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Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer?

04-04-2011 , 03:00 PM
I want to take bets on how long until that username is banned/changed. I say by April 14th.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 03:15 PM
I guess my response to this question, albeit douchey, would be something along the lines of 'I work too hard'. That's what advice I've been given on this type of question.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 03:23 PM
People still ask this question? I thought it was outdated since everyone expects it to be asked...

Pick something that isn't a huge weakness and talk about what you did to overcome it and why it isn't an issue anymore.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by punkass
You're going to be disappointed in a lot of companies.
That's why you should always try to look for your next job long before you actually need it. You're not going to want to work at most places or for most bosses, so you might as well set up a situation where you and any bosses you wouldn't want to work for mutually exclude each other. Then you only get offers from bosses/companies you'd like to work for anyways.

Last edited by FreeBird!; 04-04-2011 at 03:35 PM.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
A lot of corporate jobs are first screened by HR and once narrowed down to just a few, those get an interview with the boss.
Still seems weird to me. I suppose it makes some amount of sense in the context that someone mentioned earlier about positions where the company is looking for horsepower rather than creativity or management skills.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 03:40 PM
Some headhunter wrote a column on this topic and said you want to avoid answering "I'm a terrible cook" or "I'm a workaholic perfectionist".

Since the question is among the most common in an interview it reflects poorly on your planning if you don't know how to answer it and the same can be said if you try to evade the question by responding with something that's not really a weakness.

The "I'm a terrible cook" line had been used by a guy applying for a manager type position and after being coached by the headhunter he had a much better answer.

Q: What's your biggest weakness

A: I struggle to keep up with the information stream throughout the day and have to spend 20 minutes after work catching up. (Include some yada yada about steps to improve in this area)

This could for all we know be utter BS, but at least it's answering the question with a work realated weakness that shows you have self awareness and also that you've prepared for one of the most common interview questions.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 03:44 PM
Prospective employer: "What is your biggest weakness?"
Me: "Well it was the morons I had to work with at my last place. You don't have any morons here do you?"

Very dated question that I would assume is not even asked anymore.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 03:45 PM
can't resist continuing the derail...

Originally Posted by suzzer99
If you use buzzwords you're BSing.
so now just because every technical marketing person on the planet has a hard-on for THE CLOUD, i'm not allowed to talk about remote clusters of elastically deployed virtual machines without BSing? or rather, i can talk about them, but i can't call them a "cloud"?

"Why should I change? They're the ones who suck!"

The one time I've ever had an architect try to design a system it was some over-engineered piece of crap with like 6 layers of abstraction (3-4 of which were completely unnecessary future-proofing), EJBs and a bunch of unnecessary factories and ****--when he could have just used Struts and Hibernate. He knew he could have used Struts (Spring didn't exist yet). But that was no fun, and he wanted the experience of designing a framework from scratch.
designing frameworks *is* fun, but most of us have that fun beaten out of us when we have to implement, maintain, document, and teach others how to use those frameworks. of course, since architects never actually write any code, they never have to feel this pain so hooray! more frameworks for everyone!

"I like not having fun. I like your idea of fun... I mean, our idea of fun. I like not having that."
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by V0dkanockers
Prospective employer: "What is your biggest weakness?"
Me: "Well it was the morons I had to work with at my last place. You don't have any morons here do you?"

Very dated question that I would assume is not even asked anymore.
definitely still asked.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 05:00 PM
The best answer I have heard to this question is "I have no known weaknesses." I almost fell out of my chair laughing at the guy that said this.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by J_T_P
The best answer I have heard to this question is "I have no known weaknesses." I almost fell out of my chair laughing at the guy that said this.
Hahah. Epic.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by J_T_P
The best answer I have heard to this question is "I have no known weaknesses." I almost fell out of my chair laughing at the guy that said this.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 06:03 PM
I got asked this question last year, so it is still used for some companies I guess.

