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07-04-2010 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
come on o' buddy, i'm defending you

starraz, you can't be the official representative of **** all at 2+2 and not know what kurosh looks like.
Yeah, there have been a million pics and videos posted throughout the years.
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-04-2010 , 11:07 PM
I'm not. I can't wait to crush Ohead's feeble knees.
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07-04-2010 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by kurosh
It's akin to asking skinny people to give up part of their space to fat people. **** you. I paid for my seat and all that comes with it.
Then I paid for the tray table.

Sometimes I like it in the upright (and locked position - got to make sure it's locked). And sometimes I like it down. I usually change my mind every couple of minutes.

Good luck sleeping.
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-04-2010 , 11:18 PM
Again, until you tall guys start slouching down in your seat at sporting events and concerts, stfu about recliners.

Both situations are your right, and both happen to occassionally make the person behind you less comfortable. Physically or visually.

Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-04-2010 , 11:29 PM
star, that pic is from Eurotrip
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07-04-2010 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by sumpy
If his talk gets him the seating arrangement that he prefers, I don't see why any of this should matter.

That's not the issue though. He's being a weirdo. You could get a lot more of what you want or prefer by being a weirdo but that doesn't mean you should do that.

He could just as easily say, "if I don't get the arm-rests I'm going to fart at you the whole trip" and accomplish the same thing. End result = Seating arrangement he prefers. He can also tell people ahead of him in line at a fast-food restaurant or at the bank that they have to let him in front because he's got something really important going on.

Just because you get what you want doesn't make the behavior appropriate. Huddling with your row-mates to tell them, "I'm taking both arm-rests...and here is my reasoning why" is incredibly lame and strange.
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-04-2010 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
Again, until you tall guys start slouching down in your seat at sporting events and concerts, stfu about recliners.

Both situations are your right, and both happen to occassionally make the person behind you less comfortable. Physically or visually.


go **** yourself you fat disgusting SOB, I always slouch down and stand close to a wall or whatever at concerts so I wont disrupt other peoples experience. Also leave me the **** out of this I hyperboled one thing like 2 years ago and I don't really care about it at all. And please don't think you know anything about me ever just because you have 20K posts on twoplustwo.
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07-04-2010 , 11:44 PM
You're going to have to do better than that if you want to make pdb's location
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-04-2010 , 11:48 PM
i was flying home from vegas one time. <3hr flight, not a big deal. I, of course, had an 8am flight and hadn't slept in ~30 hours.

the person in front of me plops into her seat and insta-reclines. at 6'1", coach seats are uncomfortable for me already, and reclination leads to issues with knees in seats and so forth. I dealt with the situation as I usually do when planning to sleep on a flight, by scooting down in my seat and placing my knees at about shoulder-height on the corners of the seat in front of me. It's a trick I learned riding buses to wrestling tournaments in high school, and while not terribly comfortable, it facilitates sleeping and seems to be, on balance, less intrusive for the person in front of me.

we are 3/4 of the way to our destination, when the woman's female friend across the aisle SHAKES ME AWAKE to tell me to stop kicking her friend's seat. I tell her I was not kicking anyone's seat, and try to go back to sleep. The friend stops the flight attendant and makes a disproportionate stink about how I'm kicking the seat in front of me. I, of course, can't sleep because this woman and her friend are conversing at the top of their lungs about WHAT SHANEQUAH IS GOING TO DO ABOUT HER DUMB **** NO GOOD BABY DADDY, and I hear the flight attendant: "Ma'am, it looks like he's sleeping."


luckily for me, i was exhausted, and managed only to mumble something about how i didn't know anything about anyone kicking seats. the plane landed shortly thereafter, without incident. i thought about sarcastically apologizing for trying to make everyone comfortable, but sarcasm is usually lost on people who never made it out of fifth grade.
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07-04-2010 , 11:55 PM
I wonder if real Shanequah's realize their name is THE white person derogatory black-person-name name.
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 12:00 AM
I wonder if real Shanequah's realize their name is THE white person derogatory black-person-name name.
they often do, and wear it as a badge of pride. in many parts of ghetto america, giving black kids white names leads to taunting and accusations of wanting to "act white."
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 12:01 AM
chunder - From that position is it possible your feet were somehow dangling and kicking the seat a little and you were unaware of it because you were sleeping? (kind of hard to exactly picture the position you describe).

