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Help me find this beautiful Finnish girl from NYE [with video] Help me find this beautiful Finnish girl from NYE [with video]

02-06-2012 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by DiegoArmando
The look on her face suggests a lack of excitement about the whole thing.
she's just drunk.
Help me find this beautiful Finnish girl from NYE [with video] Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:13 PM
A+ thread

Hoping part 2 delivers
Help me find this beautiful Finnish girl from NYE [with video] Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by keepitreal
she's just drunk.
Maybe, but so is he and which one looks ecstatic and which one doesn't?

She actually doesn't look too drunk. ime Finnish chics can drink for Finland.
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02-06-2012 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
After reading the Day 1 TR I can't wait to read the cliffs for Day 2...

Day 1 cliffs:
Arrived, tried to shake her hand.
it was really cold
went out shopping for warmer clothes and bought lots of booze
watched her put on make-up
some of her friends came over and we drank a lot, played off interest in Riikka
went out to a bar, got smashed, tried to dance sexually with her (maybe) and got shot down
went back to her apartment and she cooked eggs for me
went to bed on a separate mattress

I don't think you should have played off your interest in her when her friends grilled you...
A bit negative on my part...

but great thread!! Sounds like it was grand and good pictures!
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02-06-2012 , 08:29 PM
Quite accurate though, all the same.
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02-06-2012 , 08:30 PM
That bitch is hot! Nicely written first half of the trip report, though I am pretty sure your move was way more awkward than described .

But hey, if you decide to fly over to a country where it's ****ing freezing to meet up with a girl you met for 15 minutes at NYE AND go dancing with her **** drunk... Pretty sure she would have thought you were gos if you didn't try anything.
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02-06-2012 , 08:33 PM
the handshake part is so funny. surely you had imagined that moment so many times leading up to it and evidentially settled on the hand shake as the no.1 move <3
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02-06-2012 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by hennerz
the handshake part is so funny. surely you had imagined that moment so many times leading up to it and evidentially settled on the hand shake as the no.1 move <3
lol. surely not. even Brits could find advice somewhere on google about how to greet a female.
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02-06-2012 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by DiegoArmando
The look on her face suggests a lack of excitement about the whole thing.
Maybe. It's hard to tell what this girl is thinking. I suppose that's because she's not posting her thoughts on a message But OP does have a few things going for him.

1) Allan!
2) This whole godamn romantic chasedown thing, making her a semi star in her own country
3) She did invite him to stay with her, that is not insignificant
4) He's pretty good looking from a male perspective (I guess?)

Things that may go against him:

1) Not sure he's played his cards right laughing off the love questions, I think he could/should have perhaps been a little more coy. She may decide he's not serious or immature and lose interest.
2) He revealed right off the bat he doesn't have much money (guess that's hard to hide), but girls seem to like money.
3) Reading this I'm starting to think he may not be mature enough to make this work. Though it makes sense not to go overboard, and publicly proclaiming 'friends first' makes some sense, it's typical for a guy (especially a kid) to get gun shy when things get too real. Public pressure won't help either.
4) Distance
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02-06-2012 , 09:13 PM
What Pasdasuga said.

We need girls ITT (Pongo, entertainme, dbz, sgt rt, etc...) but I think starting off shy/no pressure/you're cool if it's not intimate is good, but after a little rapport building, coming up with some flowers or something and going for a kiss (probably not in her bedroom, so you're not necessarily going for a home run) would have been good - and agree with whoever said you don't need to tell everyone if you are having sex or not.
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02-06-2012 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
That bitch is hot!
BOO to this usage of "bitch". Save that word for when it fits.
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02-07-2012 , 02:03 AM
lol @ bitching about 15 euros for long johns but having no budget whatsoever for booze.

think the fact that you needed a stranger on the internet to fly u there is gonna be the deal killer here. chics that hot don't date random poor dudes who live in different countries.
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02-07-2012 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar

If you banged her, dont share it. Its -EV. All you are honor bound to do is let us know if you at least made out, and if you DIDNT have sex. We will be able to figure it from there.

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02-07-2012 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by hennerz
the handshake part is so funny. surely you had imagined that moment so many times leading up to it and evidentially settled on the hand shake as the no.1 move <3
Well there is a bit more to it than i had written. I'd previously explained to her that i was gonna give her a massive hug when we first met again, so thought she'd find it pretty funny if i went in for a handshake instead - which she did

Originally Posted by DiegoArmando
Maybe, but so is he and which one looks ecstatic and which one doesn't?

