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idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses

04-03-2014 , 12:35 AM
LOL such hate, would bang
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by ntanygd760
LOL such hate, would bang

The question was not "would you do her?", it was "is she hot?"

Cue picture of Kevin from the Office. Don't know how to post pics on my phone.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 01:18 AM
She isn't universally hot but is hot if your into her type.
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04-03-2014 , 01:27 AM
Tbh on closer look she isn't that hot. She just knows how to cake makeup on. Hence the maybelline comment.
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04-03-2014 , 01:39 AM
True it probably isn't that pretty under the makeup. I am a sucker for that look though
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04-03-2014 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
Baby tooth is beyond standard.
This was also a stupid sentence
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04-03-2014 , 02:00 AM
I'm in an open relationship and I don't even know what to call the dude I'm with. I refer to him as significant other (so). I mean yea, everything is fun and exciting, but at the same time it's so incredibly painful to realize that the dude is with whole bunch of other chicks as well. But also, he wouldn't be this fun if he hadn't been with all these other babes, I understand it now. People tell me that I should also play around, but I guess I'm naturally monogamous, when I find someone I like, I don't even want anyone else. So WTF am I to do now? No, I grew out of all these drama scenes, so no jealousy attacks here. When I feel down, I just smoke and ask God what is it that He wants me to learn from this situation.
I guess I'm kind of important, because his mom knows about me. His mom is a single mom like myself, she's really emotional, very moody and very beautiful. I actually like her, which is huge, because I really didn't like my ex's parents and especially his mom and especially his dad. I know I have quite a bit of friends who are in an alternative lifestyle, so I just need to know how to function within this relationship. I was told that I really have to be on my own side and realize my own greatness. Polyamory hurts. Or maybe I just need to find someone as hot as he is and make it up to myself that way. I'm aching, my friends.
So I must be really attracted to narcissistic men with superiority complex. WTF is wrong with me? One thought he was god, the other thought he is a king. So if i'll follow their thinking pattern, I must be universe itself because I'm way more accomplished than they are
While thinking about theory of foreign language education, I came up with the wackiest idea ever. So now that I have spent so much time with cruel narcissistic men, trying to accommodate them anyway possible, why don't I just play a cruel narcissistic woman (NOT toward my children!!!!, toward men only)? When I met my husband, I knew nothing about this character and look where I ended up. Now I read books and articles on that, spoke for hours with the priest, several counselors and even a psychic reader (I think she's a really great counselor, she just doesnt' have a license). Maybe if I play this character on my own, I'll get over it and will be able to genuinely get attracted to psychologically healthy, confident, emotionally generous men. I don't want to lie to myself and go with someone my elders tell me to go. I want to be genuinely attracted to the person I'm with. I think it's mental disorder that brings us together.
So it's been a year now that I'm not married. It was pretty interesting, lots of activity I guess. I'm getting tired of all this crap though. It took a year to finalize everything, so all in all. I actually want to get married again soon. This time I'll do everything right.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 02:18 AM
My friend goes to Disneyland at least twice a month. The jackass "checks in" posts pics/videos and hashtags from basically every ride he gets on all day long.

Sent from my SGH-M919 using 2+2 Forums
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 02:20 AM
"Am I really the only person that realizes.......or am I the only person willing to SPEAK OUT about the fact that bloggers post these links for giveaways and sweeps simply to receive the extra entries/bonus entries/referral entries from every person following their blog that happens to click on that link? I don't get it. I am super poor, I have no money coming into my household for reasons beyond my control at the moment!!!!! BUT these people that already get LOADS of free **** sent to them because they already spent the money to establish a ****ing website still expect yet more FREE **** at the expense of their followers. UMMMMM, that is just not ME.........I would NEVER NEVER EVER do that at least not without giving a "heads up" first on that post that they would be providing me an extra entry by clicking on my post.......but HONESTY is THE most important thing to me in MY life and most don't give a **** about!! Thus why I DESPISE the human race!"
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
"Am I really the only person that realizes.......or am I the only person willing to SPEAK OUT about the fact that bloggers post these links for giveaways and sweeps simply to receive the extra entries/bonus entries/referral entries from every person following their blog that happens to click on that link? I don't get it. I am super poor, I have no money coming into my household for reasons beyond my control at the moment!!!!! BUT these people that already get LOADS of free **** sent to them because they already spent the money to establish a ****ing website still expect yet more FREE **** at the expense of their followers. UMMMMM, that is just not ME.........I would NEVER NEVER EVER do that at least not without giving a "heads up" first on that post that they would be providing me an extra entry by clicking on my post.......but HONESTY is THE most important thing to me in MY life and most don't give a **** about!! Thus why I DESPISE the human race!"
This may be idiotic but is pure awesomeness.

