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Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie?

11-05-2011 , 01:34 PM
god sometimes oot tries way too hard.

how is op's quote not mildly interesting and potentially worthy of discussion? like he said, the guy who said this stuff has a Nobel Prize and discovered AIDS. when that person speaks about AIDS, why not listen? even if hes clearly wrong, why not develop a consensus on an important issue?

and i find it really funny that you guys keep flaming op, and then he says something that shows he doesnt live on the internet like, "whos killa? is that bad? what do you mean my thread has aids" you all reply, "omg what a spaz stop freaking out about your ****ty post".
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 01:49 PM
Snoop, you don't need to be a basement dwelling freak to know how to not act like a total ****** in an Internet forum.

No one made fun of him for not knowing who killa is, he was made fun of for poor posting. Also, to be clear, people piled on him for how he responded to people more than the initial crappy op.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 01:53 PM
Since people somehow loves to just randomly believe all the propaganda they get in their face I like to show them the "Transmission" portion of the wiki on HIV. yes I know some of you herpderps gonna go LOL WIKIPEDIA but I dont have time to dig up peer reviewed **** for you. Anyway this shows how the myth that if you even look wrong at someone with AIDS/HIV u get it.


Insertive (male) penile-vaginal intercourse (0.05%) having sex WITH a infected source, so 1/2000 to get HIV if you have normal sex with a woman that is HIV positive.

A bit more than the "Certain to get HIV" if you have sex with someone.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Tony_P
Snoop, you don't need to be a basement dwelling freak to know how to not act like a total ****** in an Internet forum.

No one made fun of him for not knowing who killa is, he was made fun of for poor posting. Also, to be clear, people piled on him for how he responded to people more than the initial crappy op.
yeh, youre right that its not a great thread or op. i guess i just got something out of it because i had not heard about these claims, they are interesting ones, some good posters clarified them well, and this is an interesting topic that non-sciency people may not understand well.

i kind of agree with op that this thread is a lot better than most in oot, which is why the unclever flaming bugged me. there was some good flaming too tho.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 02:01 PM
Whoever said you were certain to get HIV if you have sex with someone? In the 80's and 90's it was more like no one thought it was even possible to get it if you weren't gay or an intravenous drug user.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 02:01 PM
I think I've been pozzed by reading this thread
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by StephenKnight86
I guess I should have expected attacks on me for trying to have an adult conversation. So all I have to say is to hell with most of you
Spit my drink out laughing at this
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:04 PM
AIDS, much like crack, was invented by the govt and introduced to the black community in hopes of destroying it.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:15 PM
Slight subject change, but what are the chances of infection with the other STDs?
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Snoop Todd
god sometimes oot tries way too hard.

how is op's quote not mildly interesting and potentially worthy of discussion? like he said, the guy who said this stuff has a Nobel Prize and discovered AIDS. when that person speaks about AIDS, why not listen? even if hes clearly wrong, why not develop a consensus on an important issue?

and i find it really funny that you guys keep flaming op, and then he says something that shows he doesnt live on the internet like, "whos killa? is that bad? what do you mean my thread has aids" you all reply, "omg what a spaz stop freaking out about your ****ty post".
It's 2011. You don't have to "live on the internet" to understand how to do a little research before flipping out over a thing you read.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 04:18 PM
Neil Armstrong brought us AIDS when he contracted it on the moon.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
It's 2011. You don't have to "live on the internet" to understand how to do a little research before flipping out over a thing you read.
I didn't read it or anything because I don't care, but if it was really written by the guy who discovered AIDS, I can see where doing a little more research doesn't seem to be necessary.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by StephenKnight86
2. AIDS medication is responsible for a generation of HIV/AIDS victims deaths, due to being a toxin and severely over prescribed. Basically murder for $.
Did you know that AIDS medications cause autism? It's true.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by siccjay
I didn't read it or anything because I don't care, but if it was really written by the guy who discovered AIDS, I can see where doing a little more research doesn't seem to be necessary.
yeah pretty much this.

I mean I know a bunch of stuff is media lies like the whole if you have unprotected sex with a female who has it you WILL contract it, when in reality the risk is pretty low.

but honestly, if all of what he is says is true Im not shocked, and if it isnt, im not shocked.

I mean I really just dont give a ****.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 05:17 PM
1% of Caucasians are immune to hiv, true story

Anyone here in the 1%...?
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by KUR0SH
1% of Caucasians are immune to hiv, true story

Anyone here in the 1%...?
I am the 99%.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by KUR0SH
1% of Caucasians are immune to hiv, true story

Anyone here in the 1%...?
There's a theory that these people have ancestors who survived the Black Plague. Pretty cool.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by StephenKnight86
Ok I consider myself an intelligent person, and like to view things objectively. After watching this and doing some independent research, all I can think is wtf. I need some input from people who will critically assess this and give me their feedack.

Some cliffs though you should watch.
1. Dr. Luc Montagnier French virologist and recipient of the Nobel prize for his discovery of HIV says that a person with a healthy immune system can be exposed to HIV many times and not contract it. He also says it's possible that a sick African with a weak immune system and HIV/AIDS can make their immune system stronger and get rid of the virus. WTF!!! This guy discovered it and is saying this, But according to the media/Pharmaceutical company interests you can't get rid of it, you will contract it the first time having sex, and you WILL DIE from it. OMG this is what baffles me the most and I need input on. All these billions of ****ing dollars to fund lies?

