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A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose?

08-24-2010 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by guids
If its me, Im going for the scorched earth method.

find a bathroom, knock a hole in a wall to the outside for ventilation with a 20lbs sledge, take off shirt wet it, stick under door jam

2 buckets of this:

one 1/2 in the timber isle, 1/2 all over the propane tanks, 1/2 all over the paint isle (thinners etc), and 1/2 in the gardening section light it up and use your wet sock as a ventilation mask if needed
You're visiting the timber aisle, paint aisle, and propane tank aisle, with no weapons or body armor, in a building with 9 men out to commit mass murder? GL.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by Xaston
You're visiting the timber aisle, paint aisle, and propane tank aisle, with no weapons or body armor, in a building with 9 men out to commit mass murder? GL.
Ill use the metal lids of the 5 gallon buckets as shields, I really only need to get to the timber isle, as all that wood going up is going to make it impossible for anyone to see anything after a couple minutes.

I think ill revise-- 2 5 gallon buckets, one for the wood isle, 1/2 for paint, 1/2 for propane, the lids as sheilds and an axe if needed.

and Ill probably swing by the depot dog cart to grab some hot dogs and fo course flaming 2x4 to bring to the bathroom and make myself something to eat while I listen to the death screams of my competitors burning to death

I will revise my answer after I watch some old MacGyvers this weekend for better ideas.

Last edited by guids; 08-24-2010 at 03:54 AM.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by Bostaevski
I'm hopping on this thing

Mounting one of these on the fork

As for you guys hiding on the shelves:
gg you win
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by Xaston
I can see a lot of situations where you put 0-4 nails in a charging man and still end up with an axe to the skull
You're probably the first person in the history of the universe to say this sentence lol
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by monarco
omfg that was awesome. That is exactly how I pictured it too. My enemy's enemy is my friend.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 11:00 AM
I like the idea of making an electrified bludgeon using something like a crowbar with a rubber handle and a car battery. Unfortunately you might have to pick wire for your third item.

Also I think a MacGuyver type could come up with some brilliant use of a fire extinguisher. It would probably form the base of a more effective projectile weapon than something like a nail gun.

Hmm.... I wonder if nail gun + car battery + wires could = taser.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 11:20 AM
Long time lurker, first post. This thread was the impetus to finally register and post. BTW, this is hilarious.

One possible weapon overlooked (unless I missed it) is something like the circular-saw-yo-yo weapon used by the villain's sidekick in the 007 movie Octopussy. I couldn't find any video link for this but I am thinking that this weapon can be easily assembled using a circular saw and some good wire or twine. Plus, unlike nailguns, you can use this weapon infinitely many times as the weapon reloads itself after each use.

I am also thinking that before I enter this competition, I will be practicing at the Lowe's down the street with unsuspecting customers. "Sir, can you cut this 2x4 in half?.......Never mind."

In any case, just wanted to make a small contribution. Thanks for reading.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 11:28 AM
Welcome 1724g.

I know very well the weapon you are talking about. I think this is good if your opponents are below you but not super practical if they are in front of you.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by amoeba
Welcome 1724g.

I know very well the weapon you are talking about. I think this is good if your opponents are below you but not super practical if they are in front of you.
Thanks amoeba. Ideally, I would perch myself high up and unleash this as other players walk underneath. But, unless this is a surprise event that takes place without notice, I am assuming that I will have time to prepare and train for this event.

So I will learn how to use this weapon horizontally as well as vertically. I will get to the point where I can chop down trees with one flick of the wrist. I will learn how to catch the blade on the way back without injuring myself. I might even work on precision by being able to slice a pizza pie without cutting through the pan while sitting on a tree branch. Without this level of preparation, I won't be signing up for this tournament.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 12:26 PM
I would go with the following strategy

Terrain destruction, if you were to unscrew a few of the shelves it could instantly kill someone if they fell on top, not to mention creating a cascade effect, taking out multiple people if lucky.

Obv need a drill:

Hand saw to create stealth whilst cutting the shelves and allow for some melee:

Id also take a propane tank for suicide if neccesary, might as well go down if plan a loses
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 12:48 PM
I am in the same camp with guys going chemical just for a fact that it would most likely get all of your opponents in one shot. Nail gun shots and chainsaw action sounds awesome but you would have to go up against the other guys 9 times and most likely will suffer some kind of damage in every confrontation.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 12:54 PM
Hypothetical here.

if instead of your 3 slots, you had the option of taking a .45 pistol with one 15 round magazine, would you switch?
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
if instead of your 3 slots, you had the option of taking a .45 pistol with one 15 round magazine, would you switch?
This seems like an incredibly easy switch unless you have a mass kill plan. It's not like you need to personally take out all 9 other guys, so laying low and playing defensive for a bit should leave you with plenty of ammo and by far the best weapon.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
I am in the same camp with guys going chemical just for a fact that it would most likely get all of your opponents in one shot. Nail gun shots and chainsaw action sounds awesome but you would have to go up against the other guys 9 times and most likely will suffer some kind of damage in every confrontation.
if it's a free for all you'd probably only have to take out 3-4 people max

Originally Posted by amoeba
Hypothetical here.

if instead of your 3 slots, you had the option of taking a .45 pistol with one 15 round magazine, would you switch?
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:18 PM
I'm pretty small and have to assume that the other nine are going to try to pick me off first -- I need to be thinking early defense, and long-term endurance. I think I'm going to go with a lightweight, long handled axe, and a small knife. Will reserve third item.

