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Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Leaving Scene of Accident +EV?

08-22-2009 , 03:36 AM
Reporting the car stolen is key. My friends brother one time was a bit drunk (not piss drunk, just over the legal limit) and got stuck in a road check he couldn't avoid so makes a U-Turn and floors it. He was sure the police had his license plate number after seeing him take off.
He pulls into a parking lot and calls a friend to pick him up, he then calls the police to report his car stolen. Not only does he get off, but this ****er was able to put in a fraudulent insurance claim that a number of things were stolen from his car.
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-22-2009 , 03:51 AM
There was a fantastic thread in OOT about a year ago where people posted stories dealing with this same topic. The one story that will always stick in my head was a guy who was drunk and/or high and ran into a lightpost (?) on his way home. Afraid of a DUI, he instantly shut off his engine, ran home, threw his keys over a random fence on his way back, and passed out in his bed. When he woke up the next day, he called the police to report his car stolen, and he obviously got away with it. Pretty genius move imo.
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-22-2009 , 04:04 AM
Drinking and driving is pretty -ev IMO
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-22-2009 , 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by kyleb
Anything you can do to avoid a DUI is a good move.
Except for not drinking before driving, yes?

I'm sorry, but if your're stupid enough to drive drunk, be stupid enough to stay at the scene of the accident.
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-22-2009 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by Mitch Evans
Except for not drinking before driving, yes?
Not drinking is pretty clearly the inferior way to not drink and drive.
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-22-2009 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by JaredL
Not drinking is pretty clearly the inferior way to not drink and drive.
If you say so...
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-22-2009 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by Mitch Evans
Except for not drinking before driving, yes?

I'm sorry, but if your're stupid enough to drive drunk, be stupid enough to stay at the scene of the accident.
Or stupid enough to pay for a taxis when you can drive drunk & simply flee if you hit someone and report the car stolen. Saving $20> potentially killing someone.

I'm kidding, drinking & driving is bad & those caught doing so should be punished severely even if they didn't cause an accident.
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-22-2009 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by oddjob
or report it stolen
Turning a minor leaving the scene of an accident with property damage into a major filing a false police report is pretty stupid.

Other things in this thread that are stupid:

1. Running from the Cops in a car. (Hint: They're going to catch you)
2. Running from the Cops on foot. (Hint: They're going to catch you)
3. Driving Drunk/ On Drugs. (Jesus ****ing christ take a ****ing taxi, why the **** are you going to risk your life/future, other people's lives because you're too ****ing cheap to take a taxi/ call for a ride/ sleep it off!).

BTW, us prosecutors are well aware that any leaving the scene of an accident where the person left their car behind and ran on foot (so they know they're going to get caught) is really a DWI, and we treat them accordingly.
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-22-2009 , 12:48 PM
Jman, lucky for perps who run there's not much you can hit them with, eh? Assuming they're not dumb enough to file a false report.
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-22-2009 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
BTW, us prosecutors are well aware that any leaving the scene of an accident where the person left their car behind and ran on foot (so they know they're going to get caught) is really a DWI, and we treat them accordingly.
How can you treat them as a DWI when you find them and they aren't drunk and they come up with semi-valid reasons to have fled (mob scene, scared, went home to get help, etc.)???
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-22-2009 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
BTW, us prosecutors are well aware that any leaving the scene of an accident where the person left their car behind and ran on foot (so they know they're going to get caught) is really a DWI, and we treat them accordingly.
But if you report the car stolen the police have to prove the report you provided is made up. Unless there were witnesses who saw you leave the car and can identify you, good luck proving it. You know how many real car thefts occur? How do they magically know this report is BS?
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-23-2009 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by KUJustin
What about just not letting them in?
They can't come in if they're not invited? So cops are kind of like Vampires then?
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-23-2009 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by KUJustin
Better than getting busted for a DUI. Also, you do realize the tag just tells them who owns the vehicle not who was operating it, right?
you still have to face up to operating it, otherwise you are really screwed. if you claim you were not the operator, this means you have to come up with some kind of alibi.
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-23-2009 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by jman220
2. Running from the Cops on foot. (Hint: They're going to catch you)
Highly disagree. I'd say that I'm faster than a good deal of cops. All I have to do is break their line of sight and then it becomes highly unlikely they find me.
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-23-2009 , 02:39 PM
all you have to do is make sure yu have donuts with you while you are running and just leave a few behind you. You know cops cant just resist donuts.
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-23-2009 , 03:29 PM
Fire-bomb car, shoot witnesses, GTFO.
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-26-2009 , 02:36 AM
Wasn't Ted Kennedy the original leave scene of accident prince?

He was probably drunk. Very drunk. He swam to his hotel and detoxed enough.

He didn't get away with it per se in the public. Never served any jail for potentially killing someone though (political connections helped, ldo)
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-26-2009 , 03:03 AM
this hasnt been asked yet-

what if you are wasted, and hit another car in the intersection and manage to drive away and park the car? you escape home and sort it out the next day...

what do you tell the insurance co the next day?
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
08-26-2009 , 04:11 AM
a little while recently i was driving down a street about to take a left turn and a black car comes driving pretty fast towards me flashing its highbeams (signalling a roadblock) and then right after that a silver jetta came flyin in reverse coming towards me and backed on the street i was turning on and sped off down the street i was originally coming from. 5 seconds later 3 cop cars pull me over saying "nice tailspin you did back there" im like "lol i just got my aces cracked twice tonight and now this i run so **** good"
Leaving Scene of Accident +EV? Quote
