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Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer]

01-21-2013 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
Can we get a 1 to 10 for non whites?
ill make one for asians










Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:22 AM
yo, BG... ooc, what would your song of the day have been for thursday, January 17th?

also, what number would you award to the late Werner klemperer? (he played colonel Klink on Hogan' s heroes.)
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:24 AM
And I will even admit if that editorial photo was actually genuine of course she looks anorexic. But don't try and say people haven't, because thats one of the biggest lies in this thread.
Great, so now we can all agree on one thing, she is indeed anorexic.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:27 AM
OMG Asian 1 through 10 is amazing. Bravo.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
Not sure about the face, but it makes a big difference with bodies. In highschool my buddys parents got paid for allowing a photoshoot on their dock, and the male models had very non-defined bodies. After makeup they had 6 packs, looked natural too.

Do it up!
Nah, someone else do it, I'll critique.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:30 AM

And in fact, here is an article about the Kloss controversy. The photographer released the unedited version, and the magazine released the magazine with the image photoshopped.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:33 AM
I also want to post these pictures, cause she really is a wonderful high fashion model.




And ballet did her backside good, considering how thin she is!
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:33 AM
Leo, your 6 is no better than a 4, and your 7 is a 10. I work at CVS, so...
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:33 AM
God I hate multiquote.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:34 AM
BG, If you simply copy your posts into word and spellcheck before you post. You could significantly reduce the number of posts ITT bashing you. When you misspell 'nazi' and other very simple words you come off as a borderline ****** to a lot of people and it is hurting your credibility.

And any guy that wouldn't bang Karlie Kloss is ghey or has a Napoleon complex.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
Your article just gives hard TV time. What's not factored in as that the tv men are watching sports. They are only watched 30 minutes on average of scripted programs.

So 4:11 to 30 minutes. And the viewing of the VS show was almost 50/50, so that is pretty amazing.
you gotta be back to hardcore trolling now...

did your time at CBS also show that over half of women watch the NFL?? I'll gladly concede if you can cite/prove this 4:11 to 30min. ratio.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Michael888
BG, If you simply copy your posts into word and spellcheck before you post. You could significantly reduce the number of posts ITT bashing you. When you misspell 'nazi' and other very simple words you come off as a borderline ****** to a lot of people and it is hurting your credibility.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
you gotta be back to hardcore trolling now...

did your time at CBS also show that over half of women watch the NFL?? I'll gladly concede if you can cite/prove this 4:11 to 30min. ratio.
This surprised me, so I looked it up. According to data from 2010, 44% of the NFL's viewers are female (over 45 million each Sunday). Heh, cool.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:52 AM
I'm done with this thread for a couple of days, I seriously can't take the ******ness. You guys just take so much from the hands that feeds you. Do you understand how boring this thread would be without me? I understand you want to have fun, and its fun to all gang up on someone. But when you just so blatantly disrespect me to the point your calling me racist, nitpicking everything i say; thats when enough is enough.

Some of you must think 2+2 hired me, and im like obligated to post here. I'm not, and I have better ways to use my time. I post here because a lot of the personalities are fun and there is a lot of fun banter. But seriously some of you are just taking this way to seriously. I have completely put myself out there, and have gotten absolutely nothing in return. And that is fine with me, but you guys have taken it so far that when I have a little grammar error its ridiculed. I don't spell the word "nazi" right and its ridiculed. I post that someone looks like the "typical jewish girl" im now a "racist".

I also don't get why you all continue to insult Cara, Karlie just to get at me. You guys do realize they are just two girls im friends with? You would think with how obsessively you all insult them that they were my daughters, Karlie is just a girl that I hangout with when shes in town and ocasionally talk on the phone with. Maybe occasionally see a movie with, ya were pretty good friends; but were not besties.

Cara getting so much hate is literally the thing that pisses me off the most out of this whole thread. Shes like the coolest girl in the world, the kind of person that you all would like. Shes not some girl thats like obsessed with fashion or has no brain. She knows she doesn't look like all the other models, and shes not part of the norm. But she embraces it anyway, and thats one of the reasons shes so successful. Other models bully her all the time because they don't think she deserves all her success, and you guys just remind me of those models she tells me about sooo much. I now can see she isn't exagerating when she says that its her against the world, it really is.

