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IronMan triathlon prob bet IronMan triathlon prob bet

11-26-2011 , 08:38 PM
As expected, this thread has reached new levels of absurdity. Some of you guys should run a marathon, bike a ****load of miles or swim for a couple of hours in the ocean before speculating on this dude's chances just because you ran a 10k once.
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11-26-2011 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Mitch Evans
As expected, this thread has reached new levels of absurdity. Some of you guys should run a marathon, bike a ****load of miles or swim for a couple of hours in the ocean before speculating on this dude's chances just because you ran a 10k once.
this is still better than the "drink x amount of alcohol in x hrs" threads where 75% of the posts claim how easy it would be
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 08:58 PM

What makes that even more noteworthy is that he did it without any real training. In fact, it was only three weeks before the event that he decided to have a go at it, after co-workers bet he couldn't complete the race with no training and on short notice.
It all began when two co-workers laid down a challenge to the former Cornell soccer player: finish an "Ironman" triathlon in 16 hours. For every minute over 16 hours, Kuritzky would pay his colleagues $1 each, out of his own pocket. For every minute under, the payoff was reversed and $1 per colleague would go to his charity.
Aside from some research on nutrition and a few laps in a local swimming pool, Kuritzky had done zero training for the event. With his demanding job as a securities analyst at Goldman Sachs, he had only a few hours a week to dedicate to soccer practices, with extended games on the weekends.

A guy that plays soccer a few times per week did it in 15:30hrs... add another 8:30hrs.

Still no chance? delusional? impossible?

Edit: I'll rephrase. We can assume this guy is a better athlete than OP's friend. He was probably in great shape a few years ago and now plays soccer a few times per week. But the important point is that he had no swimming or biking experience. Yeah he's "an exception" but it shows its not so far fetched to do it in 24hrs. An entire work-day more.

Last edited by IcyHotMonkey; 11-26-2011 at 09:10 PM.
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:03 PM
"former Cornell soccer player."

He was probably a tremendous athlete. Far different from OP's pal.
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:04 PM
so thats one guy who happened to be an incredible natural athlete out of how many tens of thousands of others that tried and failed? Id say the 1000:1 is still good odds.
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
this is still better than the "drink x amount of alcohol in x hrs" threads where 75% of the posts claim how easy it would be
altho, interestingly enough, both threads have the same amount of "you are going to die" comments

This is one of those spots I just dont think can be answered. Cuz if you have any experience with any of them, you cant really estimate how hard it is for some regular person because you dont know what regular feels like, or doing those activities at a super slow pace.. And if you have no experience you are just fixated on how easy the math sounds "lol, just ride your bike slow for 11 hours" and you have no clue how hard doing something like that is.

I wish I was loaded, cuz id seriously just pay some regular schmuck to ride 112 miles and see if he could do it. Id put my money on him not.

All that is assuming a pool swim tho, cuz I feel pretty confident calling you an idiot if you think he makes it out of the ocean and does anything other than be grateful he didnt die (if he even makes it out)
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:07 PM
he had only a few hours a week to dedicate to soccer practices, with extended games on the weekends.
thats quite a bit of training. sounds like about 5 hrs of soccer a week. makes a huge difference.
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey

A guy that plays soccer a few times per week did it in 15:30hrs... add another 8:30hrs.

Still no chance? delusional? impossible?
"he sustained himself demonstrating a hard work ethic as a college athlete, followed by a brief stint as a professional player in the cutthroat world of European soccer."

You really think this qualifies as kicking around a ball a few times a week?
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
A guy that plays soccer a few times per week did it in 15:30hrs... add another 8:30hrs.

Still no chance? delusional? impossible?
he sustained himself demonstrating a hard work ethic as a college athlete, followed by a brief stint as a professional player in the cutthroat world of European soccer.
yeah, just some regular old guy who plays soccer a couple times a week, loool

hed also ran a marathon before

also doesnt say if the swim was in the ocean
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey

Still no chance? delusional? impossible?

Edit: I'll rephrase. We can assume this guy is a better athlete than OP's friend. He was probably in great shape a few years ago and now plays soccer a few times per week. But the important point is that he had no swimming or biking experience. Yeah he's "an exception" but it shows its not so far fetched to do it in 24hrs.
After watching his mother battle and succumb to breast cancer when he was a teen, he sustained himself demonstrating a hard work ethic as a college athlete, followed by a brief stint as a professional player in the cutthroat world of European soccer.
He played college soccer. After that he played professional soccer. He's 24.

Originally Posted by Fedfan691
icyhotmouthbreather strikes again
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:14 PM
Kuritzky is no stranger to negligible training when completing major events. When a friend dropped out of the ING New York City marathon in 2008, he took her place with less than nine days leading up to the race.
lol, yeah, he's just some average joe

On his triathlon race blog he wrote, "If I were to stop when my body was telling me to, I wouldn't have finished the first bike lap."
so much for the resting strategy
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:18 PM
lol, heres a pic of "average joe" kuritzky finishing (winning?) the empire state building stair run

nice shaved legs, good look for average joe

Last edited by Alobar; 11-26-2011 at 09:24 PM.
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Fedfan691
He played college soccer. After that he played professional soccer. He's 24.
Yeah, but he graduated Cornell at 11 like Doogie Howser, so he had plenty of time to let himself go after his professional soccer career ended.
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:28 PM
MMRF PowerTeam winner Brian Kuritzky finished the Empire State Building Run-Up Powered by the MMRF in 13 minutes and 37 seconds!
yep, just your average joe
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:34 PM
IcyHotMonkey is a world class triathlete hoping someone will challenge him to a prop bet imo.
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Fedfan691
He played college soccer. After that he played professional soccer. He's 24.
So how does that change anything? I didn't know a "brief stint" as a professional means you're in such superior shape than playing in college.