Suggested reply for the lulz: "I am moved by your HONESTY about hating the human race because of monetized blogs."
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 02:53 AM
I've unfollowed this chick but she posts some truly awful statuses. Example, like wtf is she even saying, **** cant be real. some big words up in there

"They say these are the best years of your life.

As we pirouette on the cusp of adulthood, just shy of absolute responsibility, we linger at the fence of childhood and dip our toes into a reservoir of chaos. We learn how to melt into each other’s arms while falling asleep to the lukewarm cloud of another person’s breath on our necks. We take a montage of fleeing images and we call them memories and we take our experiences and use them to bring definition to words that lack a sense of presence. We fuel and embrace insanity as it cultivates our essence. We experience sexuality, and lust and jealousy and hate and fury, nausea and exhilaration. We taste each other while discovering our inner angels and thieves. We leave scars, and somewhere amongst this labyrinth of brutal affairs we find ourselves short of breath and face to face with something so beautiful. These are the days of our lives and when we lay in bed ten years from now, as we unfold into our sheets we’ll remember stamping our feet and singing at the top of ours lungs, dangling on the edges of cliffs and giggling until the sun crept through our windows, our first kisses, and our Adderall binges, one night stands and that one drink that you’ll never touch again, we’ll remember the hate and we’ll remember love but mostly we’ll remember not being able to tell the difference. They say these are the best years of our lives, but my question is…who’s “they”?"

Different girl. type to post selfies of her in a bikini where focus is on her big boobs lol.

"As cold as this winter has been, the things my mother does warms my heart. We are sitting at a café, eating cookies and drinking coffee with friends when an old lady walks in. She has a pink crocheted hat that's just a little too big for her small frame. Mid conversation, Mom walks to the cashier, smiles at the woman, and pays for everything she ordered. Little acts of kindness don't take much and they certainly aren't done enough. Take a tip from my mom and do something good for a stranger. I'm a lucky girl to have such a wonderful mama!"

"Here's to the man who let me blow bubbles in my drink; who taught me how to pitch overhand; who tried all of my inedible baking disasters; who learned how to blow dry waist-length hair; who handed out highlight videos to soccer recruiters; who cheered in every embarrassing swim meet; who let me order three soups for dinner at a five-star restaurant; who carried me to bed after surgery; who listened to hours of dog facts; who stayed up late to proofread my essays. Here's to the man who loved me first and has loved me ever since. Happy birthday, Daddy. I love you too."

"Christopher, for the past 21 years, you have earned many titles: the fattest person in our family; the ugliest person in our family; most likely to marry his own car; Kevin, the wifi minion; he who refuses to shave; dollar menu millionaire; Dad's personal chauffeur; the only person who can challenge me in a food-eating contest; Shawn... Jarred being Gus; "A greased up deaf guy" (from quiz up). Today, you can officially add one more title to your repertoire—a legal alcoholic. Happy 21st birthday, buddy! It's all downhill from here."

this is my first time posting in this thread and there is alot of wall of text but i think im going to have some good future posts.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 03:02 AM
Christopher, for the past 21 years, you have earned many titles: the fattest person in our family; the ugliest person in our family; most likely to marry his own car
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by TomHimself
I've unfollowed this chick but she posts some truly awful statuses. Example, like wtf is she even saying, **** cant be real. some big words up in there

"They say these are the best years of your life.

As we pirouette on the cusp of adulthood, just shy of absolute responsibility, we linger at the fence of childhood and dip our toes into a reservoir of chaos. We learn how to melt into each other’s arms while falling asleep to the lukewarm cloud of another person’s breath on our necks. We take a montage of fleeing images and we call them memories and we take our experiences and use them to bring definition to words that lack a sense of presence. We fuel and embrace insanity as it cultivates our essence. We experience sexuality, and lust and jealousy and hate and fury, nausea and exhilaration. We taste each other while discovering our inner angels and thieves. We leave scars, and somewhere amongst this labyrinth of brutal affairs we find ourselves short of breath and face to face with something so beautiful. These are the days of our lives and when we lay in bed ten years from now, as we unfold into our sheets we’ll remember stamping our feet and singing at the top of ours lungs, dangling on the edges of cliffs and giggling until the sun crept through our windows, our first kisses, and our Adderall binges, one night stands and that one drink that you’ll never touch again, we’ll remember the hate and we’ll remember love but mostly we’ll remember not being able to tell the difference. They say these are the best years of our lives, but my question is…who’s “they”?"
What a bunch of word vomit.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 04:45 AM

Different girl. type to post selfies of her in a bikini where focus is on her big boobs lol.

idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by wheelflush
I'm in an open relationship and I don't even know what to call the dude I'm with. I refer to him as significant other (so). I mean yea, everything is fun and exciting, but at the same time it's so incredibly painful to realize that the dude is with whole bunch of other chicks as well. But also, he wouldn't be this fun if he hadn't been with all these other babes, I understand it now. People tell me that I should also play around, but I guess I'm naturally monogamous, when I find someone I like, I don't even want anyone else. So WTF am I to do now? No, I grew out of all these drama scenes, so no jealousy attacks here. When I feel down, I just smoke and ask God what is it that He wants me to learn from this situation.
I guess I'm kind of important, because his mom knows about me. His mom is a single mom like myself, she's really emotional, very moody and very beautiful. I actually like her, which is huge, because I really didn't like my ex's parents and especially his mom and especially his dad. I know I have quite a bit of friends who are in an alternative lifestyle, so I just need to know how to function within this relationship. I was told that I really have to be on my own side and realize my own greatness. Polyamory hurts. Or maybe I just need to find someone as hot as he is and make it up to myself that way. I'm aching, my friends.
Someone should tell this chick that she's not in an open relationship, she is just ok with her boyfriend ****ing other people. At least his mom knows about her...
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by wheelflush
I really didn't like my ex's parents and especially his mom and especially his dad.

Sent from my SGH-M919 using 2+2 Forums
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 08:55 AM
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 10:24 AM

I thought it was a joke at first.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 10:26 AM
I feel like people sometimes think I'm crazy or an over-inquisitive jerk because I am constantly trying to understand why and how people adhere to the intangible boundaries that divide us based on abstract concepts like political leaning, sexual orientation/identification, ethnicity, religion, musical preference, and nerdiness.
most recent status update, not sure if he's consistent with it or not
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by TomHimself
"Christopher, for the past 21 years, you have earned many titles: the fattest person in our family; the ugliest person in our family; most likely to marry his own car; Kevin, the wifi minion; he who refuses to shave; dollar menu millionaire; Dad's personal chauffeur; the only person who can challenge me in a food-eating contest; Shawn... Jarred being Gus; "A greased up deaf guy" (from quiz up). Today, you can officially add one more title to your repertoire—a legal alcoholic. Happy 21st birthday, buddy! It's all downhill from here."
Wow. That has got to be one of the most brutal things I've read haha. He's obviously some special kind of beta man to put up with that. To be fair, I thought the father thing was kind of nice actually, though perhaps in a birthday card, not on Facebook.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by TomHimself
Different girl. type to post selfies of her in a bikini where focus is on her big boobs lol.
The rules of the Internet require that you post pictures of this check so that we can all drool like puppies over her hooters.

And yeah, those are some truly narcissistic status updates. This thread had really delivered over the past few days.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by DrewOnTilt
The rules of the Internet require that you post pictures of this check so that we can all drool like puppies over her hooters.
How do people not understand this?
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 12:24 PM
"Who gives a speeding ticket to a very pregnant sobbing lady, with a 3 year old screaming "Watch out for my butt!!" in the backseat (thanks, Frozen), late for preschool drop off and an ultrasound appt? The guy who pulled me over this morning, that's who. Good news is I can take traffic school a couple of weeks after having a c-section to get it wiped off my record! Awesome!"

That's not so terrible but the first comment is "I would write a letter to his boss."
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by DrewOnTilt
The rules of the Internet require that you post pictures of this check so that we can all drool like puppies over her hooters.

And yeah, those are some truly narcissistic status updates. This thread had really delivered over the past few days.
Not sure why you want it but OK.

idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2014 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by TomHimself
I've unfollowed this chick but she posts some truly awful statuses. Example, like wtf is she even saying, **** cant be real. some big words up in there

"They say these are the best years of your life.

As we pirouette on the cusp of adulthood, just shy of absolute responsibility, we linger at the fence of childhood and dip our toes into a reservoir of chaos. We learn how to melt into each other’s arms while falling asleep to the lukewarm cloud of another person’s breath on our necks. We take a montage of fleeing images and we call them memories and we take our experiences and use them to bring definition to words that lack a sense of presence. We fuel and embrace insanity as it cultivates our essence. We experience sexuality, and lust and jealousy and hate and fury, nausea and exhilaration. We taste each other while discovering our inner angels and thieves. We leave scars, and somewhere amongst this labyrinth of brutal affairs we find ourselves short of breath and face to face with something so beautiful. These are the days of our lives and when we lay in bed ten years from now, as we unfold into our sheets we’ll remember stamping our feet and singing at the top of ours lungs, dangling on the edges of cliffs and giggling until the sun crept through our windows, our first kisses, and our Adderall binges, one night stands and that one drink that you’ll never touch again, we’ll remember the hate and we’ll remember love but mostly we’ll remember not being able to tell the difference. They say these are the best years of our lives, but my question is…who’s “they”?"
you are facebook friends with Haseeb Qureshi?
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