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Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000

02-20-2009 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
a non racist could use statistically relevant information on the ethnicity of the person to make a more informed decision on the relative value of their life in terms of the benefit they have on society

Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:14 PM
I'm never turning down the money, and assuming I care about the pet I'd be inclined to save it. I'll certainly talk to the person and if they seem decent enough I'll take them and the money though. Actually the person would have to be quite a disgusting creature before I don't save them.

If I had this option I would go into this room everyday for the rest of my life. Killing a pet for 100k is easy money.
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by istewart
Anyone who would choose a random person over their own pet is failing hard.
Really? I assume you're talking about a dog or cat at least rather than any type of pet.

But what if the person is married and has kids. What if he or she is in HS or college and isn't even fully grown up yet? I mean you get a chance to talk to that random person before you get to make your choice. If you get to know the person better it doesn't seem like such a random person afterall. And you're telling me you're going to off the human over the animal? OK well maybe if you find out he or she is indeed a scumbag, but the vast majority of cases I just can't justify taking a human life over an animals, even if I really do love the animal (I own a dog).

It just seems f. cked up to me that so many people think killing some random dude is most likely doing the world a favor. I mean most of the people I'm in contact with on daily basis seem like good people with families and friends that probably care a lot about them rather than some a-holes the world could do without. Maybe thats just me.

So I'll save the person and take the 100k. My dog is getting old.
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
I opened this expecting chimp jokes.
i hit ctrl-f chimp expecting chimp jokes.
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by splashpot
How much do contract assassins get paid? Why are you guys not assassins?
cause i don't know anyone in the business
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by captZEEbo
To the people saying 100k and pet, would you be a hitman for 100k/pop if there was 0% of being caught?

edit: lousy slashpot =(
yes no doubt
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:26 PM
My cat is sick right now anyways, he's not worth 100k. No way am I killing the person. I can't really imagine having a pet that would make me choose it over the money though, I mean with 100k I can buy a lot of puppies.
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:26 PM
Sight unseen I choose the person and pet.

If I have a chance to interview the person and he/she comes across as a serious idiot/burden to society I'll take the pet & $$$.
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by killa
does it matter

your answer will determine your fate btw
No, it doesn't matter... I was just trying to make a funny provacative comment; I don't want to incur your wrath.
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:30 PM
I have a pet rabbit named Cookie that I would gladly eat with the random stranger for $10,003.

5000 each for my wife and daughter for putative damages, and 3 bucks so I could go get me a 40.
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by sards
No, it doesn't matter... I was just trying to make a funny provacative comment; I don't want to incur your wrath.
Ok in that case i offer you bacon

sorry to derail please continue
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:37 PM
rabbit and Bacon.....Mmmmmm
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:44 PM
Person and money AINEC. My 2 cats are awesome, but they're replaceable. Can I get $200,000 if I get rid of both of them?
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:45 PM
So everybody that says Pet and Person, is the life of your pet worth $100k to you? If somebody handed you $100k tonight and maybe a year later your pet needed surgery to save their life costing $100k, you'd pay that out of pocket?
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:49 PM
I think how the person or pet would die greatly alters my situation. If the person or pet would just drop over dead and feel no pain, I would do the obligatory check if I feel there is significant value in the person (i.e. is she super hot or is he super intelligent/motivated and I think a boon to society), and if not, bye bye person, hello pet and $100,000. If the person or pet is going to die a ghastly long torturous death, then I would go probably got person and pet to alleviate guilt.

For those of you worried about the feeling of the person's family members, perhaps if the terms of the deal was that if I let the person die I would have to live with their family and friends for a year, then I would care.

And to the person asking if I would be an assassin for 100K a hit if I knew I would never get caught, I also vote in the absolutely corner.
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:51 PM
holding out for the money / money option

i'm willing to be the only beating heart left in the room for 200k.

Last edited by Fat-not-Thin Man; 02-20-2009 at 05:52 PM. Reason: fking mind reading answer thiefs
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:55 PM
The only argument here in pet vs 100K. That random could have kids/wife/family, etc. The ripple of effect of him losing his/her life will have the most significant impact, imo. This basically boils down how much is 100K to you. I don't own a pet now, but I'm imagining the pet I loved the most and there is absolutely no question I would have traded it for 100K. Although FWIW i'm not one of those people who has really bonded closely with a pet. I've really enjoyed the few pets that i'ved had, but I didn't consider them to be anything remotely close to worth 100K. That's alot of $$ to me.

Keep random + $$$$, bye bye kitty.
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 06:03 PM
The only people it's permissible to sacrifice in this hypothetical are those who would choose "Pet & Money" given the choice. These people aren't fit to live really. There's no animal that's worth more than the most worthless person.
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by bigmonkey
There's no animal that's worth more than the most worthless person.


Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by bigmonkey
The only people it's permissible to sacrifice in this hypothetical are those who would choose "Pet & Money" given the choice. These people aren't fit to live really. There's no animal that's worth more than the most worthless person.
You do realize you can only sacrifice a person by choosing the "Pet & Money" option yourself right? You're a hypocrite.
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by killa
Pet and Person everytime, no money could change that ever
Why not ditch that pet but promise 10% of the money to an animal rescue? That would save a TON more animals than that single one.
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
So everybody that says Pet and Person, is the life of your pet worth $100k to you? If somebody handed you $100k tonight and maybe a year later your pet needed surgery to save their life costing $100k, you'd pay that out of pocket?
eh, theres a difference between having to pay 100K and turning down 100K, and if someone gave me 100K now, a year later its already been spent.

but yeah, I value my dogs life over an extra 100K. If I was poor or something that would no doubt change, but im not, so id rather have my dog than that amount of monies
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by 27AllIn
Why not ditch that pet but promise 10% of the money to an animal rescue? That would save a TON more animals than that single one.
TITLE: Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & $100,000
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by bigmonkey
The only people it's permissible to sacrifice in this hypothetical are those who would choose "Pet & Money" given the choice. These people aren't fit to live really. There's no animal that's worth more than the most worthless person.
Haha, what?. I have feelings for my pets. I have none for some random person who may or may not suck at life. What happens if I choose the person instead? Do I get a free blowjob? An appearance on Oprah? I am not some tremendous fan of humanity to the point where I sacrifice the pet for someone I don't know. And they sure as hell aren't beating out the pet or the money. I'd prefer not to think about which to pick of those though...

This is not even remotely a hard call. If it makes me a "bad person", so be it I guess.
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
02-20-2009 , 07:20 PM
i am picking stranger and money.

I am wondering what point the ppl choosing pet + $ would change their mind about the "stranger" If the person in the room was your kindergarten teacher, an old classmate, a co-worker, your mailman, or dentist? Where do you decide to draw the line on offing the "stranger"?
Hypothetical: Random Stranger, Your Favorite Pet, & 0,000 Quote
