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Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you?

06-19-2010 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by pongo
Of course there are strings attached! Who in the world is just going to be like, okay, go do whatever, bring me back some HIV as a souvenir! And honestly, it's not like if he does it then I have to do it too to get back at him or something, it just seems like it would be nice to be reciprocal about it. I probably wouldn't even take advantage of it because I don't go out often and I am bad at flirting and I don't really like sleeping with strangers.
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by pongo
I agree. I am just saying that if he did cheat on me, knowing my "rules," I would be REALLY EXTRA upset about it, and just "needing more variety" or "not being cut out for monogamy" couldn't be an excuse with me.
Is it really the consensus that people in long term relationships cheat because they "need more variety" or aren't "cut out for monogamy"?
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 01:10 AM
I have no idea!
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 01:26 AM
Nice four years of college, coke-bottles.
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by pongo
I don't think that he wouldn't talk to me about it, and I wouldn't change my mind.
So how many times has he talked to you and you let him do his thang with another woman?
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 01:59 AM
It obviously hasn't happened but I'm really loving 'do his thang.' lol. 'thang.'
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 02:03 AM
Is this really so hard to believe?
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 02:08 AM
Is what do what? I think the answer is 'yeah, kinda!' but I'm not sure what you're asking.
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 03:18 AM
pongo normally I would be kinda mad that you slightly derailed a decent thread but then I realised OP is a lame poster who just happened to get lucky with this thread
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 03:43 AM
OP you shouldn't date crazy bitches.
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by pongo
Is this really so hard to believe?
Yes. It seems pretty self-delusional to even think you'd be ok with it. You'd definitely be upset and no amount of logical thinking will stop that emotional response.

Those kinds of situations only really work when both parties want it like that from the jump. Having your husband tell you he wants to bang another girl would probably devastate you imo (and rightly so).

But nahhh you're probably right, you'd totally be ok with it.
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Ramdon
lol wtf @ this

yea i don't understand why people have a problem with their gf ***** other guys either. i also think its fine if she sucks them off and then kisses me when she gets home. what's the problem. it's also fine if she does my best friend - the more the merrier.

and of course i would forgive her ... how else would she know im fine for her doing it again in the future. in fact i would congratulate her from sucessfully hiding it from me because that makes her awesome.

its way worse when someone becomes lazy in the relationship ... putting on a bit of weight is pretty terrible and warrants a split far more than ***** another person.

you fail at being a human being - i hate to think what your parents were like
I agree with you sir, i never heard anything as ****ed up as that dude said.. idiot tbh..
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Damon Rutherford
4bettor: Jesus. If I were dating someone like you, I'd cheat too. If your story is true, you were so ludicrously out of line and you owe that girl a huge apology.

As for infidelity generally: Am I the only one who doesn't think that cheating is the horrific, unforgiveable, single-most-disastrous sin that it's always made out to be? Look, cheating is bad. People shouldn't do it. I don't condone it whatsoever, and I hope I'm never cheated on (I haven't been cheated on, to my knowledge). But people do a lot of bad things to each other. People in relationships especially do a lot of bad things to each other. They can be petty to each other. They can be mean. They often lie (about all sorts of things, not just cheating). They are passive-aggressive. They sometimes do things that are intentionally hurtful (again, this includes all sorts of activities, not just cheating). They can become lazy about themselves and toward their partner. The list goes on and on.

All of those behaviors, in my opinion, can be far worse, and far more damaging to a relationship, than the simple act of having sex with someone else. Cheating, of course, can be very bad, too. But I just don't see why everyone places it in some separate, exclusive, badder-than-bad category all on its own. I've found that many of the people who place an absurdly high weight on fidelity also tend to overlook many other types of bad or lazy behavior from their mates.

If a girl I was dating cheated on me, I'm pretty certain I'd try very hard to forgive her -- and I think I could. And if I found out tomorrow that one of my exes had cheated on me in the past, I'm pretty sure I'd find it somewhat funny and say, "Well, good for her for getting some on the side and successfully hiding it from me!"

Youre an idiot, and you got no clue what so ****ing ever.

Cheating = instant dump and never talk to the ****ing bitch again, simple as that, if she goes **** someone else she can go kill herself, what do i care.

Cheating = disrespect and i dont care wtf any of you say, if you cheat, your simply not 100% in love. Simple as that.
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by garcia1000
pongo normally I would be kinda mad that you slightly derailed a decent thread but then I realised OP is a lame poster who just happened to get lucky with this thread
Come on now, he also had a big hit with his "should I turn my cramped apartment into a large oven for pizzas?" thread too.

Last edited by LKJ; 06-20-2010 at 01:33 PM. Reason: Also, wasn't he the one who started a thread to ask what the best places to buy groceries were in Minneapolis or something?
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by mickclausen
Youre an idiot, and you got no clue what so ****ing ever.

Cheating = instant dump and never talk to the ****ing bitch again, simple as that, if she goes **** someone else she can go kill herself, what do i care.

