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Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside)

03-26-2010 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by zasterguava
I'm British and I have my own awareness of what constitutes a hipster and as a student at a left-wing art school I know how ****ing annoying they are. However, I have a American friend and just wandering what extent she conforms to the perfect hipster caricature in America given these noticeable traits...

- she always orders Parliaments and makes a big point of it. (didn't realize this constituted being a hipster till reading this thread)
- carries around one of those $700 big cameras
- owns a mac
- lives in Washington DC, and brags about how poor/black the neighborhood is
- has a multi-millionaire father but is a passionate Democrat/ borderline socialist
- leaves big tips for service staff but in a self-gratifying/ boastful manner and condemns others for not being similarly generous (despite using daddys credit card).
- a bit of a slut
- enjoys indie flicks (and Michael Moore docu's of course) and indie music but also professes appreciation of 'non-commercial' hip hop.
- loves vintage clothes
- has contempt towards Southerners yet purports to be post-racial

have I found the perfect hipster?
no, you've just found a liberal with hipsterish tendencies.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by zasterguava
I'm British and I have my own awareness of what constitutes a hipster and as a student at a left-wing art school I know how ****ing annoying they are. However, I have a American friend and just wandering what extent she conforms to the perfect hipster caricature in America given these noticeable traits...

- she always orders Parliaments and makes a big point of it. (didn't realize this constituted being a hipster till reading this thread)
... the cigarettes? How are Parliaments a hipster cigarette? Aren't these far too popular/mainstream?

If I were to choose hipster brands I'd say the below:

-Nat Shermans (not sure why I think this one)
-Any clove brand (gross)
-Gitanes, or any other French cigarette
-Mild Sevens (which are teh best cigarette) or any other Asian cigarette
-Export As (not sure why)
-American Spirits (hate this cigarette so much impossible to get a good drag off of one, but may not be hipster enough as it is so mainstream now)
-Lucky Strikes (they are toasted)
-Pall Malls (RIP Kurt Vonnegut)

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03-26-2010 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Al- I'm not really sure what you're getting at. Nor am I sure I totally fit the bill of somebody who has great taste in music. I only listen to one genre with any dedication, and while I'm a big fan of my taste and have no problem telling other people what they like sucks- my likes and dislikes are pretty weird to a lot of folks.

With pop music though- I don't really think it's that hard to ID what's really good and what isn't, and to me, Toxic is just unquestionably awesome, because well... it's just unquestionable.

I'm not sure I have a point at all.
I'm not sure I really had a point, either, except to point out that I hate the Ted Leo cover of "Since U Been Gone" and all the hipster love for it because it distracts from the more important point that the original is so awesome.

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03-26-2010 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Aloysius
... the cigarettes? How are Parliaments a hipster cigarette? Aren't these far too popular/mainstream?

If I were to choose hipster brands I'd say the below:

-Nat Shermans (not sure why I think this one)
-Any clove brand (gross)
-Gitanes, or any other French cigarette
-Mild Sevens (which are teh best cigarette) or any other Asian cigarette
-Export As (not sure why)
-American Spirits (hate this cigarette so much impossible to get a good drag off of one, but may not be hipster enough as it is so mainstream now)
-Lucky Strikes (they are toasted)
-Pall Malls (RIP Kurt Vonnegut)


Al, at 10 bucks a pack the brooklyn hipsters are going for self rolled or Us Gold.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Aloysius
... the cigarettes? How are Parliaments a hipster cigarette? Aren't these far too popular/mainstream?

