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Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

07-16-2009 , 08:47 AM
well obv, the new dumbledore has Fd up the character so badly in the movies. he is nothing close to the character in the books. When the original actor died thay shoulda just killed this one off in the very next movie cause hes soooooo fkn bad and it tilts me so goddamn much i havent even seen this movie yet

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 09:18 AM
welcome to the layer cake son
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:35 AM
Malfoy and Snape were probably the best acted in this film.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:39 AM
Yea both were great, along with Lavender who really nailed that role.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Adam Monroe
I feel like they are the 3 weakest actors to be honest which sucks since they get the most screen time. Most of the other actors range from decent to great. I'll give Radcliffe the nod for best of the main 3 if that helps. Really, if you were casting this movie now you would never pick these 3 based on their abilities. You have to remember how long ago they were first cast (and how young they were at the time).

I'm pretty sure Dumbledore sucking is the writing.

Slughorn was very well acted.

And yeah, really the ending was just too damn rushed/poorly written/crappy. That and the Riddle memories (of which they cut out a ton for obvious reasons) were the best parts of the book. And they just weren't that good in the movie. This more than the acting disappointed me.

It isn't bad at all, but just much less than I had hoped for. I'll be watching it a second time I'm sure so we'll see if that changes.
Yeah I pretty much agree with all of that. Obviously the Big 3 are worse actors than the other characters, but that's largely because the other actors are brilliant.

If you consider that they had to pick the Big 3 when they were like 11 year's old and then stick with them come hell or high water...they're pretty good. I don't think you could reasonably ask for better 18 year old actors if you had to pick them at age 10 (and had very strict guidelines about how they had to look) and hope they turned out ok. They got pretty lucky in that regard.

I agree about the ending, completely.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 12:47 PM
I don't get why they can't recast the kids at this point. Yeah- it would annoy some people, but I think they'd get over it.

Just from the previews I've seen- Ginny does not appear to be nearly hot enough imo.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I don't get why they can't recast the kids at this point. Yeah- it would annoy some people, but I think they'd get over it.

Just from the previews I've seen- Ginny does not appear to be nearly hot enough imo.
Doesn't have to be hot cuz shes a sloot.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 01:54 PM
hey guys-

I've never seen any of the HP movies, but my friend wants me to go with her. Will I be able to follow it? Will I be horribly bored out of my mind? TIA.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I don't get why they can't recast the kids at this point. Yeah- it would annoy some people, but I think they'd get over it.

Just from the previews I've seen- Ginny does not appear to be nearly hot enough imo.
not to be a nerd but in the books ginny isn't supposed to be hot, like at all. she's a ****ing ginger for christsakes.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by 34TheTruth34
Will I be able to follow it? Will I be horribly bored out of my mind?
It's going to suck bad for you then. This movie has to get a lot of information into 2 hours, and it spends zero time catching anyone up to speed on anything.

You might enjoy a special effect or a joke or two.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
not to be a nerd but in the books ginny isn't supposed to be hot, like at all. she's a ****ing ginger for christsakes.
I'm pretty sure she is hot in the books.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by iheartleeks
no nude scenes of emma = not worth it.

any confirmed nips slips or side boobs anyone?

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
Snape Kills Dumbledore Spoiler

I can feel for the person at 1:47.

So priceless
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 04:07 PM
I just saw this. I have read the first four books when they came out but never saw any of the movies.

I was very disappointed in a couple of scenes, as they raised so many questions
1; WTF is the random scene blowing up the weasly house? Doesn't add anything to the story.
2; The bad guys spend all this trouble to get some units into hogwarts, but draco and snape are the only ones really doing anything. They might as well have knocked on dumbledore's door and shot him, no need for all the hassle
3: I know now because my gf told something about the next book, but wtf at snape hushing harry instead of zapping his ass. If it is supposed to be a hint make it a bit more clear.
4: if the horcrux in the cave is fake, why did DD have to drink that magic water? Someone else got the real one out without removing the water? just grab that thing and bail out?
5: the movie is named the halfblood prince but the only thing mentioning is a random book that doesn't really influence the movie and a snap oneliner.

