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L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!!

09-09-2007 , 10:58 PM
Will I be the only one wearing a name tag?
i'll wear one that says "poor taste in rea$onable"
oh man i'm sad that ive never been to LA i definitely wish i could go to this
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-09-2007 , 11:07 PM
The Hollywood Downtowner - Orbitz has is at $109/night. Most assuredly very sketchy, but looks amusingly strange.

Saharan Motor Hotel - One of my business partner's cousins died at at this hotel. Also a burnout I went to high school with lived here for like three months. Extremely close to the bar we're going to. Orbitz says $113/night.
Looking at the websites of these two places, I think I would have the best trip report of anyone at the Happy Hour.

The Ramada has some pretty cool looking suites :

They're $225 though or $300 with a wet bar.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-09-2007 , 11:16 PM
Damn I'm so close (see Location LDO)!!! But I'm stuck on campus w/o a car, plus I'm only 19 and don't have a fake, so I think I'm out of luck. But if anyone wants to stop by and check out the hotties on campus (fluffpop is barely a 4/10, amirite?), hit me up.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-09-2007 , 11:18 PM
Will I be the only one wearing a name tag?
i'll wear one that says "poor taste in rea$onable"
oh man i'm sad that ive never been to LA i definitely wish i could go to this
indiefatty -

i am moving to nyc in a couple weeks and we can have an "eff LA" get together
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-10-2007 , 12:48 AM
fluffpop is barely a 4/10, amirite?
At least a 5 on the OOT scale.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-10-2007 , 12:23 PM
LFS, thanks for the help with the research. Very much appreciated.

Iggy, that does look pretty sweet. I would consider splitting a room at $225 but if that's too weird I'll probably just slum it at one of the ghetto places LFS mentioned. I don't care about the quality of the joint so much as concern about my vehicle being broken into.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-10-2007 , 12:37 PM
LFS, thanks for the help with the research. Very much appreciated.

Iggy, that does look pretty sweet. I would consider splitting a room at $225 but if that's too weird I'll probably just slum it at one of the ghetto places LFS mentioned. I don't care about the quality of the joint so much as concern about my vehicle being broken into.
Tuq, you have a jeep WRANGLER??? I will trade you my 4Runner- noone will break into that...and i'd LOVE to drive your jeep a few days! Plus i have a garage for it at my home (in South Bay). Suzzer will vouch for me being responsible!

Maybe we'll get some people to go to the Landmark and see the King of Kong- so you can see it! It's only 138 minutes, so i can sit still for that long and would love to see it again!
I am going to the concert LA Invasion ALL day saturday- YEA!!!- Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters, Velvet Revolver, Kid Rock, Chris Cornell, Cypress Hill, Hot hot heat, Against Me, and Paramore...others too i think. But my kid really wanted to go too- so, ya know...
How long are you in town??
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-10-2007 , 12:43 PM

No, a Jeep Grand Cherokee. That's how I roll. Literally.

I definitely would like to see that movie at some point, even if Charlie ruined the ending for me. (Nothing personal Chuck, hope to see you on Friday and you can buy me a drink for being the spoiler king.)

I'm probably not gonna get to LA until 6-7ish on Friday and will probably leave on Sunday. Maybe I'll stay through Sunday and leave Monday. Dunno. I do know that I am deliberately leaving Saturday day open so I can stay out at late as necessary on Friday.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-10-2007 , 05:55 PM
Iggy, that does look pretty sweet. I would consider splitting a room at $225 but if that's too weird I'll probably just slum it at one of the ghetto places LFS mentioned. I don't care about the quality of the joint so much as concern about my vehicle being broken into.
That's pretty much my concern also. I've never cared how much a dump a place is, just as long as my car is still there untouched in the morning.

While the pictures that Ramada has on their website look sweet, their virtual tour don't look nearly the same :

I don't know if the virtual tour is old or what, but it doesn't look as pimp, like it doesn't have the flat screen TV or the colors like the pictures do.

I'm going to call or email them about it and find out the 411. They do charge $27 per day for parking though.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 01:05 AM
okie - so Tuq if you arent leaving til Monday there is a home game sunday nyts in the LBZ that you will have to go to.
but most of all - if you are going to spend the $ to stay in a suite at the RAMADA (for the love of sweet jzus), rilly rilly plz stay at the standard or the grafton or yeah the hotels at universal are ok.
re: how will everyone find each other - cnf is a lil busy most evenings, so this is more of an issue than not (not to be like the brownie troop junior squad leader or anyting)
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 01:08 AM
just throw out a couple sup bros. Or look for a group of mouth-breathing nerdlingers sequestered around a laptop screen.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 01:11 AM
Also, we'll probably be hard to miss with this motley crew. It'll look like my high school, politically-correct Spanish textbooks where the illustrations always show whites and the blacks hanging out with Mexicans and handicapped people and the token Asian is there too instead of studying for his math test tomorrow.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 01:14 AM
re: how will everyone find each other
Hopefully LFS will come through with some sweet reserved tables for us. We'll probably have 10-15 at any give time, maybe more, assuming no lurkers.

