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Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside)

04-29-2011 , 06:49 AM
I go to Does that make me hipster? People there actually keep saying that everyone in there is a hipster.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
04-29-2011 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by MikeyObviously
The guys in the national video from coachella are bros...and they are attending Brochella. I'm very glad no half-of-a-comedy-teams captured any of the embarrassing things I did.

Also, I met this person, and he handed me his "business" card. Not sure if hipster, but certainly LA weirdo.
I lol'd at the quote from the guy from The Strokes on the front page

Originally Posted by intheireye!
Lol, you know how many of those hipsters in Austin are just living off of daddy till the big inheritance day???

They dont need to dress up like a little eager yuppie bc they are wealthy.....

Just saying...there is nothing "white trash" about growing a beard and wearing old T's if you want as long as you are taking care of business in your life....ill openly admit that is the way I live(no, not "dirty" or even hipster, but certainly not 9-5 ready) and hope to live for a long time.

I know a lot of morons who shave everyday, work 60 hours a week by popping whatever pill and make a lot of money for someone else; very few of them have the faintest clue how to become wealthy or even how capitalism works. Most of them are obsessed with the accoutrement of affluence...the Audis, the overpriced condos and in reality have very poor prospects of ever climbing their way out of debt.

But I guess they have you fooled by their phoniness so its all good.

GL with you GQ life.....

Being neat doesn't make you a grown up....making smart decisions does.
neat story friend YOUVE CRACKED THE CODE
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-05-2011 , 10:27 AM
yeah sounds like that guys got it all figured out

On the way to the train this morning I saw a hipster guy walking his dog. The dog had on what appeared to be a vintage striped sweater (people sweater) that was very hipster. I thought about trying to snap a pic but pussied out.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-05-2011 , 11:57 AM
lol @ going to a gay bar and thinking it's a hipster bar.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-05-2011 , 12:11 PM
Why do all these ****ing hipsters keep sucking my d***?
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-16-2011 , 01:33 PM
The Great Hipster Soccer Showdown
As Seattle's and Portland's MLS Teams Prepare to Meet, Insults Fly; 'Sellouts' Vs. 'Portscum'

For the most part, Seattle fans say any similarities they share with Portlanders are due to the fact that Portlanders are simply "wannabes" who have imitated them for years. "They are very envious of us—they have a little-sister complex," said Sean Geiger, a 26-year-old army reserve from Olympia, Wash., waving a Sounders flag and explaining that most of the Timbers' following are "wine-drinking, cheese-eating yuppies" masquerading as soccer fans.

Portland fans "think they're punk-rock, underground, hard-core superstars," said Jeff James, a 24-year-old software engineer singing heartily in the raucous Emerald City Supporters' section. "They think they're like, hipsters," said James, clad in skinny jeans, a plaid shirt, shades and K-Swiss sneakers. 'And they think Seattle's like a corporate town."

Seattle fans like to poke fun at small differences, like Portland's higher unemployment rate and its relative lack of big companies. "Portland fans are icky, they're the trailer trash of the Pacific Northwest," said Kevin Scudder, a 48-year-old company owner relaxing in the stands. "We have a lot more money up here…though they do have a beautiful coastline."

Portland fans insult Seattle supporters by calling them "customers" instead of fans, and pick on everything from their love of boating to their diversity of political views. "In Seattle they have Republicans," said Heather Mathews, a graduate student at Lewis and Clark, who imagines Seattle fans spend most of their free time "sailing around in their sailboats."

Portlanders also accuse Seattle residents of being soccer fans just for the scarves—thousands of which Sounders marketers distributed for free before their first game in 2009. "They're sellouts, man. They're like, 'Maybe I'll just wear this scarf and drink a lot of beer and go to this stupid soccer game," said Timbers fan Maggie McCombs, 24-year-old Portland waitress with a pierced lip who says she should know because her brother lives in Seattle. "That's what I hear his friends say."
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-16-2011 , 03:20 PM
I recently noticed alot of my clearly hipster facebook friends, making fun of things being hipster, eachother being hipster and general hipsterness.
Does this make them non-hipsters, or is it just hipster to hate on hipters now?
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-16-2011 , 03:32 PM
Irony is pretty central to the philosophy of hipsterism.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-16-2011 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by potatoesareawesome
I recently noticed alot of my clearly hipster facebook friends, making fun of things being hipster, eachother being hipster and general hipsterness.
Does this make them non-hipsters, or is it just hipster to hate on hipters now?
Yeah I have a buddy who lives in a hipster area of Chigago, has tats, bulky glasses, drinks PBR, and recently was just showing off his fixed gear bike - who bashes on hipsters regularly.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-16-2011 , 05:28 PM
"In Seattle they have Republicans," said Heather Mathews, a graduate student at Lewis and Clark, who imagines Seattle fans spend most of their free time "sailing around in their sailboats."

lol'd pretty hard at this
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-16-2011 , 06:29 PM
That soccer article was incredible...god I hate white people...

Also, I will never get fixed-gear bicycles. I've Googled this too...hoping to find some sort of advantage or perk of no avail.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-16-2011 , 06:32 PM
I actually have never learned to ride a 10-speed very well at all. And it's pretty flat where I live. So I wouldn't mind one.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-16-2011 , 06:35 PM
umm you get to enjoy the beautiful scenery without worrying about switched gears
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-17-2011 , 06:50 PM
mandatory viewing for people who <3 this thread
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-17-2011 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Cosines11
mandatory viewing for people who <3 this thread

The song by the Doorbell is pretty sick IYAM.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
05-18-2011 , 11:31 AM
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
06-01-2011 , 11:49 AM
bumping because i just stumbled across this

Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
06-01-2011 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
hope he dies of aids
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
06-01-2011 , 04:43 PM
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
06-01-2011 , 06:33 PM
Dude we were into that one about 4 pages ago.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
06-01-2011 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Dude we were into that one about 4 pages ago.
pffffft, I have fewer posts per page, so I was into that like 8 pages ago.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
06-01-2011 , 06:45 PM
Well I print out 2p2 on my old Epson FX-890 (before 24-pin ruined the medium) dot matrix printer to read along with my organic hemp-chai. So I was actually into that pic 749 pages ago.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
06-01-2011 , 09:37 PM
When I think of Seattle the first thing I think of is Republicans.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
06-01-2011 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Dude we were into that one about 4 pages ago.
Come to think of it, this thread might have even been the first place I saw it.

I'm a ******. Ignore me.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
06-01-2011 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Dude we were into that one about 4 pages ago.
Dog whistle photo is funny again in an ironic way.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
