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***Marching Stones Right Out Dekidney/decaptain's Property LC Thread*** ***Marching Stones Right Out Dekidney/decaptain's Property LC Thread***

03-03-2021 , 09:22 PM
03-04-2021 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Villian1
Thankfully I do not but apparently it is kidney stone season.
good to hear!

I upped my intake of water yesterday, will continue to do so through the season!
03-04-2021 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Damn, that's lucky. Did they arrange things with the eurologist or you had to find one yourself?
I found a local urologist myself.

The strange thing was the kidney stone attack was on my left side and the tumor was on my right side. It was the size of a golf ball. The doctor said based on its size, it probably started 10 years ago.
03-04-2021 , 12:40 PM
Johan here. Relapsed on energy drinks and not sleeping and after like a 12hr standoff barricaded in my apt with police/paramedics/fire dept I ended up in psych ward on another involuntary hold for like 11 days. Got out 3 days ago on Monday, but the POS Yale Hospital somehow lost my jacket and phone so I don't have my old account yet because I haven't gotten a new iPhone yet and forgot my account pw and tapatalk and the gmail are on my phone. Cat is at my parents and being brought back down Saturday, for my 37th birthday.

Haven't read the replies to my Wire character rankings and "one-man show" from the Feb thread yet. Anything good?

Existing in the modern world without a cell phone (and also facebook and twitter cause they were two step protected and only saved signed in on my phone) is....interesting...but tbh it's not really affecting my life much at all. I guess a combination of lots of practice with non-attachment and Buddhism/Taoism back in the day, knowing how to get around everywhere I need without GPS, and not having any family or friends that care about me enough to regularly talk with me other than my parents I've been having nightly zoom calls with.
03-04-2021 , 12:44 PM
Damn bro.
03-04-2021 , 03:50 PM
Just going out on a limb here, but perhaps you should stop abusing caffeine/energy drinks?

Of all the things to OD on, that seems like the least amount of fun. Much love, homie.
03-05-2021 , 12:36 AM
Kidney stones update! My GP called to follow up today. Turns out I've got 5 left (ER doc said "tons"), but 4 of them are only 2-3mm which is small so hope those don't hurt too much, and the other is 4-5mm. Not sure of the size of the one I passed, but WebMD says under 5mm it can pass without getting stuck so let's hope. Got some alpha blockers which are supposed to help.
03-05-2021 , 12:55 AM
A regular rock garden. But encouraging news for you, it seems.

Sounds like a regimen of frequent boilermakers would be needed if it were me. Good luck getting those things gone and not replaced!
03-05-2021 , 04:12 AM
What a pastime eating stuff is. I can only imagine how much I'd eat if there weren't a direct correlation between overeating and poor health. Likely double.

Surely there are alternate timelines where there isn't such a thing as fancying up our fuel. We just pour grey sludge down our necks and up our ass.
03-05-2021 , 06:49 AM
Gregorio- I wish you the best of luck. This too shall pass.

Last edited by Villian1; 03-05-2021 at 06:54 AM. Reason: What a weirdly entertaining video.
03-05-2021 , 11:50 AM
Did they give you a timeline for how long until they work their way out? I'm not sure if I'd want it to be a long time so I had some breaks in between or a short time to just get it over with.
03-05-2021 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Kidney stones update! My GP called to follow up today. Turns out I've got 5 left (ER doc said "tons"), but 4 of them are only 2-3mm which is small so hope those don't hurt too much, and the other is 4-5mm. Not sure of the size of the one I passed, but WebMD says under 5mm it can pass without getting stuck so let's hope. Got some alpha blockers which are supposed to help.

Isn't there some sort of sonic thingy they can do to break them up??

I'm going ot drink some more water now
03-05-2021 , 10:06 PM
He said they only do the sonic thingy as a last resort if they become too much of a problem.
03-05-2021 , 10:17 PM
Rolling Stones >>> Marching Stones

Good luck! I don't even want to imagine ...
03-06-2021 , 12:30 AM
they generally only break out the sonics for stones >5mm, or if there's a stone that has been lodged in a ureter for a long time

there's no timeline and they can't really predict when one will depart home sweet kidney for the journey to the outside world. exercise and increased kidney usage (via more water drinking) can increase the probability.
03-06-2021 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
Just going out on a limb here, but perhaps you should stop abusing caffeine/energy drinks?

Of all the things to OD on, that seems like the least amount of fun. Much love, homie.
The plan is to stop them entirely, as well as my bad habit of going sleepless for 2 - 6 days. When you combine them with weed and nicotine and activities like getting manic and being a loudmouth and laughing hysterically, they're the most amount of fun though, imo. There's a reason they have "Ultra CoQ" written on the front of the Bang Energy Drink label. rickjamescocaine.jpg

In other news, happy 37th Birthday to me. Born March 6, 1984. Finally getting my new phone from Amazon in the mail and my parents are coming down to visit and drop off my cat today.
03-06-2021 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by Tom Ames
Rolling Stones >>> Marching Stones

Good luck! I don't even want to imagine ...
No doubt about it.

