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02-11-2011 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
Undrafted would be easiest #1 pick ever.
+1, ainec
02-11-2011 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Dids

Basically you're drafting from a pool of OOT posters to form the best possible (mostly using your own definition of "best possible) forum. So you need good postes, you need trolls, you need mods maybe, etc. It's mostly just an excuse to talk about who is awesome and who sucks, but it seems like it could be pretty fun.

Also yes, it does umm, get a group of people who tend to feel one way to continue to feel that way.
02-11-2011 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Dids

Basically you're drafting from a pool of OOT posters to form the best possible (mostly using your own definition of "best possible) forum. So you need good postes, you need trolls, you need mods maybe, etc. It's mostly just an excuse to talk about who is awesome and who sucks, but it seems like it could be pretty fun.

Also yes, it does umm, get a group of people who tend to feel one way to continue to feel that way.
If you wanna set it up and run it go for it.
02-11-2011 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by entertainme

OOT loves talking about OOT.

killa- I'll think about it. I have a somewhat busy week next week...
02-11-2011 , 06:31 PM
dids, it sounds really involved. why don't we just do a thread where we all post our ignore lists and see where it takes us?
02-11-2011 , 06:52 PM

And it makes me really sad.
02-11-2011 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by DMC0627
She started to reply "not really......" and stopped. When I looked at her in a confused way, she told me (in confidence obv) that they hired both but will fire one shortly. They thought both candidates were equally good, and since they had a lot of work backed up they decided to hire two and let them work for a while to catch up the back log and then keep the one they thought was best.
This is a really gutless way to avoid screening for quality candidates and/or making a tough decision.
02-11-2011 , 07:15 PM
Btw semi random but I came up in the modforum

I can't make people post gooder. I can just punish those for sucking the life out of here.
02-11-2011 , 07:17 PM
i don't think an OOT draft is a good idea, for many reasons.
02-11-2011 , 07:19 PM
i think an oot draft is a good idea probably for those same reasons
02-11-2011 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Phildo
i think an oot draft is a good idea probably for those same reasons
lol probably true. although do you really want to read 150 posts by ti.e.du.p about why every poster is terrible?
02-11-2011 , 07:26 PM
pre-order in.

i wasn't really impressed off the bat and they seemed like a colossal waste of time, but after you start comparing rosters it gets interesting. and funny.
02-11-2011 , 07:32 PM
+1 to draft, you'll need to make sure the OP is really concise and straight forward, SE has done like ten thousand drafts and every reg there knows the rules but OOT doesn't do these shenanigans often. Rules need to be enforced and warnings/small infractions given out to those that break rules if we ever want to do something similar to this again.

tv show draft
02-11-2011 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Triumph36
lol probably true. although do you really want to read 150 posts by ti.e.du.p about why every poster is terrible?
who reads tie.du..p posts

Last edited by Phildo; 02-11-2011 at 07:33 PM. Reason: forgot wildcards
02-11-2011 , 07:41 PM

If you want to expand on your thoughts and shoot me a PM or something, fire away.

As I'm thinking about this more seriously- I'm seeing lots of pros and cons. The biggest con being that OOT's big enough that you'll have pretty massive S/N ratio in terms of the picks vs discussion of the picks.
02-11-2011 , 07:49 PM
I see no downsides to an OOT draft, I would love to lurk it.
02-11-2011 , 08:12 PM
So have two threads. A picks thread and a discussion thread.
02-11-2011 , 08:14 PM
FYI TV Draft has been done before
02-11-2011 , 08:20 PM
OOT poster draft thread would be funny, but are there really enough qualified drafters who would want to participate? I certainly wouldn't, and am already mad about falling into the second round.



02-11-2011 , 08:33 PM
LFS - just think of Tom Brady.
02-11-2011 , 08:41 PM
I don't think there would be a lack of qualified drafters, I do wonder if there's a lack of people both qualified and interested. I guess as a preliminary exercise, post in this thread if you're interested in actually being a team "owner" and not just watching the firestorm from the sidelines. If we don't find enough of those, then we know not to try.

I assume that anybody qualified is reading this thread, so don't need/want to make an actual thread about it, seems fair?
02-11-2011 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Tony_P
I thought you were a ******
You're my inspiration.
02-11-2011 , 09:39 PM
i'd enjoy reading a draft but i would not want to be a drafter. i also suspect that it wouldn't be taken as seriously as in SE. those guys seem to run a different draft every three days and really throw themselves into it. although that is def super lame and geeky, it does make for good reading.
02-11-2011 , 09:44 PM

Bathroom is in an office building I am delivering to. I enter to take a leak and stall A is the only area occupied. While in the middle of Operation Relieve Falcon at the urinal the unknown random in stall A lets out a soft grunt and a couple of noisy ass blasts. It takes all my worldly powers not to start laughing out loud at this guy while I'm wizzing right next to him. How bad is it if I just start laughing?
02-11-2011 , 09:51 PM
"i guess i'm not the only one wearing brown in here".
