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Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!!

03-31-2010 , 12:21 PM
One of the weirder looking animals
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
03-31-2010 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by super skunk
Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin Gorskii

made color photographs in early 1900s

FWIW, I believe there are color photographs as far back as the 1870s. I love seeing old color photos though.

Also, this last photo could have been taken this morning and I'd have no reason to believe it were any older. lol.
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03-31-2010 , 04:44 PM
what a great thread. ill contribute a decent article on the KGB killing a dissident:

On 7 September 1978 (the birthday of Todor Zhivkov), Markov walked across Waterloo Bridge spanning the River Thames, and was waiting at a bus stop on the other side, when he was jabbed in the calf by a man holding an umbrella. The man apologized and walked away. Markov would later tell doctors that the man had spoken with a foreign accent. The event is recalled as the "Umbrella Murder" with the assassin claimed to be Francesco Gullino, codenamed "Piccadilly".
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03-31-2010 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Not really a cunning plan.

This guy tried to warn the US before 9/11 and was assassinated by some Morocoons on forged passports who called to have a pool side interview with him. They blew up a bomb in a hollowed out camera.

This was 9/9/01.
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03-31-2010 , 06:28 PM
this one is a link to almost all sexual fetishes. Some people are really messed up in the head.

Another good time waster is to click here. It is pulls a random article from wikipedia. then within 7 clicks (one click taking you to a new wiki page) get to the kevin bacon page.
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04-01-2010 , 07:59 AM
Not enough biology ITT.

Seahorse reproduction is a pretty involved process where the male actually gives birth. Here is Jim Gaffigan's take.

The Coolidge effect says that if you just banged a chick then you'll be tired and need a break before having another go with her but if her friend walked in the room naked you'd be ready instantly.
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04-01-2010 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by newk
this one is a link to almost all sexual fetishes. Some people are really messed up in the head.

Another good time waster is to click here. It is pulls a random article from wikipedia. then within 7 clicks (one click taking you to a new wiki page) get to the kevin bacon page.
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04-01-2010 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by knivesout

This guy tried to warn the US before 9/11 and was assassinated by some Morocoons on forged passports who called to have a pool side interview with him. They blew up a bomb in a hollowed out camera.

This was 9/9/01.

Hmmm, that sounds a lot like the guys who tried to get a 'poolside interview' with W on 9/11.
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04-01-2010 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by JaredL

The Coolidge effect says that if you just banged a chick then you'll be tired and need a break before having another go with her but if her friend walked in the room naked you'd be ready instantly.
The term comes from an old joke, according to which U.S. President Calvin Coolidge and his wife allegedly visited a poultry farm. During the tour, Mrs. Coolidge inquired of the farmer how his farm managed to produce so many fertile eggs with such a small number of roosters. The farmer proudly explained that his roosters performed their duty dozens of times each day.

"Tell that to Mr. Coolidge," pointedly replied the First Lady.

The President, overhearing the remark, asked the farmer, "Does each rooster service the same hen each time?"

"No," replied the farmer, "there are many hens for each rooster."

"Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge," replied the President.
Ohhh yeahhhhhhh!
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04-01-2010 , 02:54 PM

Pretty crazy article about some planned attacks by some high level Al Qaeda and would have hit multiple airliners/airports all over the world. Def read the whole article, these were not amateurs this was a extremely carefully planned multi-phase operation which seemed very close to happening.

"Airline bombing plot

The next plan would have involved at least five terrorists, including Yousef, Khan, Shah and two more unknown operatives. Starting on January 21, 1995 and ending on January 22, 1995, they would set the bombs on 11 United States-bound airliners that had stopovers all around East Asia and Southeast Asia. All of the flights had two legs. The bombs would be planted inside life jackets under seats on the first leg, when each bomber would disembark. He would then board one or two more flights and repeat. After all of the bombers planted bombs on all of the flights, each man would then catch flights to Lahore, Pakistan. The men never needed U.S. visas, as they only would have been on the planes for their first legs in Asia.