Also, even if it's just your knees lodged up against it I think the natural movements of a plane might lead to your legs pressing the seat a little bit back and forth. For example, I can kind of feel it when legs are pushing against the back of my seat even if they aren't moving. And then when there is any motion at all it kind of nudges the seat forward when it wouldn't have done that even a little bit otherwise.

While they're reaction might be a bit over-the-top I think it's possible you were, in fact, jarring the seat more than you were aware of. They have no reason to complain if they don't feel anything on the back of the seat.

I understand there's only so much you can do when someone reclines into you. But you might want to think twice about your sleeping-on-bus position when it comes to airplane seats where you tend to feel a lot more from the back. I don't know if that position is really appropriate for planes but, as I said, I might not quite be picturing it correctly.
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by ohead
go **** yourself you fat disgusting SOB, I always slouch down and stand close to a wall or whatever at concerts so I wont disrupt other peoples experience. Also leave me the **** out of this I hyperboled one thing like 2 years ago and I don't really care about it at all. And please don't think you know anything about me ever just because you have 20K posts on twoplustwo.
ohead, I hope you realize that if you keep getting this worked up over it, they will never stop. They probably won't anyway, but at least there is a chance otherwise.

btw, my comment was just meant as a straightforward joke/oot reference, it wasn't meant to tilt/troll.
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by ohead
I always slouch down and stand close to a wall or whatever at concerts so I wont disrupt other peoples experience.
That's pretty noob of you. I mean you're 6'6", what do they expect? Do they really expect you to go around making sacrifices for them? You can't help that you are tall. Just like I can't help that my seat comes with a reclining button and I just so happen to love pressing random buttons and CRUSHING EUROKNEECAPS.
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
That's not the issue though. He's being a weirdo.
OMGOMG, someone on the internets is being a WEIRDO!!
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by kurosh
It's akin to asking skinny people to give up part of their space to fat people. **** you. I paid for my seat and all that comes with it.
He was hoping to have something to do with your seat and coming with it, methinks. Im just using your own words.
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by Tyler Durden
star, that pic is from Eurotrip
what pic I dont see a pic
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 01:49 AM
Post #143
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
This is really weird and jealous. I'm 5'6" and don't give a crap about tall people nor do I care that they are able to exude more confidence and thus make more money on average. Good for them.

There is absolutely no doubt that airplane seats (and sports arena seats and other places too) are ludicrously uncomfortable for them. Geez, I'm uncomfortable in a lot of those things and I have short legs for somebody my height. I can't imagine the annoyance of travelling and a lot of other things as a 6'4" person. I consider myself really fortunate to be less miserably uncomfortable.
eh, i'm not jealous at all. i'm very okay with my height, and i don't have a napoleonic complex about it at all. but yeah, why wouldn't i rather be 6'2" than 5'7"?
Originally Posted by clownassassin
How I've handled the middle seat on a full flight the last 6 times(100% success rate thus far).

I make sure that I'm one of the last couple people to board. I never carry on anything other than a book or magazine, so I don't have to worry about all the storage space being used up. It's important that the two people that I'll be sitting between are already seated before I arrive.

Once I arrive at my row, I put on a big smile and announce my presence in a pleasant way, say excuse me, and make sure to say hello and make eye contact with both of them. Strike up small talk and as I'm sitting down, make sure to get my elbows/forearms on the armrests on both sides of me. Once seated I wave them both towards me, so that they'll lean in and I can make the following statement while we are huddled up.

"I'm sure we're all aware of the fact that there are 3 of us and only 4 armrests.(Hold up those numbers with your fingers, and use a tone of voice like you're telling a funny story) So, one of us is going to end up with the use of an extra armrest. Since you two have the better seats, it's only fair that the middle seat would get two armrests. Now, if you don't feel that's fair, I'm more than willing to trade either of you the middle seat and switch with you right now or at any point in the flight. Fair enough?"(Nod head and face hands palms up while asking the question)[This all has to be said with the correct tone and body language]

No one has ever asked to switch with me, and I actually feel more comfortable in the middle seat with both armrests than I would sitting in the aisle or the window seat.
some people have said this is weird, but i can totally see someone being able to pull this off. it does depend on tone and body language. some people are natural charmers and can strike up comfortable conversation with anyone. if you're one of those, more power to you.
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 03:01 AM
I guess I should have bolded the "correct tone and body language" part of my previous post. I've always found it easy to get along with people on flights and life in general. Since I'm 6'2", I just like to nicely set the ground rules for how middle seat is going to work. In fact, I've had pleasant conversations with all of the people that I've sat next to. One lady wanted to set me up with her daughter, another guy lent me his PSP for a couple of hours during the flight and then he kept initiating conversations with me while I was trying to play it(not that I minded, he was an interesting guy). If the cost of being comfortable for a 4+ hour flight is that some person I'll never see again thought I was weird, that seems like a great deal.