2. AIDS medication is responsible for a generation of HIV/AIDS victims deaths, due to being a toxin and severely over prescribed. Basically murder for $.

3. A young girl diagnosed with AIDS was said to have 2 years to live(tested negative in Romania positive in U.S.A due to different standards.) Took meds for 2 years almost died. Parents took her off meds and the doctors repeatedly said she was going to die. She is now in her twenties.

4. A woman said her and a group of 11 AIDS patients were all friends. 8 of them took medication and were all dead within a year. She was diagnosed in 1992 and has never taken medication, she lives a healthy life as do the other 2 women I presume.

5. A 10 year study showed that 0 people had contracted AIDS from their sexual partners.

6. Basically all the people in Africa said to have AIDS don't. They are all dieing from Cholera, Malaria, malnutrition and such. They are diagnosed as the standards are very poor and involve many inaccurate tests. They also diagnose people based on if they lose weight/malnourished. Another diagnoses relies on questions the patient answers.

7. HIV supposedly doesn't exist or isn't what it's defined as. And many people are just diagnosed with AIDS, no HIV incubation time. So it's bizarre leading to people questioning it or something I need to rewatch that part.

These are just some cliffs and not even the most important probably. I implore you to watch the video and give feedback. If this is all true....WTF is wrong with this world and why are so many people this stupid.
clicked on it, saw it was 90minutes, i'm not watching that but here
1. maybe something is lost in translation, or edited to be implying a conspiracy. maybe you can have some exposure with a virus and not get hiv or whatever. sometimes your immune system wins. there may be instances of sick people battling off a disease. yeah, pharm companies lie, and it doesn't have to be an organized conspiracy. there's simply a lack of competition, due to their influence on regulating their own market. similar to wall st and government holding hands.

2. yeah pills can kill you 5% of the time, save you 20% of the time. need better competition so companies have to develop better pills. why spend the resources trying to cure some ****, when you currently can just keep people on a lifetime of pills that you already have out.

3. yeah it happens, misdiagnosis or other human error, and sometimes some people are lucky and they fight off diseases.

4. millions have aids, there's going to be clusters of people where the numbers gather in what seems like a story, but it's just random

5. would have to actually read this actual study.

6. africa is a cluster****. not enough people to help. people die from everything there, and maybe something gets them before aids. also lots of corruption

7. not sure what this means. wasn't magic johnson diagnosed with hiv? silly of him to quit basketball.

corruption, incompetence, bad system of incentives all exist. but these sorts of conspiracies usually spawn due to something being wrong with the system, and people look for a conspiracy to explain why things are ****ed up. it's ****ed up because of some other reason (pharm and government regulatory relationship), not because of aids conspiracy.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 06:05 PM
Grunching this thread,

My dad is interviewed in this film. He said his quotes were taken horribly out of context and that the entire premise of the movie is a total joke. He's devoted essentially his entire medical career to HIV/AIDS research, so I tend to believe his word over sensationalist filmmakers.

Read the NYTimes review of this movie so you can see how ridiculous it really is.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 06:11 PM
Pretty sure Nobel Prize doctor guy was just trying to discredit AIDS so he could discover it again in 20 years. Tricky bastards, those doctors.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by StephenKnight86
1. Dr. Luc Montagnier French virologist and recipient of the Nobel prize for his discovery of HIV says that a person with a healthy immune system can be exposed to HIV many times and not contract it. He also says it's possible that a sick African with a weak immune system and HIV/AIDS can make their immune system stronger and get rid of the virus.
This is the least controversial part of the post. The credibility of this virologist shouldn't be weighed when evaluating the second half of #1 or any of the other points.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 06:41 PM
When I was in my early 20's I asked my doctor if I should have an HIV test. He said I don't have to. I told him that from everything I've been reading, it seemed like a sexually active adult should have one. He said I don't need one, but he was happy to give me one.

1. Have you ever had intervenous drugs? "No."
2. Have you ever had sex with a prostitute? "No."
3. Have you ever had sex with a man? "No."

Okay, you don't have HIV.
I asked him about it and he told me that indeed, HIV was of grave concern, but not nearly to the point that the media and speical interest groups would lead us to believe. He said there was a lot of money at stake as the more people clamor for a cure, etc., the more money that will get thrown at the problem. Compared to obesity, heart disease, smoking related illnesses, HIV is way down the list.

That's what he said; I never really thought much about it.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Oski
., the more money that will get thrown at the problem. Compared to obesity, heart disease, smoking related illnesses, HIV is way down the list.

That's what he said; I never really thought much about it.
Brief googling suggests that Americans spend roughly 10 times as much on weight loss (including a large portion on lap bands) as is spent world wide on AIDS. And we already have the cure for that one.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 07:10 PM
WHO gave the Africans aids. Thats not a question its a statement.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
11-05-2011 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Brief googling suggests that Americans spend roughly 10 times as much on weight loss (including a large portion on lap bands) as is spent world wide on AIDS. And we already have the cure for that one.
In the same vein, I guess one can say we already have a cure for HIV as well.
Mind Blown: HIV/AIDS a societal lie? Quote
