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I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? I've decided to arm myself. What should I get?

01-07-2013 , 04:16 AM
Dude don't get a gun......

But if you do get a sks. Its the original ak. They're 200 dollars and ammos cheap. So many were made. Its got a bayonet. Its a war gun.

Shotgun is practical

Also get a pistol
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by Mutant K12
Glocks are popular but not as safe for beginners. Google glock leg for numerous examples of why.
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by timeforheroes
Brit here, what do you mean by this?
I mean that our politicos appear to be out of their minds, ppl are buying gold and food supplies and who knows what's going to happen.

Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ
Howard, is this a self defense gun or a toy, such as a target gun?

If its a self defense gun, do you plan to carry it or keep it as a dedicated home defense gun?

If you plan to carry, how often?

What price range are you looking at?
Strictly for the house. I'll prob take w/e I buy to the gun range every few months since I enjoy it. I want something easy to use, reliable and effective. I'm willing to spend up to $2,500 total but would be happy to spend less. I have no idea what a decent shotgun costs but a Glock 9mm is ~$550 in the store I go to.
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 04:36 AM
go to a range and try out a beretta 9mm a sig sauer and a glock.

i personally think a 9mm is plenty but some ppl prefer a .45 if they're goal is home protection.

ammo is more expensive on a .45 so if you want to take it to the range a decent amount a 9mm might be more cost effective.

you will find you shoot diff models with better accuracy. i personally found i shot a beretta really well so choose that over a sig or glock.

also glocks don't have safeties and that was something i wanted.

my gun is sick, when im not feeling lazy i'll upload a pic of it. one of my fav things is i added a laser sight so i have a lil button by the clip release and when i engage it a full on laser sight is activated and anywhere i aim the red dot shows up.

not really necessary for aiming purposes but its a pretty sweet deterrent imo.
i feel like if someone broke in and all of a sudden had a red dot on their chest they'd be more likely to just freeze and take me seriously.

but i should clarify that i got my gun 95% for recreation as i like going to the range and shooting (hence getting a 9mm rather then a .45). had i been buying for home protection i prolly woulda gone for something with greater stopping power.

but my dog is pretty much all the home defense i need.
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by ZDAR
Yeah... he ignored a few of the basic rules of gun safety and got bit
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
full on laser sight is activated and anywhere i aim the red dot shows up.
your laser doesn't curve?

SGT should be allowed to say Army ITT
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 04:57 AM
Probably something like a SCAR with Red Dot, extended mag and grenade launcher attachment. Gots to be safe.
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 05:01 AM
and hardline pro
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 05:03 AM
If it's actually for home defense, I don't think you can beat a shotgun. Point it in the right direction and bam. Easy to aim, and it'll stop pretty much anyone. My wife got pretty good at hitting clay after about 10 shots, so it's not that tough to use.

If you're worried about a mass of people assaulting your house at the same time, then I think you'll need some sort of machine gun with a ton of ammo. There's not really a practical way to defend against that, save an acid moat and grenades.
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 05:06 AM
Thomas Magnum chose a 1911 so idk if you think you know more than Magnum or if you're just waiting for someone to state the obvious
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 05:57 AM
Once you've made your decision, I'm sure any defense-conscious person, such as yourself, would be pleased to display their gun collection in this elegant handcrafted Amish display cabinet so you can enjoy viewing your weapons before gunning down your neighbours when one of those pesky uprisings start.

I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 06:10 AM
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 06:21 AM
here my opinion. You are a bit new to guns and here some models and types, with description for the situation.

a) Pistol. Although revolvers are traditionally more reliable than pistols, the difference is not much. Clean that thing after use (training). You want something that is easy to use. Pistols and revolvers are meant for close distance. Personally I would advise one small caliber .22 pistol with magazine. That thing is light, easy to use, no backfire and if you hit someone, it still is enough to kill someone. Granted, a bit less power than the mentionned monster revolvers, but the advantages are that it doesnt have a so high backfire and if you dont need to shoot through walls. If you use a pistol, you are most likely short distance. Pistols and revolvers just arent so good in a longer range combat and in the heat of a conflict. Why pistols? They have an ammo clip with 15 and more bullets. Revolver have 6 ammo chambers. If you have to use a weapon, i am sure things are heated up and you will be glad to have more ammo than 6 shots without reloading. Pistols are also fast reloaded - clip out, clip in, one pull, done.
If you need a bit more firepower, then Desert Eagle is also something worth to be considered. Good firepower.
If money is no issue, then this is a beauty:
FN make really good weapons.

2) Rifles
Well, that is the kind of situation you shoot from a longer distance and there you need something with a bit more punch. Winchester is there a not so bad choice: Big firepower, reliable, easy to use.

