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03-14-2022 , 06:35 PM
I do dislike moving, but it's really more that I really like my neighborhood. Most everything's walkable or a short bike ride when the weather allows. Colorado weather really nice (at least compared to where I grew up, then was before CO in the midwest).

I keep searching for the spot to snowbird/retire to, but haven't come across anything yet that jumps out at me as, "This is it. Move here!"

Was almost the Keys. I was there the winter before the last hurricane. One day I stopped for lunch in Summerland Key, and afterward walked to the real estate office next door with the intention of saying, "how do I make this happen?" Nobody around ofc. I kinda think the Keys are more of a romantic "live in the islands" notion than it being a place that appealed past that.

San Diego's nice, but expensive. Liked the Bay St. Louis/Pass Christian area of MS Gulf on my recent trip. Maybe a little too small. Need to keep doing research.
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03-14-2022 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I never would have guessed Tom was even 33 years old
hmm. Maybe I married a woman twice my age???

Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Wow, good on you guys for taking care of her.

Most would have shipped her off to a home by now.

My mom is 84 and the only reason I'm not shipping her off is because she depends on me cause since covid and dad dying, I'm living with her. She's still mostly self sufficient, and there's no casino in a rest home.

And I do love her.

But some days I'm ****in tempted

And when that day comes I'm considering moving away, letting the siblings fight over her stuff, I really don't have much holding me here besides her.

I have a house,but it doesn't feel like a home anymore.

Weird because I have lived mostly in a 3 mile area for 50 years and figured I would live life out around here cause I hate moving.

But that's all changed.
I wish I could take some credit, but it's all my wife. MIL still lives alone on several acres in the house she has been in for nearly 60 years. Madder than hell that she can no longer work in her yard or garden all day. MIL does some yardwork though. Neither of us would be able to tolerate her living with us. MIL probably wouldn't have made it another year at any point in the past 20 years if my wife had moved--even though MIL has another daughter who lives literally next door.

Some people are just better people than others--and better than me. You seem to be one of those. Good luck and good on you for hanging in there. I know (vicariously) how tough it can be.
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03-15-2022 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by Tom Ames

~33 years here.

Our now-departed contractor/handyman was here doing something about 15 years ago and mentioned the possibility of our moving. I told him I wasn't moving unless it was to the beach or the mountains. At the time we seemed handicapped for the foreseeable future by my MIL's aging and needing my wife's help. MIL refuses to die and is now 94. Perhaps one day ...
This is pretty much my situation exactly. Don't really want to live in Texas, or at least in the city here, but I'm not moving unless it's to the beach or mountains. Stuck here for now though, taking care of grandma. Moved in with her maybe 6 years ago never dreaming I'd still be here now, but here I am, getting ready for her to turn 102 this year, lol.
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03-15-2022 , 09:28 AM
Happy birthday to grandma, mark!

When you guys are ready, there's still (a little) space in the mountains for you.
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03-15-2022 , 01:31 PM
In and out of my current house for 42 years. Was where I grew up and then when my mom passed I bought it out of the estate. Down to about 18 more nights before we move out. As mentioned previously, off to the mountains near Boulder. Wife was beach or mountains and I'm just mountains, here we go.
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03-15-2022 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
This is pretty much my situation exactly. Don't really want to live in Texas, or at least in the city here, but I'm not moving unless it's to the beach or mountains. Stuck here for now though, taking care of grandma. Moved in with her maybe 6 years ago never dreaming I'd still be here now, but here I am, getting ready for her to turn 102 this year, lol.
Bless you. And grandma.

One of the interesting topics that seem to pop up at HS reunions (though less frequently as the years go by) is the variety of ways that people are caring for (or not caring for) their aging parents. Some have struggled with things that I'm almost sure I couldn't do.