I almost think you zap them or learn what is is like to have a baby. Am I making any sense here?
03-06-2021 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by northernlightshase
drop off my cat today.
This part is interesting.
03-06-2021 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by R*R
This part is interesting.
How so? They pick her up and take care of her everytime I get psychiatrically hospitalized and bring her back down the weekend after I get out.
03-06-2021 , 08:40 AM
I woke up early on my born day...

03-06-2021 , 08:43 AM
I'll bless you with a birthday gift/curse - my Wire power rankings explained:

Revised season listings: (originally 3>4>>>1>>>>2>>>>>5)

Seasons 3>>>1>>>>>>>>>>>>2>>>4>>5

3 is where it all comes together, a joy to watch, and not nearly as slow and plodding as season 1. Hamsterdam plus the Stringer/Avon/Prop Joe/Marlo storyline with an amazing resolution.

1 is where it all started, a lot of good stories with Bunk/McNulty and the rest of the police and a ton of cool **** with Avon/D'Angelo and his crew.

2 is real good but a digression and not nearly enough Avon and crew.

4 is where it starts to get super melodramatic, soap-operay and unbelievable, and 5 is even worse, tho as art they're still very legit/good.

Last edited by northernlightshase; 03-06-2021 at 09:10 AM.
03-06-2021 , 09:05 AM
I forget what characters I listed but here's my character power rankings in order and explained:

The respectable characters:

Avon: Super legit gangster and godfather. Always smiling and messing with people just like me. Good businessman serving fiends their vice, and just like a great gangster, once someone chooses the life with him like D'Angelo or Wallace and betrays him or someone tries to steal from him, is properly ruthless and just offs 'em. So legit that he's like Pablo Escobar and is king of the jail, unlike Omar, with his shank-proof phone book. Favorite scenes that I remember is him messing with prop joe at the basketball game happy as fk and the "real recognize real" moment where he gives Marlo the big smile after giving up prop joe's connect to him.

To me the most tragic moment I can remember in TV is when he brilliantly successfully puts the hit out on Stringer that bodies him but Stringer had gone snitch on him so he got caught hyping up the troops to take back their turf cause product quality doesn't mean much with nowhere to sell it with the room full of automatic weapons. The look on his face when he says "You only do the one day.." you can just see he's heartbroken he's gonna lose his freedom again, and this time for a very long time.


Bunk: Cool cop, un-neutered at an old age and a good detective who likes his job and does it well but doesn't take it too seriously. Good natured and likes to joke and laugh. Likes to smoke his cigars. Good family man even if he drinks and fool around. Great friend to McNulty.


McNulty: Real hard worker, well-liked does great work, overcomes his addictions and being a bad husband and starts a new family with Holly from the Office. Good sense of humor, but works too hard and takes his job too seriously. Great friend to Bunk.


Marlo: Badass and tough af. Learns to be a godfather and gangster and ruthless. Love the last scene in season 5 where he just starts a fight with the two street thugs f with no weapon for the thrill of it.


Bodie: Good soldier and cool, loyal guy who understands the gangster-code, but a corner-thug who takes things too seriously in need of a leader.

I left out the black guy who just does his woodworking figurines in the Wire room and Kutty and Kima, they're super cool too.

The Bad Characters:

D'Angelo: Thinks he's smart when uneducated and not even street-smart. Entitled. Not particularly tough Starts doing cocaine in jail. Gets in the game, and then proves disloyal to his Godfather uncle.


Stringer Bell: Moron that thinks he's smart and doesn't know his role. No sense of humor. A NFL Linebacker/NBA power forward type. Gets scammed and then puts a futile "day of the kremlin" hit on a politician. Turns rat on Avon, his Godfather and friend and the guy who put him in action and the one who ran and made their operation successful and gave him a good living and kept him out of jail, out of greed and hurt-feelings.


Omar: lowest of the low. Fairytale character who would end up dead or locked up in season 1. Dry snitches on bird in court and in the process snitches on himself. "Tho shalt not steal," just cause he's stealing from dealers doesn't make it right. A queer who prefers men. "To lie with a man as a woman is an abomination"

Brother Mizzone, Michael, Snoop, and Marlo's hitman are on the bad side, fairy tale comic book characters with not a lot to envy about them other than their ability to fearlessly and efficiently murder using a gun.


Last edited by northernlightshase; 03-06-2021 at 09:21 AM.
03-06-2021 , 09:07 AM

is the correct ranking
03-06-2021 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by chopstick

is the correct ranking
I'll allow it, except for how much better you think 5 is than 2. 1 is the most believable and where they introduced all the best characters and 4 is very compelling with Pres and the inner city youth and 5 is a lot more exciting than 2.
03-06-2021 , 10:24 AM
I've come to the realization that if someone tells you that their dog is named "Buddy" there is a >85% chance that dog is a German shepherd.
