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love vs logic love vs logic

12-16-2015 , 05:25 AM
Motion to have Tardball as your new undertitle
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 05:27 AM
'fleeting and ephemeral' is rather redundant, ape.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by jmakin
Motion to have Tardball as your new undertitle
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
'fleeting and ephemeral' is rather redundant, ape.

I don't know who pissed in your coffees, but I would have gladly done it.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 09:20 AM
i have to admit that i figured most people would say i'm an idiot and i should stay with my current gf, but i didn't think it would be practically unanimous. for the record, i am leaving out a lot of specific details that i do not feel comfortable including.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by 1 and done
i have to admit that i figured most people would say i'm an idiot and i should stay with my current gf, but i didn't think it would be practically unanimous. for the record, i am leaving out a lot of specific details that i do not feel comfortable including.
Leaving out details is fine as long as you don't think they're relevant to the situation about which you're requesting advice.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by 1 and done
i have to admit that i figured most people would say i'm an idiot and i should stay with my current gf, but i didn't think it would be practically unanimous. for the record, i am leaving out a lot of specific details that i do not feel comfortable including.
Originally Posted by Rapini
Leaving out details is fine as long as you don't think they're relevant to the situation about which you're requesting advice.
Clearly they are relevant. Otherwise, why even mention them?
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 10:30 AM
OP is dreaming of girlfriend's mom?
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Suit
Not saying to cash in and try the new gig by any means. I think that would be a bad idea, but just because you are somewhat opposites doesn't mean it would be bad. Sounds like your current chic is a dream come true to me. Especially the no kids thing.

Soon as you bang the new chic or even leave the current one, you'll regret it.
Not so sure about the last part. One can be happy, in a stable relationship, and still get a bit on the side now and then without feeling guilty. You just need to know how to compartamentalize, lie, and cover your tracks well.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by 1 and done
i have to admit that i figured most people would say i'm an idiot and i should stay with my current gf, but i didn't think it would be practically unanimous. for the record, i am leaving out a lot of specific details that i do not feel comfortable including.
isn't this a gimmick? what details would you not be comfortable including? I'm guessing they are about your current GF and some crazy stuff she does.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
It's dumb hollywood movies that make people think there is only one guy/girl out there for you. So unless you are some shut in you are going to meet many people over the course of your life that you find yourself very attracted to. It's also dumb hollywood movies that make you think you should have some fiery soul aching attachment to someone and anything less than move mountains type love is somehow selling yourself short on what you are entitled to/deserve.

I think the truth is that even the most amazing person after youve been with them long enough you arent some stupid in love teenager. Id much rather have a partner, someone who gets me and I get and we have each others back and we enjoy each others company, than someone I just can't live without. *shrug*

So anyway, what im saying is that it all adds up to eventually you are going to be with someone and you get to that comfortable point, and someone else is going to come along who makes you imagine stupid **** like stroking their back hair, and you realize you dont long for **** like that with your partner anymore and you start wondering stuff. Then its just a question of how much you value what you have vs the desire to have something new. The younger you are the easier it is to blow up your whole life and start the search over, the older you are, the more you should value what youve alreafy got, because it requires more resources and energy to search for something new and you have less options available to you in that search. Question of economics really.

Thats all assuming you actually enjoy what youve got now with your partner. If you arent happy or you are bored, you should change that (doesnt mean leaving her, plenty of things you can do to improve happiness stop boredom with the same girl). If you are fantasizing about this other girl because something is actually seriously lacking in your current relationship or if its just cuz thats how life goes, only you can answer.
Good, but. ...

Paragraph 1: unless you are a shut in you'll meet attractive people, but if you really don't ever start down the road of thinking about new people as possible connections it doesn't go far. I think there is some wisdom in people in relationships keeping some distance from the opposite sex.