She actually doesn't look too drunk. ime Finnish chics can drink for Finland.
That is definitely her drunk face. We were both smashed at this point, and i'm pretty sure she doesn't do that face in any of my other pictures hahaha Also, somehow i always manage to pull a smile like that, even when drunk! But yeah, she can drink quite a lot though!

Anyway i've got work now, but will write up the second part later today!
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02-07-2012 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
It was romantic for the girl. If OP didn't make a move then it was just a failure. This situation was nothing like friendship. Imagine OP met a dude on the street doing some silly thing like that and then went to another country to spend the weekend. That would be gayer than homosexual sex.
i LOL'd
Help me find this beautiful Finnish girl from NYE [with video] Quote
02-07-2012 , 03:44 AM
nice TR

I lived in Oulu for a couple of years too and I am amazed that you got a bus ride from the airport at -30C to sound amazing.
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02-07-2012 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
It's the exact opposite of a layup. Girls smell desperation, but they love attention. Spending this much effort to find a single girl who lives a long ass way away comes across as extremely desperate. However, she finds the attention cute, is being made into a mini-celebrity, and is enjoying that part of it. OP will basically be a cute little puppy dog toy for her in most scenarios. Girls don't bang cute puppy dogs, they go for the pit bull. Especially girls that are hot. He does have the foreigner thing going for him, but that's about it.

He's a significant dog to ever move out of the friend zone. You cannot be this forward with girls without signaling extreme desperation. Girls are going to go wild over a guy who has many girls after him, not one that will fly 1000 miles in hopes of meeting the love of his life who he shared 10 minutes with before that.
imo this is a very foolish post. For one, you come across as extremely butthurt and negative. why would you call op a puppy instead of a pitt.. he's only put himself on display in front of ****tons of people to follow his heart, I'd say that is extremely badass.. what have you done on this level of REAL "badassness"? I doubt very much, and without getting into it too much (b/c I'm not too knowledgable in this subject) if I had to make a random generalization like you did I'd say you view things through a much too superficial lens
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02-07-2012 , 07:06 AM
I think the handshake is awesome. Wp
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02-07-2012 , 12:11 PM
Day 2!

Okay hopefully this will be a bit shorter than the first part!

We both woke up at about 1pm, neither of us could remember much from the night before, and neither of us actually felt hungover at all. We determined that it was probably because we were both still drunk. The flat was a total mess, Riikka had said that she is usually a messy person, but it was fairly tidy when I arrived – now, it looked like we had had a 24hr house party in there or something! We had planned yesterday to go and see some of her friends play a Floorball match at 4pm today (Floorball is basically a popular Finnish game similar to hockey. You just round around, and use a ball instead), so I cooked the pizza to try and sober up a bit more, and Riikka made herself a pretty tasty pasta meal, which I complimented her on after trying it, to which she replied “You have to be a good cook when you turn vegetarian!”. And this is what the table looked like while I was eating:

We then remembered about the drunk gummie bears that we made the night before, and thought we best try them to see how they were… and they were… interesting! Very slimey (probably should have been left another day or two), and it just felt like you were chewing vodka shots. Riikka decided it was best just to swallow them hole – I didn’t agree though. Some of them tasted fine… and then had a HORRIBLE vodka after-taste too. But we ate a load of them, and then put the rest back in the bag to take with us to the Floorball game.

The remainder of the gummie bears after we had bagged the rest. These ones were super slimey, and we had to use a spoon to eat them later on.

I checked my wallet at this point to see the damage from the night before, and realised I had managed to spend €160 the previous day. Which was a bit mad, and probably meant I spent about €70 or €80 in that bar. I couldn’t remember buying that many drinks though, and thought that I wouldn’t have bought that many anyway considering the amount of pre-drinking we did beforehand… but I guess not!

Thibaut then came round just before 4pm, looking completely dead/hungover from the night before, but we managed to persuade him to do a jagerbomb with us before we got picked up, and then we drove to watch this Floorball game. The game itself was about 45mins long, and probably would have been a bit better to watch if we weren’t all so tired/drunk still. A few of the other guys from the night before were also there – including Emmi, who was surprisingly wide awake. We let her try one of the drunk gummies after a LOT of persuading (we didn’t tell her they had vodka in them, so when we put this green slimey thing in her hand, it’s not surprising she was apprehensive.) Her face when she eating it was just so funny! I think she actually started to shed a few tears at one point. And then we told her they were vodka gummie bears, to which she replied “I’M DRIVING YOU KNOW!”, and looked extremely sorry for herself. We all just laughed and continued to scoff the gummie bears until the game was over. Thibaut refused to have any more after his first try, and condemned us for making him have the jagerbomb earlier too. Pretty sure he was falling asleep during the game as well haha. So it was just me and Riikka eating them – she must have had about 70% of them though, and was clearly pretty tipsy by the time the game had finished.