Originally Posted by golddog
When you guys are ready, there's still (a little) space in the mountains for you.
That's good to hear! A guy can still dream, can't he?
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03-15-2022 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by AquaSwing
In and out of my current house for 42 years. Was where I grew up and then when my mom passed I bought it out of the estate. Down to about 18 more nights before we move out. As mentioned previously, off to the mountains near Boulder. Wife was beach or mountains and I'm just mountains, here we go.
Wow! Probably a lot of mixed emotions about leaving that house. I've only been to Boulder once and that was years ago. Seemed like a great place back then. Please give us an update about how you guys like it after you get settled in good.
Home ownership Quote
03-15-2022 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Ames
Bless you. And grandma.

One of the interesting topics that seem to pop up at HS reunions (though less frequently as the years go by) is the variety of ways that people are caring for (or not caring for) their aging parents. Some have struggled with things that I'm almost sure I couldn't do.

That's good to hear! A guy can still dream, can't he?
Hey Tom, don't be so hard on yourself, I never thought of myself as a caregiver, but when it came down to it, I found a way.

And you and your wife have found a way.

Kudos to you giving all the credit to your wife, those brownie points will come in handy.
Home ownership Quote
03-15-2022 , 02:41 PM
Weird for sure. Been so busy cleaning it out and fixing all of the crap that needs fixing I'm not sure it's going to hit until later although the anxiety dreams are ****ing awful.

Only place we could afford in the mountains was a place that needs a complete rehab so I'll be busy with that. Perfect subject for a blog or podcast or whatever but if I started that it would last about a month before I stopped doing it. Best case is I post pictures here with progress.

Current place is basically a two story rectangle built into a hill with about a 40% slope. Has a few issues that need addressing:
  • Roof on detached garage is wood shaker and looks like it's about to self combust
  • Cement slab in lower level has cracked and sunk due to settling
  • There's a 4x4 support column in the middle of the bathroom (wat)
  • Builders of house loved nature so there are too many trees. In fact, there's one growing through the deck and roof. Yes, I said through the roof.
  • Aluminum wiring throughout
  • Deck about to fall off house

Good news is the main roof is 8 years old, boiler is 3 years old and the house is structurally sound. I'll be doing the main rehab myself but contracting the bigger things out.
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03-15-2022 , 02:49 PM
Sounds like you'll be busy for a while. End result should be worth the effort though.

Are you planning on tackling the aluminum wiring or living with it?
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03-15-2022 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
I've told my Mom that she needs to be sucking up to my brothers/sisters because I'm not doing this again, haha.
An ex of mine and her two sisters were taking care of their elderly mother who rotated living with each of them. One of the sisters told their mom, "You should have gotten older while we were still young enough to take care of you!" LOL
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03-15-2022 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Ames
Sounds like you'll be busy for a while. End result should be worth the effort though.

Are you planning on tackling the aluminum wiring or living with it?
I'll be tackling as much of it as I can. It has 100 A service and I'm hiring an electrician to bump it to 200 A for the inevitable need for a car charger. Since we're going to rip everything out to the studs it won't be a big deal to replace the aluminum with copper. I'm not sure we'll get to every run but we'll do what we can.
Home ownership Quote
03-15-2022 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by AquaSwing
Weird for sure. Been so busy cleaning it out and fixing all of the crap that needs fixing I'm not sure it's going to hit until later although the anxiety dreams are ****ing awful.

Only place we could afford in the mountains was a place that needs a complete rehab so I'll be busy with that. Perfect subject for a blog or podcast or whatever but if I started that it would last about a month before I stopped doing it. Best case is I post pictures here with progress.

Current place is basically a two story rectangle built into a hill with about a 40% slope. Has a few issues that need addressing:
  • Roof on detached garage is wood shaker and looks like it's about to self combust
  • Cement slab in lower level has cracked and sunk due to settling
  • There's a 4x4 support column in the middle of the bathroom (wat)
  • Builders of house loved nature so there are too many trees. In fact, there's one growing through the deck and roof. Yes, I said through the roof.
  • Aluminum wiring throughout
  • Deck about to fall off house

Good news is the main roof is 8 years old, boiler is 3 years old and the house is structurally sound. I'll be doing the main rehab myself but contracting the bigger things out.
Yeah, it is weird to sell the house you grew up in, isn't it?