Maybe I misunderstood some parts, but when I left I felt like I just watched a lost episode. It left me with more questions than answers.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 04:18 PM

1, 2, 3, and 5 are the product of a crappy adaptation of the book. 4 is you being dumb.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 04:56 PM
Answer to question in spoiler section:

Originally Posted by Randiek
4: if the horcrux in the cave is fake, why did DD have to drink that magic water? Someone else got the real one out without removing the water? just grab that thing and bail out?

In the 7th book, the details of who removed the real horcrux, placed the fake horcrux, and how it was all done is revealed. Without giving away too much, that person also had to first remove the potion before taking the horcrux.

Though, I'm not sure if a line of the 7th book explicitly stated it, the assumption is that the green potion was magically refilled.
Originally Posted by Randiek
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
not to be a nerd but in the books ginny isn't supposed to be hot, like at all. she's a ****ing ginger for christsakes.
1- reading the books is not nerdy

2- Having just re-read this book- she's supposed to be hot.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I don't get why they can't recast the kids at this point. Yeah- it would annoy some people, but I think they'd get over it.
If any of the kids had been recasted, it would have set off a revolution in Potter fandom.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 06:21 PM
saw it last night and thought it was pretty bad

though my friends and i did enjoy watching it with the impression that every single character was either ***** each other, or wanting to or plotting to do so. it made the thousand+ angsty/goofy stares/actions between the different character combinations a lot more entertaining

also some good laughs at the phallic broomsticks during quidditch matches, complete with intercut shots of a salivating hermione

the best part of the night was right as it ended a super-tilted 25 year old fat harry potter nerd yelling loudly 'worst fin harry potter movie ever! they changed the last 25% for all these morons!' as he stormed out of the theater, which was amazing
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I don't get why they can't recast the kids at this point. Yeah- it would annoy some people, but I think they'd get over it.
Originally Posted by Dynasty
If any of the kids had been recasted, it would have set off a revolution in Potter fandom.
No reason to recast imo. They're decent actors and have some charisma onscreen. (Minus Hermonie who comes off really flat and uninteresting) Producers hit jackpot basically with 10 year old kids able to carry through.

Originally Posted by Omar Comin
Malfoy and Snape were probably the best acted in this film.
I agree they were both very very good.

Originally Posted by Randiek
I was very disappointed in a couple of scenes, as they raised so many questions
1; WTF is the random scene blowing up the weasly house? Doesn't add anything to the story.
2; The bad guys spend all this trouble to get some units into hogwarts, but draco and snape are the only ones really doing anything. They might as well have knocked on dumbledore's door and shot him, no need for all the hassle
3: I know now because my gf told something about the next book, but wtf at snape hushing harry instead of zapping his ass. If it is supposed to be a hint make it a bit more clear.
4: if the horcrux in the cave is fake, why did DD have to drink that magic water? Someone else got the real one out without removing the water? just grab that thing and bail out?
5: the movie is named the halfblood prince but the only thing mentioning is a random book that doesn't really influence the movie and a snap oneliner.

1. Should have been taken out of the movie. Could have used the time for more Snape stuff.
2. Should have been less shots of Malfoy fiddling with the cabinet giving more time for combatty type stuff at the end.
3. Again, more Snape stuff would have helped here.
4. It works that way because that's the way it works. It's a story.
5. Movie needed more Snape.

Cliff notes: Movie needed more Snape.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
1- reading the books is not nerdy

2- Having just re-read this book- she's supposed to be hot.
hm, guess I'm wrong then. it's been a while.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 10:16 PM
Dids, what makes you say shes supposed to be hot. I don't remember ever getting impression.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 10:22 PM
I pretty much just have to echo most of the opinions in this thread. I was severly dissapointed with the movie when compared to the book. I can accept the fact that plotlines need to be cut, but adding a completely made up scene (the burrow) is ridiculous. I can't believe they didn't do the battle or the funeral at the end either.

I thought the Felix Felecis (luck potion) scene was awesome. Radcliffe was on top of his game during that scene.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 10:28 PM
I don't even bother comparing them to the books anymore. Only 1 and 2 have approached the books and they were the weakest films.

I don't like that they added scenes and didn't put in others, but overall I thought it was a very good movie all things considered.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
07-16-2009 , 10:31 PM
Concerning the additional burrow scene in the movie....

I am rereading Deathly Hallows and the whole crew are at the Burrow for Bill and Fleurs wedding after escaping Voldemort to get there. How the hell are they going to change all of that for the next movie? Or will the Burrow be back to normal in time for that.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Quote