Cheating = disrespect and i dont care wtf any of you say, if you cheat, your simply not 100% in love. Simple as that.
I agree, the thing with cheating is that it isn't something petty or lazy that's done in the spur of the moment. Usually there are hundreds of opportunities to back out of it. Whenever I've started to get into what would be a serious, exclusive relationship I've always made it very clear that I won't tolerate cheating of any kind because for me the issue of trust is so important in a relationship and I couldn't trust someone who cheated on me.
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by traz
Yes. It seems pretty self-delusional to even think you'd be ok with it. You'd definitely be upset and no amount of logical thinking will stop that emotional response.

Those kinds of situations only really work when both parties want it like that from the jump. Having your husband tell you he wants to bang another girl would probably devastate you imo (and rightly so).

But nahhh you're probably right, you'd totally be ok with it.
devastating is pretty lol. not everyone is super possessive and jealous. there are large communities of couples that are swingers and are completely open about this kind of stuff.
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by garcia1000
pongo normally I would be kinda mad that you slightly derailed a decent thread but then I realised OP is a lame poster who just happened to get lucky with this thread

One day I'll be a hip 2p2 poster like Joe Camel.

How much is it for post coaching?

On the subject, I think I have been cheated on not but it was during a LDR. I had met this chick who was getting ready to go to college while I was in highschool. Being one of my early relationships I was pretty stupid, and still am for the most part, so I figured I'd try to see how 'dem phone relationships work. Was cool for about a week or two then it slowly got redundant.

Anyways about a week into it, she'd flat out tell me she's going over to a guy's house. Got the point where she was going about 4-5 times a week. After the first few times she said he did coke and that she tried it for the first time. Didn't really bother me though as I had no real connection with her.

I still feel pretty gay for doing a LDR though.
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Isura
devastating is pretty lol. not everyone is super possessive and jealous. there are large communities of couples that are swingers and are completely open about this kind of stuff.
Swinging =/= Cheating.

IMO, cheating implies that some sort of dishonest or wrongful act had to occur in the context of your specific relationship. Swingers and people in open relationships are exactly that, open. It's not dishonest to have sex with another person or people if the context of your relationship implies that this is OK.

Cheating doesn't even have to involve sex either. If I had a girlfriend, and I learned that she spent the night sleeping over at an ex's, and they just cuddled all night, that's cheating.
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 03:01 PM
That scum cheated with egypt black guys while she was in relationship with me and there with family.
Sick life.
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Scotty.
Swinging =/= Cheating.

IMO, cheating implies that some sort of dishonest or wrongful act had to occur in the context of your specific relationship. Swingers and people in open relationships are exactly that, open. It's not dishonest to have sex with another person or people if the context of your relationship implies that this is OK.

Cheating doesn't even have to involve sex either. If I had a girlfriend, and I learned that she spent the night sleeping over at an ex's, and they just cuddled all night, that's cheating.
Isura, if I'm reading correctly, was responding to a post about "husband" telling Pongs he wants to **** other womens, not that he cheated on her.
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by pongo
Ok, really, guys? I guess I knew I'd be opening up this can of worms when I replied to this thread, here we go...

I love my husband, and if he needs variety in his sex life, and I can't provide that all by my lonesome, then the two of us will figure out a way for him to get that. Maybe my feelings will be hurt a little, but okay, I'd be more upset finding out after the fact. And, no, it won't be a free-for-all; there'd be rules about safe sex, and how often, and it not cutting into sex-with-me time, and possibly allowing me to **** other people too. Not the biggest deal.

Seriously, while I find monogamy pretty comfortable, I don't think it's the be-all, end-all, or that it's right for everybody all the time. I think we'd all be a lot happier if we accepted and allowed for that.
This sounds like a whole load of hypothetical. If it ever happens, can we please please please get updates?
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Tapow Dayok
Badass vid
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by nham
This sounds like a whole load of hypothetical. If it ever happens, can we please please please get updates?
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 03:45 PM
This was back in my college days (5 yrs ago) i was dating some Asian lady and things for the first several months where going really well. She was living on her own and gave me a house key. Just in case if i ever wanted to come visit. she lived 45 mins away me however we both went to same college by her house. So it would be convenient for me to stop at her place and chill once she came back from work.


around 7 months later I notice her attitude and affection (lack of sex) with me was changing. So, I thought maybe I can do something romantic and spice things up a bit. So while she was at work I went to her place with flowers,candles, and food. set everything up and waited for her to come back from work.

while waiting for her I notice that she left her phone in her bedroom. I couldn't help myself but look through her phone. I notice a bunch of text messages of her and ex b/f.. basically flirting with each other, and talking about how much they miss each other.

I was on life tilt.

should I yell at her?
confront her about this ****?

to make long story short she came down from work. I acted like everything was fine. we had sex and by "accident" gave her anal.. she wasn't to happy about it but i didnt give a ****..

a few days later we break up and the following week i see her hanging out with her ex-b/f at the mall.

cliff notes

-date Asian in college
-find out she's cheating or about to cheat
- still have sex with but gave her anal by accident
-break up few days later
-see her with ex-b/f a week later at the mall
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
06-20-2010 , 05:01 PM
You know what I think whenever anyone tells a story that includes surprise anal? That dude must have a small dick.
Has your girlfriend/wife (or ex) ever cheated on you? Quote
