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How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around?

05-29-2008 , 05:17 AM
I'm asking this question because my very good looking 25 year old nephew is staying over for a couple of days w/ his incredibly ugly girlfriend. She is of Korean heritage (adopted), ~the same age as him, and 5'7" and about 120 lbs so she's not fat or anything but she's butt-****ing ugly. She's so ugly that when she was swimming around and sunning herself by the pool today in a bikini I didn't even go look. And I have a bad case of 'Yellow fever'. We went out to dinner and I tried not to look at her while eating. She's pleasant enough but she's ****ing ugly. What does she have going for her? She's got a job, that's what she's got going for her and although my nephew is smart he's as ****ing lazy as she's ****ing ugly so he stays w/ her. All he ever gets is odd-jobs and then quits or gets fired. His last girlfriend dumped him because of this and he came up w/ this new one in 2 seconds like he had her on the shelf. Anyway, I'm curious:

The girls a 1. At best. How much money does she need to keep you around?

And NO pics. I've got some but I wouldn't do it to her plus it might break the forum she's that ****ing ugly.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:20 AM
Well, if this isn't a level 0$ unless you're a total douche. It's not the price of the uggo it's a favor for your ****ing nephew.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:26 AM
pics of nephew plz.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by dxu05
Well, if this isn't a level 0$ unless you're a total douche. It's not the price of the uggo it's a favor for your ****ing nephew.
All right, let me amend the question to include: 'if you're a degenerate who can't hold a job?'
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by aladare
pics of nephew plz.
Nope. But he's pretty good looking. If I looked like him I'd be at a night club every night.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:33 AM
it's sooo bad to build up her ugliness, say you have pics and then not post them. can't you just cencor her eyes or something?
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
All right, let me amend the question to include: 'if you're a degenerate who can't hold a job?'
If you're broke and need help any amount cheaper than a hotel room of the same quality I think would be a reasonable line. Obviously you have to try to be objective about it; it's just nasty business to charge a family member just to stay with you but if you need to out of necessity then that guideline wouldn't be terrible.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:37 AM
Some people are actually decent individuals and see past looks. I'm not one of them, but fortunately for me they exist.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by TheJubilantMale
it's sooo bad to build up her ugliness, say you have pics and then not post them. can't you just cencor her eyes or something?
I understand. I even agree w/ you but what would be the point? Her body's not bad, the hideousness is all in the face so what would be the point of blocking it out? And that reminds me: Her head is ****ing HUGE! It's like a dirigible is sitting on her shoulders. Half the pic would be blocked out. Just trust me, she's ****ing ugly.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by MediaPA
Some people are actually decent individuals and see past looks.
This is the reason that I'm upset w/ my nephew. It's not a matter of seeing past looks, I'm sure of it. He won't hold a job. He wants to be a stay-at-home dad, if he can get the gig. And I'm dead certain that the ONLY reason he's w/ this girl is because she's got a good job and can support him. Sooner or later she's going to figure this out and dump him just like the last one did.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Nope. But he's pretty good looking. If I looked like him I'd be at a night club every night.
understandable. you can PM me them. I'm thinking i could ease the boy's suffering and he can come leach off of me
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:47 AM
If shes that ugly I really want to see a picture of her, PM me one please.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by dxu05
Well, if this isn't a level 0$ unless you're a total douche. It's not the price of the uggo it's a favor for your ****ing nephew.
Originally Posted by dxu05
If you're broke and need help any amount cheaper than a hotel room of the same quality I think would be a reasonable line. Obviously you have to try to be objective about it; it's just nasty business to charge a family member just to stay with you but if you need to out of necessity then that guideline wouldn't be terrible.
LOL. I don't think you understand the question. I'm pretty sure Mr. Beale wants to know how much money a girl would have to have to be your or my sugar momma. He's not asking how much should this girl pay him to hang out with him and his nephew. He's looking at it from the nephew's point of view - "girl's ugly, but she pays for me to be a lazy degen".

I'm thinking $50M plus range. It would have to be a level of wealth that there's no way I could reach on my own. I've met plenty of reasonable looking girls with decent jobs who support lazy asshats who refuse to hold down a job, so the girl would have to be pretty damn rich if she's gonna be that ugly. That said, I'm not a degen, although my degree of laziness is debatable.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:56 AM
Oh from the nephews POV imo 500k+, with that kind of dough all the cool toys and secret hookers you get will outweigh her looks.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:34 AM
She's so ugly that when she was swimming around and sunning herself by the pool today in a bikini I didn't even go look.
I love you, Howard.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by aladare
understandable. you can PM me them. I'm thinking i could ease the boy's suffering and he can come leach off of me that an open offer?

