This is the dumbest game. It's weird how suspected racists all ask this dumb question, they want you to examine all of their statements in isolation, remove all context etc.
Do you think this is because
1) they're dumb and think that this is how racism actually works, ie. if you can't find a post they made with a n-bomb, then QED, not racist
2) they've learned how to craft their messages so that all overt racism is below the surface and they can plausibly deny anything if only a tiny portion of their body of work is on display
That isn't what I was doing. I was looking for a specific post, a group of posts or a thread to be mentioned (didn't have to be actually quoted ITT) of why he thought that.
Originally Posted by diddy!
Just tell us you have black friends and we can get back to FB posts, content in the knowledge that you are definitely not racist.
If this is what it takes to get the thread back on track I'd like to bite the bullet and look like an idiot and say:
I can't be racist, I have black friends...
I also have black and other minority family members, but for the sake of getting this thread back on track let's ignore that fact.
Last edited by bahbahmickey; 06-01-2018 at 07:49 AM.