Originally Posted by ChaseNutley26
So if OP lives in an efficiency apartment or doesn't have a job or has debilitating problems of his own, he's a dick? Lots of financial or circumstantial problems could be preventing him from taking the kids in, and it's a shitty thing to judge someone on without a lot of further evidence.
Pride never called him a dick, or even implied it. Hes also correct with what he said as well.
Where do you think the kids would do better, in an efficiency apartment with a stable person, or with their junky mom? Don't have a job? Go get one. Need more money? Get a second job. Yeah sure there are always edge cases, OP has cancer, OP is an invalid, etc etc. 99% of the time tho, its just it would be waaaay too hard to make it work and you are choosing not to. Which there is absolutely nothing wrong with, doesn't make you a dick in the slightest, they arent your kids.
Last edited by Alobar; 03-13-2017 at 12:50 PM.