Credentials: I believe HB offered to adopt me once.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:58 AM
Howard, clearly the nephew has an even more serious case of yellow fever than you do. Most guys who are into Asians tend to seek out the fugliest bitches alive for some reason (or maybe it's because they're the only Asian girls left available who will sink to the level of dating a white guy with yellow fever). These yellow fever types -- doesn't matter if they themselves are good looking or not, the fact is they just like a chick because she's Asian, and never look past that or can't tell which ones are hot and which ones aren't. If I were an Asian chick I would be offended by a dude like this (not necessarily saying your nephew falls into this category, just saying is all), and if I were you I'd be offended if my bigoted nephew was hooking up with some fuggo just because of her race.

Your post did bring up another interesting hypothetical though, Howard -- you mentioned how she wasn't fat, just nasty-looking. The question is this: all other things being equal (e.g.: age, race, status, personality, etc.) would you rather be with a slim girl with an ugly face or a fattie with a cute face? Would you rather your nephew be with a slim but ugly chick, or a cute fat chick? That question goes for all of you. And does it matter how chubby or how ugly? (Assume for the purposes of this that the ugly one will never get plastic surgery and will always have a nice body, and that the fat one will always have a cute face and never lose any weight).
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by private joker
The question is this: all other things being equal (e.g.: age, race, status, personality, etc.) would you rather be with a slim girl with an ugly face or a fattie with a cute face?

On this there can be no argument. Cute face.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by GambleAB that an open offer?

Credentials: I believe HB offered to adopt me once.
Yeah, Gamble's pretty good looking. Plus he plays GOOT! You could do a lot worse than him.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 07:12 AM
PJ: I don't think he's got yellow fever. He's got green fever. The last gf wasn't asian and he came up w/ this one in no time flat. The old one dumped him and he moved right in w/ this one. She's from the same town which leads me to believe that she was his emergency back-up: That she'd expressed interest before and accepted him in as soon as he was tossed out by the other one.

Your other question is a toughy. I know it's a horrible tease (no pics) but this girl is so ugly that I wouldn't be able to handle it. I'd rather have a fatty w/ a pretty face than one this ugly but not 400 lbs fat. Lucky for my nephew that his nut is so low: Some simple food and a place to sleep. That's about it.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by GambleAB
On this there can be no argument. Cute face.
I tend to agree with you, but to play devil's advocate, you can put a bag on the ugly chick's face and still enjoy her good body, but there's no covering up 300 pounds of cellulite.

Note: The misogyny in this thread in no way indicates the actual opinions of Private Joker and all offensive woman-objectifying material is strictly for discussion's sake. /disclaimer
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
PJ: I don't think he's got yellow fever. He's got green fever. The last gf wasn't asian and he came up w/ this one in no time flat. The old one dumped him and he moved right in w/ this one. She's from the same town which leads me to believe that she was his emergency back-up: That she'd expressed interest before and accepted him in as soon as he was tossed out by the other one.

Your other question is a toughy. I know it's a horrible tease (no pics) but this girl is so ugly that I wouldn't be able to handle it. I'd rather have a fatty w/ a pretty face than one this ugly but not 400 lbs fat. Lucky for my nephew that his nut is so low: Some simple food and a place to sleep. That's about it.
For gods sake please post a comparably ugly chick's picture.

Google Images -> ugly asian

Also, is it the nephew who was going to Texas on the roadtrip? You posted pics previously IIRC.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 09:29 AM
non fattys cannot rate a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10

its unpossible imo
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 09:42 AM
Maybe your nephew is smarter then you...

A pretty woman makes her husband look small
And very often causes his downfall
As soon as he marries her then she starts
To do the things that will break his heart

But if you make an ugly woman your wife
you'll be happy for the rest of your life
An ugly woman cooks meals on time
And she'll always give you peace of mind

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
05-29-2008 , 09:49 AM
I wouldn't do it for any amount but someone who is desperate might do it for fairly little.

Three situations I'm aware of

1) Guy marries without ever meeting girl (only internet) who is fat, 15-18 years older than him and has three kids because he is unemployed. She makes between $45-55k plus whatever she gets from 2-3 boarders she lets live in the basement. Guy is a 6-7. Girl is in the negatives.

2) Guy stays with a girl who is psycho and ugly in exchange for a case of beer per day and pharmaceuticals and the occasional nice dinner out. Guy is a 9-10. Girl is a 2-3.

3) Guy dates a variety of girls who are at least 10 years older mostly because they give him a place to stay rent free. Guy is a 7-8. Girls are ok looking but old.
How much money would an ugly girl need to keep you hanging around? Quote