To conclude: I have been totally cool and chillax in almost all my posts, and I accept being looked at as the idiot of the thread. But I also post the most interesting stuff and keep the conversation going, and try to make sure it never becomes stale. None of you appreciate that at all, and its time you learned what a thread is like without BG. We all know how the "are you good looking" and my ama turned out after I left. I hope this one does better, because I am worn out right now.

Peace guys

Last edited by BonafiedGreat; 01-21-2013 at 02:03 AM.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
Nahhhhh brahhhhh, everyone in the thread has been calling Karlie and Cara anorexic. Don't try and play that game. And I will even admit if that editorial photo was actually genuine (its not) of course she looks anorexic. But don't try and say people haven't, because thats one of the biggest lies in this thread.
Is your reading comprehension really this awful? I was saying that calling someone anorexic doesn't mean what you think it means, not that people weren't doing it.

I have never done this before, but you can honestly just leave the thread. You are an absolute ****** if you think Gizmos list was better than mine.

I got 20 pictures of real people, and ranked each one and gave explanations. Gizmo used pictures of dogs, stole my pictures, and used ugly girls off tumblr.
You have to be actively trying to misinterpret me. Obvious you get an A for effort and she gets a D. I was saying that her rankings are better, not the work she put into it.

This is honestly the dumbest post I have ever read on 2+2. You are such a try hard to just fit in with everyone, and keep bashing me.
If you had even a little clue, you'd know that I'm one of the most argumentative and contrary people on this site. Accusing me of trying hard to fit in makes your post one of the dumbest I have ever read on 2+2.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:55 AM
Who thinks 2p2 hired you? That's one of the lolest things I've read. Ha!

BG - before you go!!! I'll post a makeup free picture if you post a picture of yourself! Hell, you can just pm it to me and jelly, you don't even have to post it itt.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:58 AM
Yes I wonder why your AMA died after you stopped posting in it....

Sorry guys I didn't know my suggestion would cause another temper tantrum but face it this thread sucked.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
This surprised me, so I looked it up. According to data from 2010, 44% of the NFL's viewers are female (over 45 million each Sunday). Heh, cool.
I got it from here

64% of americans, 73% of men, 55% of women... according to that site, which is based on a survey. 44% might be more accurate.

Anything greater than 0% would prove BG wrong though.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
I'm done with this thread for a couple of days, I seriously can't take the ******ness. You guys just take so much from the hands that feeds you. Do you understand how boring this thread would be without me?
You don't get that it's only fun because of your "******ness?"

Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
I have been totally cool and chillax in almost all my posts
Your lack of self-awareness would be shocking but you're a model, so...
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
I'm done with this thread for a couple of days, I seriously can't take the ******ness. You guys just take so much from the hands that feeds you. Do you understand how boring this thread would be without me? I understand you want to have fun, and its fun to all gang up on someone. But when you just so blatantly disrespect me to the point your calling me racist, nitpicking everything i say; thats when enough is enough.
Makes sense. Hell, it's like this thread wouldn't even exist without you.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
I'm done with this thread for a couple of days, I seriously can't take the ******ness. You guys just take so much from the hands that feeds you. Do you understand how boring this thread would be without me? I understand you want to have fun, and its fun to all gang up on someone. But when you just so blatantly disrespect me to the point your calling me racist, nitpicking everything i say; thats when enough is enough.

Some of you think 2+2 hired me, and im like obligated to post here. I'm not, and I have better ways to use my time. I post here because a lot of the personalities are fun and there is a lot of fun banter. But seriously some of you are just taking this way to seriously. I have completely put myself out there, and have gotten absolutely nothing in return. And that is fine with me, but you guys have taken it so far that when I have a little grammar error its ridiculed. I don't spell the word "nazi" right and its ridiculed. I post that someone looks like the "typical jewish girl" im now a "racist".