Earlier in the interview they asked me several questions about stress/pressure and ability to work lots of overtime. So that made my answer along the lines of "I am not very good at finding work when there is nothing needed to be done, i'm not one to start a busy work project just to kill time".

They complimented me on my answer and I got the job. I think mentioning a weak point you have that is not highly linked to the prospective job makes sense.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 06:42 PM
I got asked this (actually the even more dreaded "What are your two biggest weaknesses") at a recent interview and said "lack of experience but I'm a fast learner" (I'm in college) and "I am sometimes afraid to be wrong for fear of embarrassment, but I've been learning that it's better to speak up, be wrong, and take the embarrassment than to remain silent and stay wrong"

Other stock answer I have heard: "I take the leadership role too often"
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 08:00 PM
"I expect too much out of other people" or "vagina"
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 08:10 PM
Eh, this is definitely a dumb question for two reasons. First, its just stupid and cliched. Second, answering it poorly can be a disaster because if the HR person is actually asking it they are a donk and want a good answer.

However I actually had someone ask me this, and before I could answer, she said "and don't give me some canned answer". *gulp*

Anyway, my personal advice would be to think about this question beforehand. You should be doing this anyway, preparing yourself for a wide array of questions, and while doing so actually ascertain what your biggest (constructive) weakness is. I think being honest here is incredibly important. In my last interview I believe I said that I can be somewhat demanding of my co-workers, and its something I have been working on, trying to understand other peoples perspectives and approach them in a different manner that allows myself and the team to achieve our goal.

Something along those lines shows you are willing to talk about your weaknesses and that you are actively working to fix them.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-04-2011 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by ballin4life
Other stock answer I have heard: "I take the leadership role too often"
Mentioning a normally strong characteristic as a weakness is so bad for this question, imo.

Name a weakness... I'm a leader.

However, 'I have no known weaknesses' is amazing.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-05-2011 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by guids
My penis sometimes makes a dragging sound on the floor that annoys my co-workers.
This is not getting enough love. But I am also vulgar so you know.

I think honestly naming a weakness is important here. But you do have to phrase it in some honest positive light. That being said, I have no clue what I would say if asked this on an interview. I have to think about this.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-05-2011 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
Eh, this is definitely a dumb question for two reasons. First, its just stupid and cliched. Second, answering it poorly can be a disaster because if the HR person is actually asking it they are a donk and want a good answer.

However I actually had someone ask me this, and before I could answer, she said "and don't give me some canned answer". *gulp*

Anyway, my personal advice would be to think about this question beforehand. You should be doing this anyway, preparing yourself for a wide array of questions, and while doing so actually ascertain what your biggest (constructive) weakness is. I think being honest here is incredibly important. In my last interview I believe I said that I can be somewhat demanding of my co-workers, and its something I have been working on, trying to understand other peoples perspectives and approach them in a different manner that allows myself and the team to achieve our goal.

Something along those lines shows you are willing to talk about your weaknesses and that you are actively working to fix them.
Thats nice, probably gonna steal it next time I have an interview.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-05-2011 , 03:13 AM
Them: What's your greatest weakness?
You: I like to abuse small boys on my lunch break.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-05-2011 , 08:52 AM
Bad answer. You need to follow it up with what you're doing to fix the problem:

"But I'm trying to kidnap some fatties to be less discriminating."
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-05-2011 , 09:32 AM
Lack of self awareness.
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-05-2011 , 09:43 AM
I always used to say public speaking but that I intended to do a training course to help get over it,never meant it though.

But a friend of mine when asked the same question looked at the ground and muttered alcohol,the interviewer just said she'll be in touch,she never meant it either
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-05-2011 , 09:56 AM
I recently got asked 'what are your THREE biggest weaknesses?'

Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
04-05-2011 , 10:09 AM
What is your biggest weakness?
Job Interview Question "What is your biggest weakness?"  How to answer? Quote
