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Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!!

06-15-2012 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by diddyeinstein
Read a train forum and the uphill problem seems to be from a lack of enough power to overcome gravity + rail friction.
That doesn't make sense to me. If the thing is really fast, obviously it's able to produce more force than normal trains, which are presumably able to go uphill on tracks that were designed for trains.

I mean.. it's trivially true that if the train isn't successfully powering itself uphill, that's because it's failing to overcome gravity + whatever other forces are pushing it back. The question is why.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
06-15-2012 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
funniest **** I read all week

thank you

and the way Sugar Nut follows it with that tiny little 'k'

tears in my eyes
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
06-15-2012 , 02:42 AM
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
06-15-2012 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by ToTheInternet
now i know how to send secret messages. thx
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06-15-2012 , 03:50 AM
Only man Chuck Norris is scared of. And he was just a kid.

Murphy's unit was reduced to an effective strength of 19 out of 128. Murphy sent all of the remaining men to the rear while he shot at the Germans with his M1 carbine until he ran out of ammunition. He then climbed aboard an abandoned, burning M10 tank destroyer and used its .50 caliber machine gun to cut down the German infantry, including one full squad of German infantry who crawled in a ditch to within 100 feet (30 m) of his position.
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06-15-2012 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by PlsFold
Only man Chuck Norris is scared of. And he was just a kid.

Murphy's unit was reduced to an effective strength of 19 out of 128. Murphy sent all of the remaining men to the rear while he shot at the Germans with his M1 carbine until he ran out of ammunition. He then climbed aboard an abandoned, burning M10 tank destroyer and used its .50 caliber machine gun to cut down the German infantry, including one full squad of German infantry who crawled in a ditch to within 100 feet (30 m) of his position.
Now i get that line in platoon when bunny says hes audie Murphy
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06-18-2012 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Smokey_The_Bear
What helped me with monty hall:

Imagine there are 1,000 doors, you pick one, and the host opens 998 other incorrect doors.
Not to continue the Monty Hall trainwreck side thread (well, yes actually...)

Bingo. This is what made the light bulb come on for me, only my stats professor used a deck of cards.

I have had 3 or 4 friends who didn't get it and after I used a deck of cards they all got it.

Basically have them pick 1 card from a deck face down and keep it to the side, telling them if they picked the ace of spades they win.

After they pick their card I then pick up the remaining deck and begin riffling through it (they can see that I'm looking at all the cards). Eventually I select 1 card to keep and turn the remaining 50 cards over and spread them all out, so that they can clearly see none of those 50 cards are the ace of spades.

At this point I ask them who is more likely to have the ace of spades, me or them.

Every single one of them then understands wtf is happening.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
06-18-2012 , 10:26 PM
Doctor who dug out the corpse of the woman he loved and slept with it for 7 years
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06-18-2012 , 11:01 PM
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
06-19-2012 , 03:56 PM

nude posture photos were taken in the 1940s through the 1970s of all incoming freshmen at certain Ivy League and Seven Sisters colleges
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06-19-2012 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by rothko
LOL, what a brilliant scam.

"Yeah, we're gonna need all you 18 year old girls to line up so we can take a bunch of naked photos of you... it's for uh.. science."
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
06-20-2012 , 01:14 AM

Yes, it is a list of sandwiches. Includes name, photo, location of origin, and short description.

Donkey Burger. China. Chopped or shredded, savory donkey meat in a bun. Sold in Baoding, Hebei Province as street food, and also in high-end restaurants.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
06-24-2012 , 01:00 AM
extreme ways please post some details on why you think these articles are interesting because i am a personal finance geek and even i think treasury securities are awfully ****ing dull.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
06-24-2012 , 10:03 PM
I love it, but I love all relevant knowledge to the world we live in
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
06-24-2012 , 10:07 PM
Doggerland was mildly interesting. the other two not so much (and i'm an econ grad student)
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06-24-2012 , 10:25 PM

Elysia Chlorotica (Eastern Emerald Elysia)
-a sea slug that eats algae and manages to keep the chloroplasts from the algae intact during digestion. The chloroplasts are then incorporated into the slug's own cells, so in a way, the slug is an animal that can do photosynthesis. It eats algae all the time to replenish its stock of chloroplasts, but the chloroplasts remain intact and functional for at least 8 months. Very cool.
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06-25-2012 , 02:15 AM
read most of this thread and don't remember seeing this

saw a documentary of him earlier and it was pretty interesting
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06-25-2012 , 07:38 AM
06-25-2012 , 03:27 PM
Extreme Ways,
Originally Posted by tyler_cracker
extreme ways please post some details on why you think these articles are interesting because i am a personal finance geek and even i think treasury securities are awfully ****ing dull.
Seriously, just posting links to treasury securities and Ross Perot with no context at all is just clutter. Post better.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
06-25-2012 , 04:42 PM
LOL @ posting a link to Ross Perot. Seriously man exercise some discretion yo. Links should be interesting, informative, thought-provoking, and tend to lean toward the obscure. And post a few sentences as to what makes it interesting. Nobody is going to just click a link to a word that they've never seen. And when OOT regs see that this thread has been bumped they come here eagerly anticipating a cool new link.

That said, hey has anyone ever heard about this?

"The destruction of the Twin Towers caused serious damage to the economy of Lower Manhattan and had a significant impact on global markets." WHOA
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