Back on Saturday, I reached out to the site that made the t-shirts for 2+2 to try to buy 10-20 sup bro? shirts of varying sizes but they haven't gotten back to me yet. That would have made for a sweet pic.

As for hotels, man I seriously have no clue. I STILL haven't booked one but will do it tomorrow. Some of you guys have been helpful though, particularly LFS. My friend in Pasadena says I'm more than welcome to crash with them, but that just seems impractical cab-wise and I'm not gonna be stupid and drive out of this thing, I guess I could temper my consumption but I really don't want to for this one.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 01:21 AM
The Standard (on sunset) is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And cool and great location. Not expensive for Hollywood. Bar Marmont is like across the street! Diamond Dawg knows his LA hotels! How is that anyways??? Meet lotsa women to shmooze after hours??? HAHA.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 01:45 AM
Also, we'll probably be hard to miss with this motley crew. It'll look like my high school, politically-correct Spanish textbooks where the illustrations always show whites and the blacks hanging out with Mexicans and handicapped people and the token Asian is there too instead of studying for his math test tomorrow.
I <3 this post.

Off the top of my head, I know there's pictures of at least Tuck, Alanna, David, Mat and myself floating around. I'm too lazy to find the 2+2 RL pics thread to see if anyone else is on there.


How could I forget Suzzer and his bloody pics?
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 01:51 AM
The Standard (on sunset) is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And cool and great location. Not expensive for Hollywood. Bar Marmont is like across the street! Diamond Dawg knows her LA hotels!
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 01:54 AM
10$ to whoever gets tuq drunk enough to hold a siimp sign for a pic.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 02:00 AM
The Standard (on sunset) is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And cool and great location. Not expensive for Hollywood. Bar Marmont is like across the street! Diamond Dawg knows her LA hotels!
Wait, you're a woman?

Won't the world implode if there's 3 females at a 2p2 meetup? Wait, there will be 4 including Mat's girlfriend.

L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 02:05 AM
re: how will everyone find each other - cnf is a lil busy most evenings, so this is more of an issue than not (not to be like the brownie troop junior squad leader or anyting)
Just look for a gathering that looks like your high school chess club, but a few years later.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 09:48 PM
UPDATE: sadly the Yugo himself will be out of town this weekend. So I guess we'll have to keep not knowing how to jedi-mind-trick emotionally scarred babes into going home with us for a while longer.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-12-2007 , 11:25 PM
eff me...

I was screwing around on Priceline for a room and somehow, I clicked on Beverly Hills when looking for a room. Of course, my bid got accepted for Beverly Hills. Freakin 20 minutes away from the bar. I bet that's going to be a nice little cab bill, AND I got to pay daily for parking.

I suck.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-13-2007 , 12:09 AM

LOL, at least you're coming up. Our numbers are looking good. I'm planning to leave Phoenix no later that 1PM, which per LFS' advice gives me some cushion if the traffic sucks (it will) and maybe even to check into my hotel. But he said he's gonna be not fashionably late, so I'd like to join him as close to on time as possible. We have each others' cell phone numbers. PM one of us for ours.

Also, I may be able to pick you up and save you cab fare. Not sure yet whether I could drop you off though.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-13-2007 , 12:20 AM
Tuq, I thought it was an 8 hour drive to Phoenix. If you're coming in at rush hour on a Friday add at least an hour. Yes it's into town, but lots of people come into town on the weekends. And traffic goes every which way.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-13-2007 , 12:34 AM

Those of us from Phoenix are well-versed on the drive to CA cities. It's roughly 3 1/2 hours to Palm Springs, I do that drive every June regardless and am familiar with it.

After discussing with LFS, he recommends roughly 3 to 3 1/2 more hours from there, in accordance with sucky LA traffic. That seems about right given my experience. I plan to be on time but we'll see.

It's worth noting that easily 2/3 of the distance will be covered by the time I get to Palm Springs so lots of allowance has been taken.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
09-13-2007 , 12:47 AM
I'd give it an extra hour. You can easily hit a stretch coming in to LA where you go 10 miles in an hour.
L.A. Happy Hour - confirmation and SWEET UPDATE!!! Quote