You're not running massive distances in a soccer game. And its a different type of fitness, its not at a constant pace. And he graduated over 2yrs. before doing the ironman.

You think I'm trying to say that this guy is an exact comparison of OP's friend? lol... you're delusional... I said he's in better shape. point is its possible with no experience. Playing a soccer game and swimming 2.4 miles or biking 112 miles is very different. What would be more comparable? Maybe running a few miles?

Proves that the body can withstand the pounding of the race... and once again, OP's friend gets an additional 8:30hrs...

don't try to discount this.
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
So how does that change anything? I didn't know a "brief stint" as a professional means you're in such superior shape than playing in college.

You're not running massive distances in a soccer game. And its a different type of fitness, its not at a constant pace. And he graduated over 2yrs. before doing the ironman.

You think I'm trying to say that this guy is an exact comparison of OP's friend? lol... you're delusional... I said he's in better shape. point is its possible with no experience. Playing a soccer game and swimming 2.4 miles or biking 112 miles is very different. What would be more comparable? Maybe running a few miles?

Proves that the body can withstand the pounding of the race... and once again, OP's friend gets an additional 8:30hrs...

don't try to discount this.
lol more graphs please
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:45 PM
yeah man, comparing an elite athlete to some guy who runs twice a week, def gives us a good idea of what happens.

Proves that the body can withstand the pounding of the race
So someone has actually finished an ironman? **** I take it all back, it is physically possible. I was thinking it had never been done before :P
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
yep, just your average joe
a guy that can finish an ironman can finish a marathon? surprising...

I never said he was your avg. joe... I said he was in great shape.

And this is what we know about OP's friend:

He has no prior training, runs maybe 2-3 times a weeks at 3 mi a clip. He eats ok, is 5’11 175. He can go at his own pace, even take a nap if he wants.
This can't be good athlete? 5'11, 175... avg. joe isn't running 2-3 times a week.
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
So how does that change anything? I didn't know a "brief stint" as a professional means you're in such superior shape than playing in college.

You're not running massive distances in a soccer game. And its a different type of fitness, its not at a constant pace. And he graduated over 2yrs. before doing the ironman.
If the OP's friend was a former college/pro soccer player the entire thread would be different. That's kind of important here.

And yes, you do run massive distances in a soccer game.
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:51 PM
If anyone is interested, here's a 20 minute interview with Brian Kuritzky detailing his training and each leg of the race.
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:52 PM
If the guy was in "great shape," these aren't the kind of stats I'd be listing:

He has no prior training, runs maybe 2-3 times a weeks at 3 mi a clip. He eats ok, is 5’11 175.
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Fedfan691
lol more graphs please
Good counter.

Originally Posted by Alobar
So someone has actually finished an ironman? **** I take it all back, it is physically possible. I was thinking it had never been done before :P
That was directed to the naysayers that said the untrained body can't handle being on a bike for that long... not a valid point?

Originally Posted by Fedfan691
nah man, I don't think so. doing 112 miles in a day would put so much stress on your lower back it wouldn't matter how many breaks you had. riding with any kind of technique (staying calm in the saddle, efficient stroke+properly using both legs) is necessary for that kind of distance, but is both painful and unnatural for someone who doesn't bike. if he rides at a decent clip he'll spend less time in the saddle, which is usually where beginner's pain complaints first start. but his calves would be blown by mile 50. ride slower and he's spending way too much time on the bike. idk, maybe this dude is some kind of secret lance armstrong and was just born to bike (hopefully he's still got both of his...) but I think you're underestimating the kind of strain 112 miles would put on a non biker's body, even with a bunch of stops.
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
That was directed to the naysayers that said the untrained body can't handle being on a bike for that long... not a valid point?
yes, it's possible but the Cornell dude is probably in the top what? 2% of the endurance population?
IronMan triathlon prob bet Quote
11-26-2011 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
That was directed to the naysayers that said the untrained body can't handle being on a bike for that long... not a valid point?
yo man, if you can't understand that this dude is so far from untrained he can't even remember what it was like living without a six-pack, I'm just wasting my time. take that, add this:

Although Kuritzky finished the swim ahead of time, the hardest part was the bike ride, because in addition to worrying about his bike breaking down, he said was in “absolute misery for the last 80 or 90 miles."
and this
In fact, while trying to rent a bike from a store that rents to triathletes, he wrote in his blog, the owner refused to rent him a bike when it became clear that Kuritzky had never ridden seriously before. He ended up with a bike designed for those “who like to take pleasant afternoon rides” because it was the only store that would agree to lend a non-triathlete a bike for a triathlon.
and i'm right back to laughing at everything you write, just as I've done from the beginning of this thread.
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