Would probably hide in the hanging carpet forest they have. Thick enough for protection and only the space between them for entry.

God, this would be so much easier in Canadian Tire. Rollerblades, cross bow, and a canvas coat. Boom!

Last edited by Poker Reference; 08-24-2010 at 01:35 PM. Reason: Sudden confidence in my coordination.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
Hypothetical here.

if instead of your 3 slots, you had the option of taking a .45 pistol with one 15 round magazine, would you switch?
I'd pass. That would be in violation of the rules and hence, by accepting, you would be eliminated on the spot. And I don't know of any game where the rules change mid-game without all the players agreeing to it. So if it was a legitimate option, the other 9 would have the same option and so your advantage would be nullified.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:24 PM
Can we assume that the garden section is out and it's only the concrete building you are allowed in? I think the garden section has way too many lame hiding places and nobody would have any motivation to venture in there.

I def think a hiding/defensive strategy works well for this, tough to run n' gun and kill 9 people without taking any substantial damage unless you're Rambo or something.

Also, can we use the stationary tools in there? So if there's a table saw, can we cut something with it without having it count as a weapon?

I think maybe making a quasi riot shield out of the thickest plexiglass might be a good starting point, then use a light long-handled axe and a knife or gas mask potentially.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:29 PM
When I was young my friend's dad was a carpenter. I'm not sure what they are called but he had these things that looked like bullets but were for some kind of tool. We use to wrap them in Kleenex and set them on fire. It would it would shoot off randomly. We accidentally found out that it had enough force to pierce a car bumper at distance of a few feet so it would do some serious damage to a human. You lose the ability to aim but these things came in boxes with at least a hundred and likely more. Wrap enough of them into a ball and you basically have metal flying in every direction and a pretty good chance of seriously hurting someone enough that you could then just leave them to be finished off.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
Y'all are going to have a hard time mixing your bombs and such whilst I'm hitting you with an axe.

Yeah, this. Complicated stuff will only work if everyone else is doing complicated stuff too. If one guy goes with the axe and just starts running around in berserker mode, the dude trying to affix a chainsaw to his forklift is gonna get owned.

The strategy changes dramatically if everyone is allowed something like 15-20 minutes of prep time.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:41 PM
Ya gotta have a gimmick, I say. I'd be the "Kitchen Nightmare."


One of the students in Battle Royale got stuck with a frying pan, and I'm pretty sure she held her own. With a whole set I'm golden. My default will be the medium saucepan and large lid as a shield, one good konk from that and you're dazed for sure.


I'll switch to this chafing dish lid if I need the extra defense. The whole thing weighs 25 lbs, so the lid must be around 10 pounds of polished nickel, which will easily repel nails and such, won't it?


You're reloading, or you're stunned after I dinged you with the frypan, now I'll close in for the kill. This sucker has 45 blades, which by my count makes it 45 times as deadly as the silly axes and knives others are using. Prepare to be tenderized.

If not for the theme, I would've gone with a proven bludgeon:

See this link for reference:
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by CheckCheckFold
man i want to play this game! why hasn't anyone made this game already?

Home Depot should invest in making this!

This would be an incredible video game. I'd snap buy it.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by guids
If its me, Im going for the scorched earth method.

find a bathroom, knock a hole in a wall to the outside for ventilation with a 20lbs sledge, take off shirt wet it, stick under door jam

2 buckets of this:

one 1/2 in the timber isle, 1/2 all over the propane tanks, 1/2 all over the paint isle (thinners etc), and 1/2 in the gardening section light it up and use your wet sock as a ventilation mask if needed
Originally Posted by Xaston
You're visiting the timber aisle, paint aisle, and propane tank aisle, with no weapons or body armor, in a building with 9 men out to commit mass murder? GL.
Originally Posted by guids
Ill use the metal lids of the 5 gallon buckets as shields, I really only need to get to the timber isle, as all that wood going up is going to make it impossible for anyone to see anything after a couple minutes.

I think.
sooo, then your plan is to carry 5 gallon buckets around, with only a shield, and when someone comes up on you with a giant ****ing AXE, it will in no way hurt you that a) your scorched earth plan is on hold until you can fight off the attacker, and b) you have nothing but a BUCKET LID to fight off said attacker?

A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:49 PM
OK, as promised, I went to Home Depot this morning and took a bunch of pictures. There are two Home Depots I go to - one suburban, the other in the mess of Hollywood. I went to the Hollywood one, and it is ENORMOUS. Much bigger than I was thinking. Lots and lots of nooks and crannies. To set the mood, a helicopter was circling it. Also took a picture where you can see the Hollywood sign:

Trying not to look sketchy taking a picture outside of the bathrooms:

The lopper:

For those of you choosing Death from Above, lots of great places up top:


Some random shots:

Although nailguns have been thoroughly debunked, here they are:


Someone asked for a picture of a safe, this is the largest one and it's useless:

My new weapon of choice (the end is sharpened and has a cap):

Another destruction weapon, not sure if you can see it's a FUBAR:


Flashlights (in my opinion if it's pitch black everyone will need to burn one item on a light source):


If anyone knows why Photobucket makes all my pictures small, please let me know.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141

Also, can we use the stationary tools in there? So if there's a table saw, can we cut something with it without having it count as a weapon?
Using tools to make new weapons out of tools changes things a ton.
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:52 PM
LFS for Mod!
A Home Depot battle royale, what 3 weapons do you choose? Quote