If I were to choose hipster brands I'd say the below:

-Nat Shermans (not sure why I think this one)
-Any clove brand (gross)
-Gitanes, or any other French cigarette
-Mild Sevens (which are teh best cigarette) or any other Asian cigarette
-Export As (not sure why)
-American Spirits (hate this cigarette so much impossible to get a good drag off of one, but may not be hipster enough as it is so mainstream now)
-Lucky Strikes (they are toasted)
-Pall Malls (RIP Kurt Vonnegut)

must be an LA thing, as hipsters here in the midwest (if they're not rolling their own right there in the bar) are smoking parliments or american spirits 100% of the time.

the only people i see around here smoking pall malls or basics are black people fwiw

never see lucky strikes or any of the others you mentioned

most of my non-hipster, 20-something, social smoking friends/acquaintances smoke camel lights
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 06:58 PM
TTHRIC, ainec.
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03-26-2010 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Dude. I like cheesy pop more than anyone I know. I will go to bat for The Pet Shop Boys, Ace of Base, Britney Spears, a bunch of other ones my kid plays in the car that I'll listen to but I don't remember the names--just about anything that has a catchy beat, even if I know I'll be sick of it in a month.

But how on earth is this good music: ?

I couldn't stand her first big song (at least the first one I started hearing) either. But I can't seem to figure out which one it is. I will admit in searching that most of her other songs aren't quite as annoying as the one above and the other one. Meh. Love Game and Just Dance are pretty bad.

Are you not familiar with the works of Ke$ha? I envy you if you aren't.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
Are you not familiar with the works of Ke$ha? I envy you if you aren't.
you have uttered the true name of the devil, you better pray before you go to sleep tonight
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by guids
ya, one could say that being part-hipster if you are white and from seattle is in your skinny genes
I'm not a great post-rememberer or -researcher guy, but I can't ever remember guids making a pun, or even just a straight joke. I mean, he can be funny, but my impression is that it's usually more situational or mean, put-down funny. This is just a pun. A good pun.

Great work, guids!
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
Are you not familiar with the works of Ke$ha? I envy you if you aren't.
I believe Tik Tok was played a few times on the way to practice. It sounds familiar. I have a general rule of no obvious auto-tune, but I let it slide sometimes if they're having fun. The good news is even 16-year-old girls get sick of that stuff in a week. Train on the other hand never seems to get old to them
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by zasterguava
- leaves big tips for service staff but in a self-gratifying/ boastful manner and condemns others for not being similarly generous (despite using daddys credit card).
This describes 40% of OOT threads.

Dids - the way you meta-analyzed Lady Gaga is similar to the way I discussed The Go! Team, and while I think both your comment and mine are fine, since they merely get into detail about the appreciation of music, it was Pudge who called our kinds of statements "pseudo-intellectual douchebaggery," i.e. hipster, a ridiculous jibe that nobody called him out on.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 07:50 PM
There is a pretty big difference between my post about Lady Gaga's nearly unavoidable public image and videos and you getting worked up over a 3 second drum fill in a song I've never heard.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse
I'm not a great post-rememberer or -researcher guy, but I can't ever remember guids making a pun, or even just a straight joke. I mean, he can be funny, but my impression is that it's usually more situational or mean, put-down funny. This is just a pun. A good pun.

Great work, guids!
I make puns all the time RDH, be on the lookout for them; even got infractions for them and threatened to get thrown in the punitentiary; HEYO!
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
Are you not familiar with the works of Ke$ha? I envy you if you aren't.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
The drumfill at the 00:39 mark of track 6 ("Junior Kickstar") is the most exhilarating moment in pop music since the first "Woohoo!" in Blur's "Song 2" in 1997.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Parlay Slow
I am a Lebron >>>>> Kobe guy b/c I characterized Kobe as a skinny beeyotch that shoots jumpers all day

Originally Posted by Parlay Slow
just worked up to 70kg snatch

then embarked on my split jerk career

worked up to another 160kg back squat single and 4 doubles at 145kg

hopefully i can put up a 111kg c&j next week before vacay and got on the whiteboard

Originally Posted by Parlay Slow
Power clean video included.

Today I did:

Squat 260 (5, 5, 5)

I'm back to 260 as part of the planned reset. Next workout will be 270 and then up by 5 back to 295.