The thing about age. .. The older you get the less time you have left. You can say that means less time to recover, but it also means it's easier to say, **** it, and go for it before it's too late. At some point you have to stop living for some distant perfect future and just do what you feel like doing.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Hollywade
Clearly they are relevant. Otherwise, why even mention them?
Why do you think I said what I said?
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Rapini
Leaving out details is fine as long as you don't think they're relevant to the situation about which you're requesting advice.
they are definitely relevant details, but things that i don't feel comfortable saying here. like i mentioned in OP, yes i was interested in advice, but i also just wanted to unload the burden of keeping this a secret. the chance of me leaving my current gf is probably very slim.

Originally Posted by capone0
isn't this a gimmick? what details would you not be comfortable including? I'm guessing they are about your current GF and some crazy stuff she does.
let's just say that my current gf, despite how much we have in common, is not the nicest person to me or to others.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by 1 and done
let's just say that my current gf, despite how much we have in common, is not the nicest person to me or to others.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by 1 and done
they are definitely relevant details, but things that i don't feel comfortable saying here. like i mentioned in OP, yes i was interested in advice, but i also just wanted to unload the burden of keeping this a secret. the chance of me leaving my current gf is probably very slim.

let's just say that my current gf, despite how much we have in common, is not the nicest person to me or to others.
Your last statement should have been mentioned in the OP.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by capone0
Your last statement should have been mentioned in the OP.
yes, you are right. advice might have been slightly different. although, minus specific details, i don't know if it would have changed many people's opinions.

and just to clarify, my current gf really loves me. she's just not what i would call a nice or kind person and sometimes she can lose it and get very, very angry.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
send me a pic and we'll see
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by 1 and done
advice might have been slightly different. although, minus specific details, i don't know if it would have changed many people's opinions.
There's only one way to find out.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 01:59 PM
I can't imagine how someone would want to be with someone who they couldnt use the words "nice" or "kind" to describe.

whatever floats your boat I guess
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by 1 and done
she's just not what i would call a nice or kind person and sometimes she can lose it and get very, very angry.
I guess the sex must be really, really good.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
I can't imagine how someone would want to be with someone who they couldnt use the words "nice" or "kind" to describe.

whatever floats your boat I guess
fair enough.

however, let me just say that if i only dated or chose friends who i thought were "nice" and/or "kind" i'd be an extremely lonely person. imho, the vast majority of people are only nice or kind as long as it doesn't negatively affect them and their personal agendas.

it's very easy to be nice when the result is either a benefit to you or at least it is indifferent to you. when people are pushed up against a wall, there are really hardly any nice and/or kind people. in my entire life, i've met maybe three that i know for sure are kind people.

my gf is nice to me when things are going good but if she thinks i am at fault then she feels she has full approval to be as mean to me as she can. she's not the only gf i've had that has acted like this (honestly, if i had to guess they all were like this to a certain extent, and that probably goes for friends too).

i obviously don't agree with this but it seems to be how pretty much everyone thinks. i've never met someone like me who needs to sit down and talk things through in great detail in order to solve a conflict. when people are mean to me, i don't get angry, i get sad and i want to know why we're having this conflict. i'm sure there are people out there like this, but we are not in the majority that's for sure.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by 1 and done
the vast majority of people are only nice or kind as long as it doesn't negatively affect them and their personal agendas.
The exact opposite of this is true. You need to meet more people.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
I guess the sex must be really, really good.
it is good

i figured everyone just assumed this was a given considering i'm a male and i've been with my gf for many years after all, what else to guys care about?
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
The exact opposite of this is true. You need to meet more people.
quite possibly true. i'm obviously speaking from personal experience. i guess i need to be more optimistic. something in my gut tells me that's bull**** though - can't help it.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 04:11 PM
This got dark pretty quick,but if she is abusive,that is reason enough to leave.

Maybe not permanently,but it would have to change in order to stay in the relationship.

And another thing,if you are constantly having friends with ulterior motives,maybe you have a similar personality,maybe that needs to change.

Just a thought.
love vs logic Quote
12-16-2015 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by 1 and done
and just to clarify, my current gf really loves me. she's just not what i would call a nice or kind person and sometimes she can lose it and get very, very angry.
She sounds like she might be emotionally abusive. Are you letting yourself be an outlet for her emotional lashes? In other words do you take her **** when it's completely unwarranted?
love vs logic Quote
