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03-01-2015 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
She has stated she's in a certain tier that she was proud to get, one step before the best tier I believe. Not sure if that affects the numbers any?
It only slightly lowers Becka's income and it doesn't affect the rest of the group expect their average commission would be divided by 23.75%-24.5% instead of 25% which was pretty generous in my estimation.

Please please please post my numbers and you can discredit yourself and say it was a third party consultant analysis with years of real commission sales experience
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03-01-2015 , 03:32 AM
Those numbers don't take into account if these girls on Becka's team, have members that they've recruited to be part of their own team that are working for them, making money. Or is that not how this whole process works?
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03-01-2015 , 03:36 AM
I figured once you signed up, you were always part of whoever's team that referred you, then you work on building "your" team.
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03-01-2015 , 03:39 AM
**** it will post that **** when I get up tomorrow I guess. No one is up now to read it anyways. Those numbers better be right though, I don't wanna look like a dumbass haha.
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03-01-2015 , 03:44 AM
So you're right in both respects. My numbers breakdown was based solely on Becka's team. Her team members could make more money based on their own teams and their performance.

But according to Becka once you build a team you stop working on selling the stuff yourself so it seems that the best you can do income wise is Becka or a proportionally better based on $$$ sold.

Point is - yes, in theory her team members are making more $$ based on their own teams but we have no numbers for those teams so we can't assume any income figures for that.

However, the numbers for Becka's team can't be refuted. That's how much she made off her team approx (before taxes mind you) and that's how much her team would approx average based on the sales numbers she provided for 114 team members.

Even if my margin for error is 100% for the team members earnings and you double the average earnings for those team members - they still only made approx $110 this month and about $3/hour for 40 hours worked in a month (10 hours a week invested into the job)

Last edited by Natamus; 03-01-2015 at 03:51 AM.
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03-01-2015 , 03:49 AM
Once they have their own teams going, they lose motivation to sell for Becka's team. Or at least that's the way this is set up to unfold, no?

I just have to be prepared for her bitchy response disputing it all, and some of her dumbass friends calling me a hater or something. This girl really does have a cult following for this ****.
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03-01-2015 , 03:53 AM
Where did you get the 25% figure for her team making commish? I thought they didn't make that much?

So They would make 25%, Becka 6% so Younique would get 69% of the cut and their "MULTI LEVEL MARKETING" team gets 31%?
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
03-01-2015 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
Where did you get the 25% figure for her team making commish? I thought they didn't make that much?

So They would make 25%, Becka 6% so Younique would get 69% of the cut and their "MULTI LEVEL MARKETING" team gets 31%?
It's more convoluted than this but honestly if we get much deeper... hell dude we are already way over these women's heads...

But for the sake of the forum I'm about to really break this stuff down...

So when a rep makes a direct sell to a client they get 20%-30% based on their tier level (Becka would get 30% for her direct sales in her tier level). Becka's 6% comes out of her team members 20-30%. I gave her credit for having half her team members at higher tier levels so the average commission they would be making would be 25%.

What I didn't subtract from the team members commission was Becka's 6% that comes out of their commissions.

When Becka signs someone up all of their sales forever are under her "team" and everyone they sign up under them are also under her "team" at different tiers. But everyone who signs up under someone Becka signed up is also apart of their "team" so each of those people are getting a cut of the commissions of the people below them.

So in actuality if you are on the level 1 of this 5 level system, 4 people above you are getting their % of your commission out of your 20% commission as a level 1 member.

Example: I sign up under a friend who is level 2 in Becka's team and I am now level 1. There are 2 other people people me and Becka for a total of 4 levels of team members above me. I make a $5 sale and receive a $1 commission for my sale, 20% of the sale. Out of my 20% ($1) Becka get's 6%, the person below her gets 3%, the person below them gets 4% and the person who signed you up gets 5%.

So 18 cents of my $1 commission goes to the people above me in the pyramid and I only actually receive 82 cents.

Anyone can question this or look for clarity if they like but the more I break down the truth the worse it is for the MLM. It also gets more detailed and complicated and there's less and less chance anyone who would ever sign up for any of this would understand the true economic breakdown of it all.

BTW, this is one of the "better" of the MLM hell holes and it still super sucks
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03-01-2015 , 04:15 AM
**** it, gonna wreck this girls dreams tomorrow. Gonna be a good day.
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03-01-2015 , 04:19 AM
it's raining in L.A. tomorrow and I got nothing planned so I eagerly await this playing out like the Michael Jackson popcorn gif
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03-01-2015 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich

pff lol
What is wrong with her face??

Also I feel so bad for the chicks that get roped in to these parties and pressured to waste their money on crap so their mates can make 6% of it.
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03-01-2015 , 06:31 AM
If each team member only puts an avg of 10 hours a week into this venture (a very small time investment for a part time job) they make $1.48/hour
so it's worse than a waiter and you don't even have tips

sweet job
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03-01-2015 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by Natamus
It's more convoluted than this but honestly if we get much deeper... hell dude we are already way over these women's heads...

But for the sake of the forum I'm about to really break this stuff down...