Press 132 (5, 4, 5)

I missed the last rep of the 2nd set because my form was terrible. The bar was getting way too far out in front of me on the way down, creating a lever arm against my shoulder and making it way harder than it had to be. I'm only going to 133 next workout because of bar speed on the last set.

Power Clean 145 (3, 3, 3, 3, 3)

I think the lower back tightness is a big improvement. I also took Thremp's suggestion of not "pussy footing" around once I got it tight. Not every set was as good as this one. I got reminded of something that I had already learned and then forgot -- you can't do any of these reps with less than 100% effort or you aren't going to rack it on the shoulders.

Originally Posted by Parlay Slow
Charlie Whitehurst was on my pop warner team. He played RB. The coach's son played QB. Whitehurst was a ****ing horse. We won state and nearly won the southeast region.
supbro christ
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 08:57 PM
Well, this thread just got really lame
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 09:28 PM
I was saying with no other way to contextualize the person it sounds like pseudo intellectual douchebaggery. Someone earlier posted that most people don't consider their friends to be hipsters and I think that is mostly true. Once you actually know someone it is harder to condense someones whole being into one ethos. When you just hear a snippet of conversation it is much easier to think what a pseudo intellectual douchebag hipster why don't you go listen to Merriweather Post Pavilion again.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
I was saying with no other way to contextualize the person it sounds like pseudo intellectual douchebaggery. Someone earlier posted that most people don't consider their friends to be hipsters and I think that is mostly true. Once you actually know someone it is harder to condense someones whole being into one ethos. When you just hear a snippet of conversation it is much easier to think what a pseudo intellectual douchebag hipster why don't you go listen to Merriweather Post Pavilion again.
Yeah that makes sense. And it's exacerbated online when all you have is the sum of somebody's message board posts.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I don't think GIAB is that great, and would probably suggest that Pokerface is a lot better.
ban dids

Originally Posted by kkcountry
the only people i see around here smoking pall malls or basics are black people fwiw
pall malls are good if you like your cigs to burn slow, idk if they roll them really tight or what but they take me forever to smoke
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
Dids - the way you meta-analyzed Lady Gaga is similar to the way I discussed The Go! Team, and while I think both your comment and mine are fine, since they merely get into detail about the appreciation of music, it was Pudge who called our kinds of statements "pseudo-intellectual douchebaggery," i.e. hipster, a ridiculous jibe that nobody called him out on.
I think the issue is in the language of it all.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise
ban dids

pall malls are good if you like your cigs to burn slow, idk if they roll them really tight or what but they take me forever to smoke
its cause they are longer than marlboros, or seem to be. I bummed them from a co-worker all the time, adn they just seemed like a bigger cig

**** I miss smoking, just talking about it makes me want to go out, get a whiskey, and burn one down (quit on feb 14)
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by guids
its cause they are longer than marlboros, or seem to be. I bummed them from a co-worker all the time, adn they just seemed like a bigger cig

**** I miss smoking, just talking about it makes me want to go out, get a whiskey, and burn one down (quit on feb 14)
this could be it, i know they aren't 100s but they may be a little longer and thicker than your standard marlboro/camel etc

ed i know you're a camel smoking ****** atm but what do you think of pall malls?
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise
this could be it, i know they aren't 100s but they may be a little longer and thicker than your standard marlboro/camel etc

ed i know you're a camel smoking ****** atm but what do you think of pall malls?
right, they seem to be as long as 100s but I dont knwo fi they are,

ed, purposely quit on V-day becasue I would remember the date, and everytime I previously quit, I would be like, when was my last cig, oh, it wsa like 3 days ago, it hasnt even been a week yet, I can have one and quit on monday, repeat ad naseum. but knowing the exact day I quit I was like, well ****, I quit at exactly at 9pm on feb 14, it has been XX hours might as well see if I can make it to 100 hours and see whats what.
Hipsters - (Severe pwning inside) Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by edfurlong
I don't think I've ever had a pall mall maybe when I start playing slots more I'll look into them.
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