United States airlines had been chosen instead of Asian airlines so as to maximize the shock toward Americans. The flights targeted were listed under operatives with codenames: "Zyed", "Majbos", "Markoa", "Mirqas" and "Obaid". Obaid, who was really Abdul Hakim Murad, was to hit United flight 80, and then he was to go back to Singapore under another United flight which he would bomb.[5][7][9]

Zyed, probably Ramzi Yousef, was to hit Northwest Flight 30, a United Flight going from Taipei to Honolulu, and a United Flight going from Bangkok to Taipei to San Francisco[5][10]

The bombs would have been timed before the operatives stepped off the planes. The aircraft would have blown up over the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea almost simultaneously. If this plan worked, several thousand would have perished, and air travel would have been shut down worldwide for days, if not weeks. The U.S. government estimated the prospective death toll to be about 4,000 if the plot had been executed."

"Phase II, CIA plane crash plot

Abdul Hakim Murad confessed details of Phase II in his interrogation by the Manila police after his capture.

There were alternate plans to hijack a 12th commercial airliner and use that instead of the small aircraft, probably due to the Manila cell's growing frustration with explosives. Testing explosives in a house or apartment is dangerous, and it can easily give away a terrorist plot. Khalid Sheik Mohammed probably made the alternate plan.

A report from the Philippines to the United States on January 20, 1995 stated, "What the subject has in his mind is that he will board any American commercial aircraft pretending to be an ordinary passenger. Then he will hijack said aircraft, control its cockpit and dive it at the CIA headquarters."

Another plot the men were cooking up would have involved hijacking of more airplanes. The Sears Tower (Chicago, Illinois), The Pentagon (Arlington County, Virginia), the United States Capitol (Washington, D.C.), the White House (Washington, DC), the Transamerica Pyramid (San Francisco, California), and the World Trade Center (New York, New York) would be the likely targets. This plot eventually would be the base plot for the September 11, 2001 attacks, only hitting the World Trade Center (which was destroyed) and The Pentagon (which suffered partial damage).

In his confession with Filipino investigators, Abdul Hakim Murad said that the Manila cell could not recruit enough people to implement other hijackings prior to the foiling of Oplan Bojinka."

and this was in 1995. ****in crazy...

Last edited by FightRight; 04-01-2010 at 03:02 PM.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
04-01-2010 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by knivesout

This guy tried to warn the US before 9/11 and was assassinated by some Morocoons on forged passports who called to have a pool side interview with him. They blew up a bomb in a hollowed out camera.

This was 9/9/01.
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04-01-2010 , 03:55 PM
from earlier linked article

"Theodore Roosevelt

October 13, 1912: Three and a half years after he left office, Roosevelt was running for President as a member of the Progressive party established in 1912 by Roosevelt and other political free thinkers, after he split from the Republican Party which he had served as a member of during his Presidency. In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, John F. Schrank, a saloon-keeper from New York, shot Roosevelt once with a .38 caliber revolver. A 50-page speech folded over twice in Roosevelt's breast pocket and a metal glasses case slowed the bullet. Amidst the commotion, Roosevelt yelled out, "Quiet! I've been shot." Roosevelt insisted on giving his speech with the bullet still lodged inside him. During his speech Roosevelt stated, "It takes more than one bullet to bring down a Bull Moose" lol
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04-02-2010 , 01:40 AM
I read a while ago that Scorcese was planning a Teddy Roosevelt bio-pic.

No mention of it now on Scorcese's IMDb page.
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04-03-2010 , 01:05 AM
Love the thread, here's my contribution.

Alan Smithee (also Allen Smithee) is an official pseudonym used by film directors who wish to disown a project, coined in 1968. Until its use was formally discontinued in 2000, it was the sole pseudonym used by members of the Directors Guild of America (DGA) when a director dissatisfied with the final product proved to the satisfaction of a guild panel that he or she had not been able to exercise creative control over a film. The director was also required by guild rules not to discuss the circumstances leading to the move or even to acknowledge being the actual director.
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04-03-2010 , 10:10 AM
—dubbed by the press the chicken-powered nuclear bomb—was the codename of a British tactical nuclear weapon project in the 1950s with the goal to store a number of ten-kiloton nuclear mines in Germany, to be placed at target locations on the North German Plain in the event of war.