Here's an in flight example of how tone and body language mean everything. A couple of years ago I was on a flight to Vegas seated next to a father and his two kids, boy(4) girl(2). The 3 of them were sharing 2 seats. He told me that his wife and mother-in-law were on the same flight and that they had agreed to let him gamble all night if he would do 100% of the kid watching on the flight. The girl would not stop crying/acting up. This went on for 20-30 minutes, and I could tell the father was getting really frustrated. I asked him what his daughter's name was(Cassy or Crissy, something like that), and if he minded if I gave it shot at trying to quiet her down. He told me to go for it. So I tapped her on the shoulder, made eye contact with her and in the sweetest tone I could muster and a smile on my face I said, "Cassy, you know what you need to do? You need to shut the hell up." Dead quiet. Every thirty minutes or so she'd start acting up, father would tap me on the shoulder, and I'd tell her to shut the hell up again. He thought it was hilarious and ended up buying me drinks all the way to Vegas.
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 09:25 AM
TL DR...cliffs at bottom

I tend to get a little anxious on long flights and need to concentrate quite hard to calm my mind or mild panic attacks set in eg, heart racing, sweating like a pig “I'm gonna die!!!!”etc. I have a pretty solid routine for zoning out but a flight last year from Sydney to Lax nearly put me over the edge.

I'm seated behind an exit row. As soon as I sit down, 60yr old, sick looking dude sits directly front of me and starts getting cranky with FA for stowing his plastic shopping bags about 5m away (no overhead space on exit row).
Whatever... he's making a big deal about it but it's all fairly standard. As soon as we get in the air he starts shuffling around the cabin. Plane is still ascending, FA's tell him to sit the feck down and he makes a bit of a scene.

Meh, starting to think he's slightly more than a grumpy old man and possibly a bit wacky. Best I keep my eye on him.

Meanwhile, I'm doing some sort of mild Lamaze breathing techniques to keep myself in check for the 14 or so hours ahead.

As soon as the plane levels out, sick dude jumps out of seat again and grabs his 5 or 6 shopping bags from the overhead and sits them in front of him.
He then starts using the emergency exit as a shelf, emptying out his bags and putting his books, clothes and other random junk on the protruding part of the dooor.

I know it's irrational and the exit door can't open when you're in the air but it still freaked me out. Nobody around me seemed to be taking much notice of the guy and the FA's were walking back and forth and not saying anything, so I assumed it was just my anxiety making me paranoid, and that the guy was probably pretty normal, hence not worth saying anything and turning it into a big deal.

Anyway, when he hung up a shirt on the handle of the emergency door I nearly lost my **** (purely in my own head). 1 min later the FA walked up and said no good, put all your junk away.

My relief at not having to worry about sick dude opening the exit door was replaced by disgust after he chopped 2 bottles of wine and proceeded to vomit for the next hour. Really loud strained vomiting, followed by that stench that only airplanes seem to permit.

Felt pretty good getting off that plane.


Weird old guy uses emergency exit as personal dressing table...
I try to not have a panic attack because I suck at flying...
Vomiting ensues...
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by LeapFrog
ohead, I hope you realize that if you keep getting this worked up over it, they will never stop. They probably won't anyway, but at least there is a chance otherwise.

btw, my comment was just meant as a straightforward joke/oot reference, it wasn't meant to tilt/troll.

Yeah I realize this, but this is not me being upset over reclining seats, this is phb thinking me being tall (nothing I can do about this at all) somehow is the same thing as him having "the right" to recline his seat. Like he was born not given a choice of the matter. That is just pro-level ******, especially when the examples he took doesn't even apply to me because even though I can't help being tall and it inconveniences some people I can be selfless and think of them too. But I suppose in the US not taking your own interest over everyone elses is being a "Pussy".
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 12:24 PM
I'm from Stockholm.
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 12:26 PM
Most Annoying Person on Airplane Encounters Quote
07-05-2010 , 12:27 PM
It's ok people from Stockholm are known entitled idiots in Sweden too.

Last edited by ohead; 07-05-2010 at 12:27 PM. Reason: hugz
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