When you say 'Current', I assume you mean 'current Boulder', and not the place you're trying to fix up to sell.

RE: my bolding. Yes, please! Always interested in that sort of stuff, hoping I can learn something.
Home ownership Quote
03-16-2022 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by golddog
Yeah, it is weird to sell the house you grew up in, isn't it?

When you say 'Current', I assume you mean 'current Boulder', and not the place you're trying to fix up to sell.

RE: my bolding. Yes, please! Always interested in that sort of stuff, hoping I can learn something.
Yes, current in this instance is the Boulder house. I guess I'm already mentally moved.

Here's the 4x4 pole in the master bath:

Who knows why they built it this way. There's a wall two feet over that we're going to move it to. We'll have to put a new footer in the lower level and a support column as well to support it from below. There will have to be a little rearranging of walls to hide the new support but not too big of a deal.
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03-16-2022 , 12:56 PM
Because, why wouldn't you?!?!? I can't imagine any way that seems like a good idea.

Also glad it's not my friend's ex-house up there. I helped him out with some deck repairs a couple summers ago, when you mentioned that, I was thinking, "uh oh..."
Home ownership Quote
03-16-2022 , 02:33 PM
Since there's a wall two feet over it seems obvious to design the support in the wall. The structural engineer who looked at it suggested that during construction the owners realized that the room wasn't going to be big enough so they moved the whole wall with the knowledge that the pole would remain.

The engineer (he's a PE too!) is working on those drawings now.
Home ownership Quote
03-16-2022 , 02:46 PM

Also, this is 30 feet from the master bedroom. Any guesses what may live in there? We're going to mount a ring camera on all four corners of the house, mostly to capture wildlife so I expect to know in the next few months.
Home ownership Quote
03-16-2022 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by golddog
Also glad it's not my friend's ex-house up there. I helped him out with some deck repairs a couple summers ago, when you mentioned that, I was thinking, "uh oh..."
Where was that house? Don't need exact location, just a rough location. Some of the houses up there are a little scary in design and upkeep.
Home ownership Quote
03-16-2022 , 04:05 PM
I'm going to guess something like a chipmunk or smallish critter like that. Hopefully not noxious or dangerous for you guys.

My friend that used to live above Boulder captured a mountain lion on camera one time. A bear broke into his daughter's Subie once. It was pretty common to see stuff like wild turkeys and deer when visiting.

Originally Posted by AquaSwing
Where was that house? Don't need exact location, just a rough location. Some of the houses up there are a little scary in design and upkeep.
He lived up Lee Hill Road, then back in on a side road called Deer Trail or something like that. Nice house, just needed some work. Fortunately, he had lots of that type of skill, so it was quite improved while he lived there--but still a ?? year old mountain house.
Home ownership Quote
03-16-2022 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by golddog
I'm going to guess something like a chipmunk or smallish critter like that. Hopefully not noxious or dangerous for you guys.
I'm no wildlife expert--particularly in that part of the country--but ime smaller critters prefer to live in holes that you wouldn't even think they could squeeze into. Maybe that's a protection from predators. I'm going to guess something larger than a chipmunk, but I don't know what's prevalent around there. Should be an interesting mystery to solve.

In b4 someone else suggests just sticking a hand in there.
Home ownership Quote
03-16-2022 , 05:00 PM
My buddy/neighbor has caught foxes, bears and mountain lions in his driveway in the past year on his Ring camera. Deer and turkeys all over the place so it could be anything.
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03-16-2022 , 05:09 PM
if it's a fox you'll see the cubs poking their heads out periodically when the parents are out as they are curious mofos
Home ownership Quote
03-16-2022 , 05:38 PM
Sasquatch probably lives in that hole. Seriously though, there's probably nothing living in there. Why don't you just stick your hand in there and see if you find anything?
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03-16-2022 , 05:49 PM
You don't have any small children you can send in?
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03-16-2022 , 06:09 PM
Looks familiar, I'd tread lightly.

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