3) Others
Shotguns: A classic pumpgun is effective and easy, and has 2 things to pay attention to:
Range is short to medium.
They make a mess.
Self-defense automatic weapon.
There i would like to recommend a P90, also from FN. The one you see often in Stargate. Ammo is NATO standard, good clip capacity and a war-weapon. designed originally to provide ship crews a better firepower than the usual pistol.

Ammo last long, should be regularly replaced, but is rarely an issue nowadays if stored properly.

Hope it helps!
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 06:27 AM
Oh, and: You might want to take a look at protective gear. Bodyprotection. A vest, for example.
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 06:40 AM
If you're serious about the nutty world is coming to the end ****, it makes sense not to half-ass it. Get yourself a bushmaster, get a ****ton of rounds and magazines for it, make sure you have a tactical light on it as well. If you don't wanna go that route get a Glock 21 with a tactical light. It's a .45 caliber Glock with 13 round magazines. The tactical lights themselves should be a really rude shock for anyone trying to get all up in your business. If you just want something for straight up home defense, just get a shotgun with a light.

Basically just a flashlight.
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 06:42 AM
Addition: There might be other weapons for the rifle departments, but i think if you really need to fire away, in most cases, this selection is plentyful. It is not the objective to lay waste and craters, is it? just having enough power to stop the normal average burglar and other criminal elements. they come usually with light firearms and less often with machineguns. One of the reasons i prefer pistols: 6 shots are faster done than you think. You shoot 2-3 times, miss, have only a few bullets left, need to reload, get nercous (you WILL get nervous)....while with a pistol, you can hammer away half a douzand, which creates already fear (maybe enough for them to get running) and if not, you still have plenty of ammo.
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by jeffraider
If you're serious about the nutty world is coming to the end ****, it makes sense not to half-ass it. Get yourself a bushmaster, get a ****ton of rounds and magazines for it, make sure you have a tactical light on it as well. If you don't wanna go that route get a Glock 21 with a tactical light. It's a .45 caliber Glock with 13 round magazines. The tactical lights themselves should be a really rude shock for anyone trying to get all up in your business. If you just want something for straight up home defense, just get a shotgun with a light.

Basically just a flashlight.
in such a scenario, i would prefer landmines

Just kidding. You simply cant plan for such a scenario. besides, then you need a lot more than just weaponry...then you need also power generators, preferably solar collectors (gas will become a problem), methods to grow your food, get chickens, etc. Get friends! Cant plan for that too well....
Therefore, i would plan for the immediate problems, which means: Burglars. Intruders. etc.
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 07:25 AM
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 07:31 AM

For home defense Id definitely roll with a 12 gauge. Its such a versatile weapon, I like benellis personally and mossbergs for the price points. You got to go to the range though and test a bunch of stuff out, its really the only way. You get to see what feels right to you and fire it. Until then you can always get ideas from the friendly people on youtube.

Handguns for $350 or less

Ideal guns for survival situations. He talks for awhile about why 12 gauges are considered an ideal survival weapon.

There are probably hundreds of gun experts on youtube so just browse and learn until you get to a range. I just picked these two videos to get you started and I like the old guy in these videos because hes old school and knows his ****. He taught me how cut shells. I mean if you really think the **** is going down. You might want a shotgun, a pistol for backup and maybe a .22 rifle, something like a ruger 10/22.
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 08:00 AM
Howard- First off, there are better forums out there for getting information on weapons and home defense. Most of what you're seeking are covered on them.
Second, for home defense, it's generally regarded that a 12 ga with 00 buck is the most effective choice. Somewhat unwieldy but with some education, it's easy to understand why it's regularly selected as the #1.
For handguns, 9mm is considered the minimum caliber for defensive situations.
Best suggestion for handgun selection is to try many and select the one you are most comfortable using. If you're not comfortable shooting/handling it, it's likely you will not spend the time learning how to handle / shoot it. Like any tool, it is only as good as it's user.
GL and keep us posted.
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 08:03 AM
I would reommend a hockey stick and can of bear mace.
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 08:31 AM
Getting, and staying, proficient enough with a pistol to really be a self-defense weapon is no easy feat. A shotgun is your best bet.
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 08:36 AM

for home defense get either a shotgun (mossberg 500 is your choice here) or a semi auto pistol (smith-wesson M&P in 9mm is the right choice on this one)
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
01-07-2013 , 08:48 AM
Get night sights on your pistol

16 gauge shotgun is plenty imo. More comfortable to shoot than the 12 gauge
I've decided to arm myself. What should I get? Quote
