-2015 , 01:10 AM
Babs saying he's the top producer could be total fiction.

I mean the guy said he owns 3 cars and bought a house. Anything he says about his accolades can't be taken seriously without proof.
03-13-2015 , 01:27 AM
the only two reasons for tbab not being fired is nepotism or insane production. Otherwise he would have been gone loooong ago. I suspect hell be gone soon anyway.

Babs, if you dont want to lose your job, stop being a dick at work. Go in, keep your mouth shut, do your job and go home. Find something else to obsess about besides this girl

The advice you get here is fantastic, if youd just soak it up and stop being such a little bitch youd do great
03-13-2015 , 01:47 AM
May be too late. When bosses start using that kind of language they've often decided your fate. In her mind Babs may already be fired, just waiting for the apposite moment to slip the stiletto between his ribs as it were.

Get working on that cv Babs.

Would daddy evict you if you couldn't pay the rent? (Sorry, mortgage... mortgage, yes. Not rent.)
03-13-2015 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
The advice you get here is fantastic, if youd just soak it up and stop being such a little bitch youd do great

Can we be practical here and give a beast an avatar? It's easier to identify who is posting by glancing at a picture than it is reading the username.
03-13-2015 , 06:01 AM
The weasel must return!
03-13-2015 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
May be too late. When bosses start using that kind of language they've often decided your fate. In her mind Babs may already be fired, just waiting for the apposite moment to slip the stiletto between his ribs as it were.
Yep. Sometimes it's just HR telling management that they should have more of a paper trail.
03-13-2015 , 10:35 PM
Sometimes I think her behavior is a result of thinking I dont like her and getting upset and lashing out.

Is it possible she is as attracted to me as I am to her.

A lot of signs actually point to that.

I wonder what would happen if I was super nice and just treated her like a queen.

Im gonna try it and find out.