During the game, Riikka also mentioned about a “new craze to get drunk” that teenage girls in Finland have started recently… basically as a way to save money and get drunk really fast, they get a tampon, dip it in vodka, and then actually USE IT. And apparently some guys do this as well… inserting it you know where. It didn’t sound appealing to me, and luckily neither Riikka nor any of her friends had tried it! The youth of today eh!?

We then got a lift home with Emmi, who was driving some else’s car (her bf’s I think), and it was a manual – which she doesn’t normally drive – so it was a bit amusing at first, but she got us home alright! Thibaut sleepily wondered back to his place after we told him that we’d wake him up later so he can party with us tonight too, and then Riikka and I went shopping for some more food/alcohol. We took a bit of a detour to the shop – down some random paths, and then Riikka made a snow angel. I went to do one myself, and put my foot knee deep in the snow, and then realised I was wearing jeans and they’d get soaked (she had on a pair of waterproof trousers), so decided against it. My foot was now soaking wet and freezing though.

Riikka decided that I ought to try “something Finnish” before I left the country, so bought a Black Sausage for me to eat as my hangover cure for the next day. We also bought a few more bottles of cider – but still had several beers and a bit of vodka and jager at hers, so didn’t need too much else. We went back, had some more gummie bears and jagerbombs, and then we thought it best that we sleep for a bit before we get ready to party again. I think we only slept for about 30mins before we both just decided we may as well carry on drinking.

A load more jagerbombs were drank, until the jägermeister was finished, and then we began to get ready/listen to some music before we went out. I got ready fairly quickly, but Riikka must have tried on about six different outfits before she was happy with what she was wearing. She then asked if we were ready to go, and I joked “no I’m not... I need to go get changed several times now, if that’s okay!”. We both burst out laughing, again, and then headed round to pick up Thibaut and go over to Emmi’s place.

Emmi’s apartment was really nice – I think another few people turned up (who I hadn’t met yet), and we stayed there for a couple of hours playing drinking games and watching tv. Emmi also had to go take her parents’ dog for a walk (her parents had gone away for the weekend, so left it with Emmi). She had to put shoes and two jackets on the dog before it was safe for her to go out – it was pretty cute haha.

After she got back, we carried on the drinking before grabbing a large taxi to the club. Again I can’t actually remember much of the taxi journey, but I do remember quite a bit of my time in the club this time round! It was a pretty sweet place – it had three or four rooms I think. I remember one was a bar with karaoke going on (Riikka had wanted to do karaoke all weekend for some reason – luckily we didn’t have a go!), another room had a live band playing for most of the night, and the third room was more of the club style room – with a few booths and a large dance floor. I have a video of us singing and dancing to Y.M.C.A whilst in this room. Bit random. Thibaut left the place fairly early again – he went home because he was still pretty tired, and not really all that drunk. I think I spent the majority of the night in club-style room, just dancing with random people I met, before meeting up with the other guys back in the live band room for the last hour or so before we left. I met a couple of girls in there, one of which knew Riikka, and when she realised where I was from, she put the pieces together and was pretty happy to meet me haha. The other girl also had a cool tattoo sleeve – there is a picture, but it’s a bit blurry.

After we left the club and I said goodbye to Riikka’s friends, Riikka and I decided we’d walk home on this occasion and proceeded on the 20 minute journey. I’m glad I had had a lot to drink that night, as I certainly would have frozen completely if I was sober! There are a few random pictures of us in the snow throughout this walk, and I also remember us meeting a random guy who knew of the whole story of me and Riikka, and he too was like “I can’t believe you’re THAT guy!”. It was pretty funny once again.

We got back to Riikka’s place and had a bit of food and chatted for a bit before once again passing out at about 5am. Luckily my flight wasn’t until about 5pm, so I could happily sleep without setting an alarm knowing that I should wake up in time.

Day 3.

We actually woke up at about 2pm. And this time both felt reallllyyy hungover. The hangover that we missed the previous day was definitely making up for it this time! I had to get the 3:45pm bus to the airport, so we didn’t have that much time to get ready. But Riikka made me the black sausage thing (basically a Finnish black pudding) with some potatoes. I ate it. It didn’t taste too bad – but the texture wasn’t at all nice. I have eaten worse though (jellyfish soup is WRONG.)

