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02-28-2011 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
I've found that you can call them and they'll sort it out before it actually leaves the building. anyway.
Thanks -- tried this and they said they can't change it because its going to ship today. Either I was unlucky w/ my service rep or .com is bigger with more warehouses so it's harder to coordinate.

He did tell me I could order another one to the shipping address I want, and refuse the original when it arrives which will be returned and get me a full refund. Seems like kind of a dick move to me though.

What does the UPS guy say when you say "i don't want that package, send it back"
02-28-2011 , 01:03 PM
So in other words you are trying to be nice to the people you feel are beneath you?
02-28-2011 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit

Like other awesome people I'm tired of pretending like I'm not special. I'm tired of pretending like I'm not bitchin', a total frickin' rock star from Mars and the new acceptance of most everyone else around me being less than that is just bringing me to a higher level of consciousness, leading to a kinder, gentler understanding of those less fortunate around me.
This reminds me of episode two of Jump City: Seattle, where the leader of the team called the tribe says (direct quote):

I am in a constant state of awe of how incredible I am.
02-28-2011 , 01:07 PM
No killa, no. i'm just coming to terms with my

nothing more. no ordinance or anything like that.
02-28-2011 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by killa
Yea well wtf you take happy pills or some ****, first you draft DB , then you are nice to Ray? What next going to call HH a bright and cheerful young woman?
I'm ****in' bright and cheerful as the mother****in' sun...when you and 27o aren't around.
02-28-2011 , 01:13 PM
No comment on the young part, eh?
02-28-2011 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by JL514
Thanks -- tried this and they said they can't change it because its going to ship today. Either I was unlucky w/ my service rep or .com is bigger with more warehouses so it's harder to coordinate.

He did tell me I could order another one to the shipping address I want, and refuse the original when it arrives which will be returned and get me a full refund. Seems like kind of a dick move to me though.

What does the UPS guy say when you say "i don't want that package, send it back"
can't be a dick move if they're suggesting it themselves. UPS deals with that all the time, just tell them you refuse delivery, or if it getts dropped off write refused and drop it in a ups box or a ups store
02-28-2011 , 01:14 PM
Yanno HH, it really wasn't an attack on you , more a knock on 27 acting like he's dropped 5 tabs recently.
02-28-2011 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by killa
Yanno HH, it really wasn't an attack on you , more a knock on 27 acting like he's dropped 5 tabs recently.
Yaknow killa, I was joking (well, the part about you anyway).
02-28-2011 , 01:20 PM
killa before i forget, get your foxwoods shoes on. I'm getting antsy so we're looking at the next couple weeks.

hi hobby!!!

Last edited by killa; 03-01-2011 at 10:34 AM.
02-28-2011 , 01:20 PM
Experience teaches you that you cannot drop five tabs and write posts on 2 + 2

Also, if you aren't in when UPS try to deliver & you don't reschedule they'll ship it back with no hassle involved for anyone.
02-28-2011 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
Yaknow killa, I was joking (well, the part about you anyway).

27 no job means no money means no poker
02-28-2011 , 01:24 PM
**** poker. we're drinking at the hard rock!
02-28-2011 , 01:24 PM
You kids have fun
02-28-2011 , 02:21 PM
I'm about to start my internet radio show, grooveshark is the best thing ever
02-28-2011 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Clare Quilty
I am extraordinarily butthurt on UNDRAFTED not being taken yet on his behalf.
02-28-2011 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by AC-Cobra
Hitting next chapter on the Wire boxset skips more than just the credits which tilts me to no end.
Yea, this was super, super annoying. Six Feet Under skips right to the beginning of the show, but it's one of the best credit sequences out there.

Justified is short and sweet, so I usually don't FF through that one. Don't FF through NBC shows, either, since they are really short and start right in with the show.

I don't know what you'd call the technology that actually backs up the recording when you press play depending on how fast you were fast forwarding, but it's the greatest invention since DVR itself.
02-28-2011 , 07:28 PM
"stars" / Female / Lead / All Ethnicities / 7 - 10

VISUALLY, they want a girl who IS 10, who plays much younger (looking 7 or 8).

**SHE WILL BE REQUIRED TO DO wire work in an aerial harness !!!**
Any child with PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE with this is preferred.
She cannot have any fear of heights. Must be very agile and good with body awareness within the aerial harness work.

She must be a formidable and very skilled little actor !!
The majority of the acting that she will do will have to come from her own IMAGINATION. The commercial is very abstract & will require a little girl who is excellent with acting out seeing things that are not there at all. (for example, she will ride on clouds & see diamonds raining from the sky.) She must be capable of a wide range of natural & subtle expressions.
Please KNOW the ability of the performer that you are submitting before submitting her; we don't have a lot of time in the casting process to "try out a lot of unknown talent." We need YOU to KNOW the capability of who you are submitting.

She has to work with a dog, so she can't have any fear of dogs.

**VISUALLY: they want someone UNIQUE & on the EXOTIC side. What does that mean?
She does not have to be white, and probably best if she is not white. (however, her acting ability & experience/capability with the aerial harness work WILL BE THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of her being hired.)
But back to the EXOTIC,... she's definitely pretty, but perhaps not in a typical/commercially/modelly way. Ethnically Ambiguous is always a favorable way to go,.. that is, someone who is of mixed race and can visually represent several races, across the board.

***Please REMEMBER, it's not solely about 'a look'... or a 'specific race'... but rather... it is TOTALLY about finding the girl who possesses ALL of the qualities that this role requires:

1. around 10 to look much younger (6-7-8)

2. amazing actor (a girl with Dakota Fanning in-the-making ability)

3. capable/skilled with aerial harness wire work / no fear of heights

4. no fear of dogs

5. visually mesmerizing & unique / pretty but not typical / standout

6. preferably NOT Caucasian: client would 'prefer' East Indian, Asian, African American, or some mixture of several races, that is Ethnically Ambiguous. And therefore, the submissions should not have an over abundance of Caucasian performers -- only submit Caucasians who are outstanding because of their acting ability &/or aerial harness work experience.
And conversely,.. don't submit an Ethnic/Exotic girl, just for that reason alone, UNLESS she ALSO has excellent acting ability &/or aerial harness work experience.
02-28-2011 , 07:43 PM
VISUALLY, they want a girl who IS 10, who plays much younger (looking 7 or 8).
02-28-2011 , 07:51 PM
those never get old
02-28-2011 , 08:07 PM
so are these injections that make you tan all the rage or something? i'd never heard of them until today, some guy i know on facebook mentioned he had just received a large order and people were snapping them up like hot cakes. seems pretty wild to me.
02-28-2011 , 08:08 PM
Apparently, it was The Next To Last Airbender.
02-28-2011 , 10:02 PM
Mid-thread poll:

Which is better:





02-28-2011 , 10:02 PM
Either you skate, or either you die.
02-28-2011 , 10:13 PM
****ing skate ainec
