Originally Posted by Nootka
All of your posts on this issue seem to defend the left lane travelers. Am I wrong?
And what's so "strange" about pointing out the doucheness of not getting your ass over once you're done passing?
a) its already pointed out, in fact its the reason why the post is in the thread.
b) As leapfrog posted, most people will move out of the way as soon as they can, provided the other guy is not being a monster douche
c) there seems to be a strange misunderstanding that the left most lane is empty for the most part, and people only use it to pass. The reality in every city in the world I have ever driven in is that all lanes are used for traffic, which each lane which is "more left" being fast than the previous one. Most of the people with this argument against it are purists who seem unwilling to accept the real fact that people drive in the left most lane.
Back to your assumption, I drive fairly fast, and I end up in the left hand lane quite often. I move out of the way for speed racers when possible, but I also freely admit to a perverse pleasure in watching the douche unsafe drivers get stuck behind me when I can't move over and start tailgating me and being jerks.