One particularly remarkable proposal suggested that live chickens should be included in the mechanism. The chickens would be sealed inside the casing, with a supply of food and water; they would remain alive for a week or so. The body heat given off by the chickens would, it seems, have been sufficient to keep all the relevant components at a working temperature.!_signal
The Big Ear telescope was fixed and used the rotation of the Earth to scan the sky. At the speed of the Earth's rotation, and given the width of the Big Ear's observation "window", the Big Ear could observe any given point for just 72 seconds. A continuous extraterrestrial signal, therefore, would be expected to register for exactly 72 seconds, and the recorded intensity of that signal would show a gradual peaking for the first 36 seconds—until the signal reached the center of Big Ear's observation "window"— and then a gradual decrease.

Therefore, both the length of the Wow! signal, 72 seconds, and the shape of the intensity graph may correspond to a possible extraterrestrial origin.

Also, the 1420 MHz signal is problematic in itself in that it is "protected spectrum": it is bandwidth in which terrestrial transmitters are forbidden to transmit.
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04-03-2010 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Charlie.Dont.Surf

Lieutenant Colonel William Rankin (c. 1920 — July 6, 2009) is the only known person to survive a fall from the top of a cumulonimbus thunderstorm cloud
how much more anxiety producing things could be going on?

first you're at 47,000 feet. so, that's pretty high if something goes wrong.

then you hear

a loud bump and rumble from the engine.
now i'm starting to **** bricks.


the rpm falls to zero
that just caused my blood pressure to skyrocket to 300


the fire warning light flashes
i want to find a happy place

then you go to

pull a lever to deploy auxiliary power, but the lever breaks off in [your] hands.
ok, now we're officially at Level One Million panic mode

then you realize that

although the temperature outside is −50°C and you are not wearing a pressure suit, you are forced to eject.
i would have had a heart attack well before then i'm sure
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04-04-2010 , 02:41 AM
Shoichi Yokoi-Lived in a cave in the jungle for 28 years after WWII, not believing the war was really over and not wanting to surrender.
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04-04-2010 , 02:49 AM
If you're a fan of Press Your Luck

No Whammies!
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04-04-2010 , 07:59 AM
This one is EPIC!

Cliffs: Chinese male opera singer convinced a French embassy employee he was a woman. Chinese dude was a spy. They would have "sex". Convinced french dude she was pregnant and later gave birth to his "son". Their relationship lasted 20 years.
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04-04-2010 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by AsianPlayboy
This one is EPIC!

Cliffs: Chinese male opera singer convinced a French embassy employee he was a woman. Chinese dude was a spy. They would have "sex". Convinced french dude she was pregnant and later gave birth to his "son". Their relationship lasted 20 years.
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04-04-2010 , 07:44 PM

According to Newsweek, the Catsouras "accident was so gruesome the coroner wouldn't allow her parents to identify their daughter's body."[1] However, photographs of the scene of Catsouras' death were taken by California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers as part of standard fatal vehicle accident procedures. These photos were then forwarded to others within the Department, and then spread across the Internet.
The photos are very easy to find online and extremely gruesome. Some of the worst I've ever seen. Don't steal your dad's Porsche I guess.
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04-04-2010 , 08:03 PM
i didn't click on the guy getting hit by a train, so i guess i won't go look for that picture
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04-04-2010 , 08:11 PM
while searching for that picture on GIS, I believe that I came across a page that was selling mugs with the picture. Not 100% sure because the page looked bust at first and I closed the browser quick. Can't find it now.

One of the most lol internet moments ever though.
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04-04-2010 , 08:23 PM
I love these 9/11, assassination attempts on Bush, etc. ones.
The Sears Tower (Chicago, Illinois), The Pentagon (Arlington County, Virginia), the United States Capitol (Washington, D.C.), the White House (Washington, DC), the Transamerica Pyramid (San Francisco, California), and the World Trade Center (New York, New York) would be the likely targets.
I can't imagine what would have happened if they managed to hit all these targets. On top of those people getting to Bush. 2012 in 2001.
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