Originally Posted by dxu05
Actually, as far as were concerned we might as well be complexly operant conditioned dogs that have grown up and perhaps have far too long of a lifespan. All your definitions of utility are ones ingrained via life experiences, nurture, parents, whatever. For you to arrogantly assume that your own assignments of utiles to various activities and engagements are absolute is illogical in its own right. For you to pursue this idea of happiness being absolute is hilarious seeing as your entire thought processes, personality, etc for the most part would seem to be ingrained through experience. Even my conception of what is hilarious itself is not "my conception," in fact it is an amalgamate of parental guidance, tv, and whatever other influences in my life have brought me to believe.
As such, being that the very own utiles of which I justify my ultimate utileless existence are defined by others, I would much disagree with the notion that caring for others only exists if you think there are cloud people. It is an uninformed notion that our utiles have nothing to do with others.
On a different level, the very notion you are not attached to someone else is also quite awkward, but perhaps it is just you. People have an uncanny ability to attach themselves to even inanimate toys, yet you believe an active person that reciprocates is simply a decision on the utile scale? I feel quite sorry for you if you truly are unable to attach utiles to something. I personally know that i lose happiness if my favorite dress shirt set on fire. I would give an irrational amount more for "my" dress shirt versus a normal dress shirt, regardless that they both contain roughly the same macro balance of chemical compounds and quantities. The point to be hammered accross here is the assignment of utility is purely personalized, and most definitely not a rational activity. Sentimentality is not an illogical concept reserved for the crazy and the god fearing. Again, perspective and subjective-reality sir.
The best part is the concept of utility and utiles in itself is only vastly theoretical. The direct applications to life are a misinterpretation. I really hope you enjoy defining your life thoroughly through a system applied in economics, yet no one in economics can accurately predict or value anything.
So if everyone's individual notion of happiness is merely a construct of their environment with some genetic predilection mixed in, you would agree that we can't beat that or rise above it, because it defines the 'it' we're trying to rise above to begin with.
Applying your concepts to myself, you'd say my definition of reality and happiness isn't any truly more rational than the next person. But you'd agree it doesn't change anything - I'm still bound by my own perception of things, and that perception happens to be determined by my own concept of rationality.
In your case, you'd say 'hey, I attach more utility to my own shirt than to an identical shirt I've never worn, just because that's how it strikes me, and I won't fight that because there isn't any absolute truth to the value of any shirt anyway, just differing opinions based on differing perceptions which are formed by differing environments'. In my case, maybe I'd start out attaching more utility to my own shirt, but then I'd realize that there really is no difference between my own shirt and the next one, thus it doesn't make sense to value my shirt differently. Right there, I could no longer justify valuing my shirt differently, and I'd therefore value them the same whether I wanted to or not.
Or bringing it back to the matter at hand, you'd have a kid and assign more utility to it than anything, and you wouldn't resist that notion because you know there isn't an absolute truth to how it should be anyway. But I'd have a kid and realize that it isn't any different than any other kid, and simply because of that realization, I could no longer justify assigning imbalanced utility.
I'm not sure who is thinking on a higher level in that instance, we're probably on even ground, but the results are polar opposites.