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Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread)

03-26-2011 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by THAKID
Henry they are all ******ed broke nerds who sit on their computer all day

$100 for a night out drinking is standard if your going anywhere decent
i wish! i have to go to the library to use their computers
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:08 PM
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:15 PM
Define "average".

Thats the whole problem with these stupid threads. Everyone just talks across each other making what are probably fairly accurate generalizations from their perspective but sound redic to someone with a different frame of reference.
Well, we know that it doesn't include people in rural Wyoming (unsure about what goes down in Cheyenne).
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
Does your definition of social revolve around being a member of the local bar/club scene? Seems a bit biased and therefore meaningless to me.
Took 146 posts for someone to realize what this brouhaha is really about.
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by snagglepuss
-bose are for life fish
-expensive cables are for massive life fish
-hundred dollar nights drinking are w/e, ive had friends with no money spend that much having a good time in kentucky

im not really sure what the point of this thread or what people's arguments are

people without a lot of disposable income probably aren't doing it too often, just as they aren't having a ballin ass sushi and drinks dinner too often either. but they do do it w/e

and as always, henry i get a kick out of you calling people losers from some fake pedestal when you: a) never do anything fun, b) never travel, c) spend a loser amount of time in strip clubs, d) eat like a child, e) spend an insane amount of hours playing full ring losing microstakes poker, and f) lie about yourself constantly on the internet

play on playa
I agree, its LOL when people think my Bose is awesome as often their cheaper systems sound better than mine. Nevertheless they are coming from a certain viewpoint and I think thats one of the points of this thread. We are all at different levels in life, experience, financial standing etc and our views and perceptions are shaped by our experiences and by the effect outside influences like marketing etc have on us.

I don't know if henry is real or not. That is not the point of this thread but rather his outlook on life seems to be what tilts people. Some people just find it hard to see things from someone else's standpoint but as they grow up and have wider life experiences they will find it easier to do so.
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by snagglepuss
-bose are for life fish
-expensive cables are for massive life fish
-hundred dollar nights drinking are w/e, ive had friends with no money spend that much having a good time in kentucky

im not really sure what the point of this thread or what people's arguments are

people without a lot of disposable income probably aren't doing it too often, just as they aren't having a ballin ass sushi and drinks dinner too often either. but they do do it w/e

and as always, henry i get a kick out of you calling people losers from some fake pedestal when you: a) never do anything fun, b) never travel, c) spend a loser amount of time in strip clubs, d) eat like a child, e) spend an insane amount of hours playing full ring losing microstakes poker, and f) lie about yourself constantly on the internet

play on playa
Originally Posted by Henry17

You are just a little punk but I was so glad to discover you actually are successful enough at poker to be somewhat public figure. You can't believe how happy that made me.
Originally Posted by snagglepuss

okay lets do a small bet. lets say 5k? we can escrow w/ any reputable company, or through someone like tom dwan or el diablo or any other known trusted entity. but w/e a company is fine too.

the basic terms are simply that you have blatantly misrepresented yourself on these forums and have made numerous lies about your life.

the burden of proof will be on me, and we can use any sort of legitimate independent arbitration panel to make the ruling.

any sort of circumstance is fine with me of course as long as it is legit

as i said last time we had this discussion, we both know it will never happen for obv reasons

but hey, those are my loose terms and i will entertain anything that is even remotely reasonable!

*pls pm me though as this thread is for some other banal discussion and we have already run through these routines before
Originally Posted by Henry17

You are not dumb. You know exactly why I won't accept that even though I would win. You are just being a punk who would back down and run the second it looked like I would accept.
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Not the average person as in the average of the US population but in the context of single, over 25+, professional, social, and in a major city then yes. Likely considerably more than that.
And what, in your opinion, is the average yearly earn for people in this bracket?
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:46 PM
i think we're about to define average joe as mid six figures.
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by mmbt0ne
And what, in your opinion, is the average yearly earn for people in this bracket?
I'd say $60k+ would be the minimum but most would be $70-80k+

I'm not sure what you are getting at. While the context of this conversation was a comment by someone who is a professional the behaviour of routinely spending more than $100 on a night out is certainly not limited to those people. I have a lot of friends who make considerably less and they still would see spending $100/night as pretty standard. They don't spend less -- they just have to go out less frequently.
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I'd say $60k+ would be the minimum but most would be $70-80k+

just curious, how much do you make..?
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:05 PM
in before bout tree fiddy
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I have a lot of friends who make considerably less
Didn't you claim a while ago that you couldn't be friend with people who made less money than you?
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:16 PM

Just to put the initial thing in context, I rarely spend $100 at bars on nights where I'm drinking beer, and routinely spend over $100 at bars when drinking cocktails or wine. Beer here costs ~$5-7/pint, liquor/wine/cocktails cost ~$8-12/drink. Bar snacks at dive bar drinking beer will cost $3-5 each. Bar snacks at cocktail lounge/restaurant will be $10-15 each. The second category of drinking is also more likely to involve a girl I'm paying for.
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by FlyingRat
Didn't you claim a while ago that you couldn't be friend with people who made less money than you?
why not, he makes less than that
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by FlyingRat
Didn't you claim a while ago that you couldn't be friend with people who made less money than you?
Yes but I'm using friends in a much looser way here to mean people I go out drinking with.

I'm actually glad you brought this up because this and the humble brags topic it was pulled from actually prove what I was saying. You can't truly be friends with people who are less wealthy because you have to constantly censor yourself. The way you talk around them and what you say or share has to be controlled and that prevents you from actually having a true friendship.
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:21 PM
Y'all are going to the wrong dive bars if you're paying $3-5 a beer.

My Guide to Texas Dive Bars is available at all the finest bookstores.
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:34 PM
I'm not sure I've ever spent $100 just on myself at a bar. I mean, yeah, for like a night out that starts with dinner, cab rides, etc. easily, but $100 just on drinks/cover?
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Law is not complicated.
neither is 5/10 lhe
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by listen_folks
neither is 5/10 lhe
Sick burn bro
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:57 PM
here we go again
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Party
god this thread is hilarious. what's wrong with all you people's lives that you have to reject reality so strongly? basic mathematics shows that henry is obviously right for the vast majority of cases in America (rural wyoming type places excluded). the fact that you can't go out and spend $100 yourself doesn't invalidate the fact that the situation described demands it.
Dumbest post in the thread.
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 08:16 PM
Being in the Midwest and living within walking distance of most of my favorite bars, there are no extra expenses and drinks are usually $4 or less. I'd have to rattle off at least 25 drinks to get to the $100+ mark, which I'm generally not going to get to even if I buy 6-8 drinks for others...especially since if it's a night where rounds of shots are happening, I'll buy one but then will probably get handed a couple of free shots myself.

Obviously I realize that the picture is different in the higher cost of living areas.
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 08:19 PM
once again henry speaks the truth and all the insecure people come out of the framework to try and bash him to satisfy their own egos.

zzz close thread
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 08:24 PM
Hey guys remember when Henry quit 2+2, but then he had to come back and stick up for those that were defending him, and then he kind of just stuck around after that?
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
03-26-2011 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I'm not sure I've ever spent $100 just on myself at a bar. I mean, yeah, for like a night out that starts with dinner, cab rides, etc. easily, but $100 just on drinks/cover?
That's what I was thinking. I don't go to clubs, so I don't frequent $10/drink places, but I've had a handful of $100+ tab nights, and that's at places that aren't dive/college bars, but too casual to be exclusive/upscale. That's a biiig night, to be spending $100 on drinks.
Henry17's Life and Finance Extravaganza (pulled from Humblebrag thread) Quote
