Originally Posted by Tony_P
i don't know what specifically cardo is talking about in that thread, but i do recall you once posting a complaint about your lazy employees because you schedule their shifts to start right at opening time and were mad that they start working at the start of their shift instead of coming in early.
that's a pretty big disconnect from reality and makes people think you are a douche
To address that specifically, there was the dynamic of how *I* behaved at my previous jobs that paid 50k a year or better versus the people whom I pay a much lower wage and me expecting them to behave similar to how I do.
This is a perfect example, though of how you guys helped me learn. What I have since done is start the paying shift before open so they will come in at the beginning of the shift and then open the store on time.
Once I dealt with the issue of people who thought that "as long as I am there before the store is supposed to be open" was acceptable, things have gone much more smoothly ever since.