I have been totally cool and chillax in almost all my posts, and I accept being looked at as the idiot of the thread. But I also post the most interesting stuff and keep the conversation going, and try to make sure it never becomes stale. None of you appreciate that at all, and its time you learned what a thread is like without BG. We all know how the "are you good looking" and my ama turned out after I left. I hope this one does better, because I am worn out right now.

Cara getting so much hate is literally the thing that pisses me off the most out of this whole thread. Shes like the coolest girl in the world, the kind of person that you all would like. Shes not some girl thats like obsessed with fashion or has no brain. She knows she doesn't look like all the other models, and shes not part of the norm. But she embraces it anyway, and thats one of the reasons shes so successful. Other models bully her all the time because they don't think she deserves all her success, and you guys just remind me of those models she tells me about sooo much. I now can see she isn't exagerating when she says that its her against the world, it really is.

Peace guys
You ARE the punchline, this is why your threads die without you.

Really hope you're leveling us tho

Last edited by Subpar=(; 01-21-2013 at 02:22 AM.
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 02:06 AM
we pushed him too far
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
I'm done with this thread for a couple of days, I seriously can't take the ******ness. You guys just take so much from the hands that feeds you. Do you understand how boring this thread would be without me? I understand you want to have fun, and its fun to all gang up on someone. But when you just so blatantly disrespect me to the point your calling me racist, nitpicking everything i say; thats when enough is enough.

Some of you think 2+2 hired me, and im like obligated to post here. I'm not, and I have better ways to use my time. I post here because a lot of the personalities are fun and there is a lot of fun banter. But seriously some of you are just taking this way to seriously. I have completely put myself out there, and have gotten absolutely nothing in return. And that is fine with me, but you guys have taken it so far that when I have a little grammar error its ridiculed. I don't spell the word "nazi" right and its ridiculed. I post that someone looks like the "typical jewish girl" im now a "racist".

I have been totally cool and chillax in almost all my posts, and I accept being looked at as the idiot of the thread. But I also post the most interesting stuff and keep the conversation going, and try to make sure it never becomes stale. None of you appreciate that at all, and its time you learned what a thread is like without BG. We all know how the "are you good looking" and my ama turned out after I left. I hope this one does better, because I am worn out right now.

Peace guys
I agree with some of this.

it's the internet, gotta let some bad grammar and poor spelling slide (note: I haven't pointed any out). And BG provides a lot of entertainment value, thread is definitely worse without him.

the nitpicking is just that, nitpicking...

but it seems that each time BG gets proven wrong he runs away.

50/50 for male/female, huh?

Take a guess—do more men or more women watch the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show? If you guessed more men, you’d be wrong by a long shot.

Two-thirds of the show’s viewers are female, not too surprising for a company where most executives and 98% of its customers are women. That means the show must appeal to women, especially young women, an important target demographic for the company. No doubt that’s why Justin Bieber was one of this year’s musical performers.
This is why BG loses any credibility, I'd like him to come back and defend himself. Did he see the 50/50 stat while working at CBS? where did it come from? Did he just pull it out of his "asse"?
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
Some of you must think 2+2 hired me, and im like obligated to post here. I'm not, and I have better ways to use my time. I post here because a lot of the personalities are fun and there is a lot of fun banter. But seriously some of you are just taking this way to seriously. I have completely put myself out there, and have gotten absolutely nothing in return. And that is fine with me, but you guys have taken it so far that when I have a little grammar error its ridiculed. I don't spell the word "nazi" right and its ridiculed. I post that someone looks like the "typical jewish girl" im now a "racist".
I know I did. True, the banter is fun. Clay said you like being made fun of, and getting validation for knowing Cara and Karlie. So you do get what you want in return...Or do you want something else...
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
01-21-2013 , 02:15 AM
BG, what other young, rich, famous, charismatic celebs have you wing-manned for in the past and assisted in picking up women?

Who do you hope to wingman for in the future?
Looks Scale 1-10 (Male And Female) [Oh yea OP is a scumbag scammer] Quote