We then sat talking for an hour or so as we waited for the time to run down. The mood definitely went down a bit, and I certainly felt a bit sad that I was leaving already – the weekend seriously went so fast! And then we shared… a glass of orange juice, and THEN… it was time to leave!

We walked the 5min walk to the bus stop and waited for about 15mins before bus came. Riikka and I discussed when we should meet up again – with her suggested we meet up in Dublin some time (as I have a load of friends there, and she really wants to visit Ireland). I also suggested that I may come back in the summer – as she said they have epic summers over there in Oulu. +20 degree weather and they have some days or weeks where there is 24hrs daylight! Pretty crazy haha! It’s also crazy expensive for Riikka to get anywhere from Finland herself. They don’t have any lowcost airlines, and whereas it costs me about £40 return to get to Dublin, it would cost her upwards of £400! Bloody mental. But I think we will meet up again at least once this year. We had planned to do so many other things during my stay there, but were too tired or busy drinking each day that we couldn’t do any of them! We still had a ton of fun though, and it was a fantastic weekend! Unfortunately I only got used to the cold weather just as I was leaving too haha

The bus then arrived, and I went in for the handshake to say goodbye (I KID.) We shared a hug, and then another hug, and then a hi5. And then I boarded the bus and made the journey back to the airport and back home again! Luckily my flight from Helsinki to Heathrow wasn’t cancelled – apparently three flights that day were though (we have a national breakdown every time it lightly snows over here – and it snowed about 6 inches down by Heathrow that weekend haha!)

On the bus.

And NOW.. I will attempt to answer questions about my apparent “failure”!
Help me find this beautiful Finnish girl from NYE [with video] Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:25 PM
So, did you want to kiss her?
Help me find this beautiful Finnish girl from NYE [with video] Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:32 PM
I can't decide if Hi5 is code for kiss.

Either way good times, thanks for the TR
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02-07-2012 , 12:33 PM
Odds on OP/Riikka meeting again?
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02-07-2012 , 12:36 PM
so why didn't you go in for a kiss ??
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02-07-2012 , 12:43 PM
low5's for all!
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02-07-2012 , 12:58 PM

Now… it’s a bit foolish to think that I would travel the 2,000 odd miles to Finland JUST to get laid. That would be pretty pointless, and really wouldn’t have added much to what was an awesome weekend partying with some great people. If I want to get laid somewhere cold, I’d just go out one Friday, turn the heating off, and if I get lucky bring a girl back to my freezing apartment..

OBVIOUSLY I did like Riikka, and definitely do still like her after meeting her again (i wouldn't have gone through all that trouble in the first place, ofc), but from our first conversations after I found her again, she did seem a bit apprehensive to want to meet up. Not surprising really, considering how it all happened. At one point just before the flight came into it, she suggested to me that she was actually gay, with a girlfriend, by saying something like “maybe I should have told the papers that I’m living with a girl at the moment.” Then the next day I let her know that someone was willing to pay for a flight to Finland for me, and that I’d still want to meet up even if she has a gf or w/e (naturally, there was a lot of pressure from you guys and my friends here for me just to go over there, and I was thinking “what the hell!”) – she then just laughed and said she was actually joking, and then I think probably reluctantly agreed to let me stay (albeit in her apartment). Then she stressed that we’d only be meeting up as friends anyway, which of course I didn’t mind about – I mean, I’m gay remember? (I’m kidding of course… or maybe I AM! ). It obviously all got a bit more relaxed as we spoke online over the few weeks before I went over. We could both tell that we were really gonna get on with each other, and we definitely did – we for sure had a great time in each other’s company.

So that was all great. I was getting to see a foreign country I’d never been to before, and look forward to having a great time partying and making a load of new friends. That was the way I told it to all my colleagues at work, after they were prodding me asking if I was gonna get married over there or something (my ex-gf also phoned me as soon as I put the “Going to Finland!” status on facebook, asking the same thing. i lol'd.) I told a lot of them that I may actually be worse if we both ended up really really liking each other once we met. Obviously it may have been cute/romantic and all, but logistically it would’ve been difficult!

A lot of you guys are probably thinking this is a bit of a bad ending considering there was no romance or anything. But you have to think about it.. ALL of our friends knew about this. And I think a lot of her friends would’ve been teasing her because she’s let some crazy guy from England who is “in love with her” come over and stay in her apartment. It def would have put a lot of pressure on her I think haha

Anyway… I had a great time, have no regrets about anything I did/DIDN'T DO there (except not buying enough Cointreau!), was definitely glad I made the trip, and will for sure be back over there soon!


Now... i've got a few other videos of girls from NYE.. i guess i should get uploading them! (JOKE!)
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