Jersey Shore's Vinny, Ronnie, and "The Situation" on the Cover of Village Voice's "Queer Issue"
Join Date: Dec 2008
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'Jersey' boys' 'Queer' shock
Talk about a situation. The guys of MTV's "Jersey Shore" were more than pumped when the Village Voice asked them to pose in all their muscled glory for the cover, but it didn't tell them it was for the annual "Queer Issue." Camera-friendly Vinny Gaudagnino, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino agreeably doffed their shirts and flexed their abs -- but spies said the lady-killing trio will be shocked to see how the shot's being used. "They didn't know," said a source. The photo hits stands today under the banner "Queer Issue" and above the headline "The Guido Ideal" -- a story about "gay Jersey guidos on the down-low." Our source added, "The paper's not saying the cover boys are gay, just that that they're hot." The issue includes a sidebar on the guys and the new "Jersey Shore" season. An MTV rep didn't return calls.
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not threadworthy, post in the jersey shore thread in OOTV