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01-10-2012 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by ESnow
What is white knighting on a message board?
Just urban dictionary it..but its when a guy comes into a thread to defend a girl they usually don't know...aka like a white knight saving a damsel in distress
01-10-2012 , 12:59 AM
01-10-2012 , 01:15 AM
It's not like there were a lot of black knights.
01-10-2012 , 01:18 AM
white knighting is what people call it when a man agrees with a woman who is not a member of his immediate family during an internet dispute.
01-10-2012 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by ham on rye
white knighting is what people call it when a man agrees with a woman who is not a member of his immediate family during an internet dispute.
brilliant - now what we need here is for a woman to agree with this statement, someone else to disagree with it, and we have our potential white knight scenario
01-10-2012 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by divides_by_zero
It's not like there were a lot of black knights.
I agree DBZ...and back off bitches.
01-10-2012 , 04:16 AM
whats with the underscore?
01-10-2012 , 04:39 AM
Was at the 24 hour supermarket in the early hours of this morning (I play poker so keep weird hours) and behind me in the queue was a beggar I gave money to a couple of days before Christmas. He was sat out in the pouring rain cutting a pretty pathetic figure. At first I just dropped £1 in his hat and walked on but then something made me turn back and engage him in conversation. Asked him about his circumstances and I couldn't really understand him through the tears (if they weren't genuine he was a ****ing good actor) but the jist of it was he had nowhere to stay and social services couldn't do anything about it.

Was aware at the time there was a good chance I was being scammed but thought f it, it's Christmas and it's been a good year for me, handed him a £20 note and told him to get himself warm inside the shopping mall. Felt guilty walking away tbh that I could have done a lot more for him and the money was to ease my conscience more than anything.

Anyway, he was in the queue chatting to his friend, seemingly in good spirits, buying a 24 pack of beer. Guess I'm just happy he's alive tbh, he looked in a bad way when I saw him last, but yeah, I think the chances are pretty high that I did get scammed

Also, in front of me in the queue were two policemen, both buying junk food and a bottle of mouthwash each. I'm guessing they were drinking/smoking weed on the job and the mouthwash was to mask their breath.

Must be an interesting job being on the checkout at a 24 hour supermarket.
01-10-2012 , 05:25 AM
I gave $100 to a homeless guy once. True story.
01-10-2012 , 10:35 AM
Banana chocolate chip muffins seem a little over priced at Blenz lately guys, watch your wallets.
01-10-2012 , 11:41 AM
I don't shop there.
01-10-2012 , 11:57 AM
muffins are the best because you get to eat cake for breakfast
01-10-2012 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by OffTh3Radar
Was at the 24 hour supermarket in the early hours of this morning (I play poker so keep weird hours) and behind me in the queue was a beggar I gave money to a couple of days before Christmas. He was sat out in the pouring rain cutting a pretty pathetic figure. At first I just dropped £1 in his hat and walked on but then something made me turn back and engage him in conversation. Asked him about his circumstances and I couldn't really understand him through the tears (if they weren't genuine he was a ****ing good actor) but the jist of it was he had nowhere to stay and social services couldn't do anything about it.

Was aware at the time there was a good chance I was being scammed but thought f it, it's Christmas and it's been a good year for me, handed him a £20 note and told him to get himself warm inside the shopping mall. Felt guilty walking away tbh that I could have done a lot more for him and the money was to ease my conscience more than anything.

Anyway, he was in the queue chatting to his friend, seemingly in good spirits, buying a 24 pack of beer. Guess I'm just happy he's alive tbh, he looked in a bad way when I saw him last, but yeah, I think the chances are pretty high that I did get scammed

Also, in front of me in the queue were two policemen, both buying junk food and a bottle of mouthwash each. I'm guessing they were drinking/smoking weed on the job and the mouthwash was to mask their breath.

Must be an interesting job being on the checkout at a 24 hour supermarket.

What an incredible human being you are. Thanks for sharing.
01-10-2012 , 01:48 PM
Dids is growing a mustache I saw his Tweet.
01-10-2012 , 01:50 PM
To hide his lisp
01-10-2012 , 01:55 PM
just posting to commend LFS for his lifetime of posting insane woman with horrible misuse of quotes casting calls. The longevity of this woman leads me to believe that her descriptions are actually helpful to talent agents and that she is some how competent, which amuses me.
01-10-2012 , 01:57 PM
is it a lipstrap?

we need one of those didsbots here too.
01-10-2012 , 02:08 PM
OMG he might be growing one of those John Waters jobbies.
01-10-2012 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Lazy Meatball
just posting to commend LFS for his lifetime of posting insane woman with horrible misuse of quotes casting calls. The longevity of this woman leads me to believe that her descriptions are actually helpful to talent agents and that she is some how competent, which amuses me.
yeah, it's wild that she casted that Bridgestone Superbowl spot from a couple years ago. I mean, it was ****ing terrible and has that dude from the straight-to-DVD American Pie movies as the star, but the **** was a Championship Handegg advert so that has to mean something.

plus iirc LFS posted a pic of her and she looked to be some kind of gypsy fortuneteller.
01-10-2012 , 05:56 PM
It's true that she has to be a somewhat competent casting director, but those character descriptions have nothing to do with it. MAYBE it prevents idiots from submitting talent that have literally never worked before, but the people that submit that kind of talent aren't the sharpest knives to begin with, so I doubt it. Crazy as many of the casting directors are, my peers aren't exactly rocket scientists. So all that extra info in the breakdown is, at best, worthless. At worst she might scare some agents into NOT submitting talent that would be great.

But she is by no means bad at casting - when casting directors can't get the job done, the jobs get pulled and moved to somebody else. I cannot recall ever seeing that happen to her.
01-10-2012 , 08:26 PM
Leaving Las Vegas over the weekend, and CES started today. While walking through the airport, I heard a page for "Vijay Kumar" and got the giggles. Have to be more specific imo. Also, posted in the Warriors thread that nobody cares about - Jerry West was on my flight. Surprising that whatever the circumstance, he wasn't flying private, or at least FC on Virgin or something, but to see him strolling in late on SW was kind of odd.
01-10-2012 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
It's true that she has to be a somewhat competent casting director, but those character descriptions have nothing to do with it. MAYBE it prevents idiots from submitting talent that have literally never worked before, but the people that submit that kind of talent aren't the sharpest knives to begin with, so I doubt it. Crazy as many of the casting directors are, my peers aren't exactly rocket scientists. So all that extra info in the breakdown is, at best, worthless. At worst she might scare some agents into NOT submitting talent that would be great.

But she is by no means bad at casting - when casting directors can't get the job done, the jobs get pulled and moved to somebody else. I cannot recall ever seeing that happen to her.
I think it's been asked before, but if someone you worked for found out you posted those here, could you lose your job?

They are beyond entertaining though keep them coming. One of the only things here that will make my eyes light up with child-like anticipation before I read them.

Her use of ALL CAPITALS is superb.
01-10-2012 , 11:53 PM
Lfs is the boss.
01-10-2012 , 11:59 PM

Any juicy rumors about how Gina Carano rates being cast first in a Soderbergh flick so early in her career?