So when a rep makes a direct sell to a client they get 20%-30% based on their tier level (Becka would get 30% for her direct sales in her tier level). Becka's 6% comes out of her team members 20-30%. I gave her credit for having half her team members at higher tier levels so the average commission they would be making would be 25%.

What I didn't subtract from the team members commission was Becka's 6% that comes out of their commissions.

When Becka signs someone up all of their sales forever are under her "team" and everyone they sign up under them are also under her "team" at different tiers. But everyone who signs up under someone Becka signed up is also apart of their "team" so each of those people are getting a cut of the commissions of the people below them.

So in actuality if you are on the level 1 of this 5 level system, 4 people above you are getting their % of your commission out of your 20% commission as a level 1 member.

Example: I sign up under a friend who is level 2 in Becka's team and I am now level 1. There are 2 other people people me and Becka for a total of 4 levels of team members above me. I make a $5 sale and receive a $1 commission for my sale, 20% of the sale. Out of my 20% ($1) Becka get's 6%, the person below her gets 3%, the person below them gets 4% and the person who signed you up gets 5%.

So 18 cents of my $1 commission goes to the people above me in the pyramid and I only actually receive 82 cents.

Anyone can question this or look for clarity if they like but the more I break down the truth the worse it is for the MLM. It also gets more detailed and complicated and there's less and less chance anyone who would ever sign up for any of this would understand the true economic breakdown of it all.

BTW, this is one of the "better" of the MLM hell holes and it still super sucks
I don't think this is right. The commission that people get from their team members' sales doesn't come out of that team member's commission. It's an additional take from Younique's gross revenue. If someone is on the bottom rung of a tier there can be almost 50% coming out of their gross sales to go to reps. Younique are able to do this partly because their products are likely overpriced and partly because they don't have to rent premises, employ staff, spend on marketing etc. The MLM people are their replacement for that stuff.

Terminology-wise, all of the people earning commission for a person - the four levels underneath them - are their "team". The first rung of their team is called their "circle", those are the people they directly signed up. Becka won't have recruited 114 people herself, that's the sum total of the people for four levels underneath her. If she's smart, even if she recruits new people herself she probably lets one of her circle sign them up. The commission isn't that much less and doing that keeps her circle enthused and in the game and more likely to recruit more people for her. Also, the commission you get for fourth level people is the highest, so you want a pyramid type shape rather than having everyone on the first rung. This is a common MLM trick to keep people interested in helping their team recruit. In the really shonky signup-fee-based MLMs I have seen commissions that kick back up to big amounts (talking like 10%) in like the 6th and 7th level. This means that people in the scheme strive for depth, not breadth, in their teams, that means that there are often like 4 or 5 people doing their part to convince fresh meat to join, keeps those sweet sweet signup fees rolling in.
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03-01-2015 , 07:28 AM
To give you an idea of what a real scam looks like, I once had someone try to recruit me into an MLM called ACN. In theory they sell telecommunications stuff (like resold mobile and internet plans and stuff) but in reality that's window dressing for a pyramid scheme. This was their payout plan for each rung below you:


For this privilege, you paid a $500 signup fee and $150/year. However, the signup fee was returned to you upon signing two other people up. IIRC there were other bonuses for signing people up. There was a bit more to it but this was basically it. Literally all that mattered was signing other people up and getting a deep downline. Selling products was for chumps who didn't realise they were in a pyramid scheme.

Last edited by ChrisV; 03-01-2015 at 07:40 AM.
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03-01-2015 , 08:35 AM
Sounds like Veredian.
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03-01-2015 , 09:54 AM
I support the new direction this thread seems to be going in of responding and posting the aftermath
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03-01-2015 , 10:04 AM
Cray chick employed the novel response of simply hitting the like button on my first comment. I gotta say, I'm actually pretty impressed with that approach.
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03-01-2015 , 10:06 AM
Nagging doubt though, GREEAR can't really be right can he? This chick did grasp the sarcasm, surely?
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03-01-2015 , 10:48 AM
You know her better than we do, but I think your comment went over her head.
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03-01-2015 , 12:09 PM
Told ya
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
03-01-2015 , 12:20 PM
I wake up to a new random bitch posting:

"I sell Mary Kay without having anyone work below me and do very well. I work about 5 hours a week selling Mary Kay and bring in an extra $50 an hour, on average. If I did it full time, I would make more then my day job. But hey, I guess I don't know better. "
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
03-01-2015 , 12:22 PM
lol @ ever giving these creatures rights.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
03-01-2015 , 12:35 PM
"Tier commission means nothing to me since I have no one selling underneath me. So I'm actually not missing the point. I know several successful women in my organization that are in the same position as me"

"I make 50% commission on my sales. My average sales for just 1 party is over $300. For under 2 hours of work, I just made $150. My kit cost $100 and paid for itself after 2 days of starting my business."
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
03-01-2015 , 12:37 PM
Guess all your contacts are in the 1%.
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03-01-2015 , 12:39 PM
She was obv sincere when she liked that article and it never occurred to her it might but anything but true.
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