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Getting out of homelessness.. Getting out of homelessness..

03-20-2008 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by adsman
I think that being homeless could be a sure-fire cure for baldness. I mean, how many bald bums do you see? That's a survey they should do. That would mean something to people other than the bums. Cause who cares about bums? Do any of you actually care about bums? But a cure for baldness! Oh, we care about that.
How can you tell if they're bald or not when they're wearing a pizza box as a hat?
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 12:44 PM

Read this and let me know if its any good.

Pearson, who stars in HBO's The Wire, was born ill and underweight from her mother's drug habits, and later worked for a crack dealer in East Baltimore. At age 15 she killed a woman in self-defense and wound up in the Jessup State Penitentiary. She got a wakeup call when the notorious dealers she called Uncle and Father wound up respectively dead and imprisoned for life. Once out on parole, Pearson took an assembly-line job and didn't give [her neighborhood dope dealers] a second glance, but after repeatedly getting fired because of her rap sheet, she returned to dealing before a chance meeting gave her a way off the street for good. This isn't a light celebrity bio, but a powerful story of someone trying to find her way in a dark world, realizing she can still choose her life's direction even in tremendously difficult circumstances. Pearson's narrative is spare, even poetic, rendering traumatic moments all the more powerful.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by solids
How can you tell if they're bald or not when they're wearing a pizza box as a hat?
The survey could take care of these points of interest. They could just walk up and whip off the pizza box. Tick, you're not bald. Here, you can have your pizza box back. This is where I want to see my survey dollars going. Why don't one of you college kids who are doing some useless ******g degree in sociaology or something do this for your next paper? It would be better if you were going prematurely bald. Like Isura. Then you could do the bum thing for a bit to see if your hair grows back. I mean, haven't you seen Into the Wild??
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 02:09 PM
I think it's lame they gave this guy food stamps. Save the welfare for people who actually need it.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 03:22 PM
Reporter: So what did you tell people when they asked what you were doing?

Shepard: That was the only touchy part of my story. I had this great back story on how I was escaping my druggy mom and going to live with my alcoholic dad. Things just fell apart, and there I was at the homeless shelter. I really embellished this fabricated story and told it to anyone who would listen.
what an a-hole. He knows if he said "I'm a college graduate with supportive parents and an easy track to good employment" he'd get his ****ing ass kicked. My neighbor's little brother did something similar (not as long, basically hung out with bums trainhopping around and such), and he did the same thing: lied about his back story.

Kid's obnoxious. He just did this so he can bang radical college sloots on his book tour. Not only is he downplaying his education, he's downplaying his whole wholesome upbringing. He was raised right with a good head on his shoulders, just like you and me. People like that tend to avoid homelessness even in the face of aversion for a reason.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 03:29 PM
This just seems like a self-congratulatory exercise in proving nothing. It's sensationalist garbage.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
what an a-hole. He knows if he said "I'm a college graduate with supportive parents and an easy track to good employment" he'd get his ****ing ass kicked. My neighbor's little brother did something similar (not as long, basically hung out with bums trainhopping around and such), and he did the same thing: lied about his back story.
This kid is a giant a-hole, but not necessarily for this reason. If I had to choose between lying or getting my ass kicked by a bunch of charity workers and mentally unstable homeless people, I'm lying.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by XXXNoahXXX
At age 15 she killed a woman in self-defense
Yeah. Right.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 03:42 PM

yeah no doi. My point is, that he lied about his background shows how douchey and self-congratulatory (yeah I stole that from skunk) the whole thing is.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 03:51 PM
The people hating on this seem like liberal-homeless-empowerers. The guy wrote a book. You don't like it, don't read it. It's still a neat story. But you have to go and automatically assume that anyone who enjoys this story thinks all homeless people are scum, and that this kid is out to make some grand statement encompassing every homeless person

This just seems like a self-congratulatory exercise in proving nothing. It's sensationalist garbage.
You're a giant douchebag. Why does the book have to conclusively prove something? Huh? He had a cool idea, had a journey of sorts, and wrote a book about it. Why exactly is that 'sensationalist garbage'? Insulting only makes you seem like you have some agenda.

what an a-hole. He knows if he said "I'm a college graduate with supportive parents and an easy track to good employment" he'd get his ****ing ass kicked. My neighbor's little brother did something similar (not as long, basically hung out with bums trainhopping around and such), and he did the same thing: lied about his back story.

Kid's obnoxious. He just did this so he can bang radical college sloots on his book tour. Not only is he downplaying his education, he's downplaying his whole wholesome upbringing. He was raised right with a good head on his shoulders, just like you and me. People like that tend to avoid homelessness even in the face of aversion for a reason.
You call him an ass-hole and obnoxious, but you never actually explain why. You insult the guy without ever having met him, and project emotions and reasons onto him that you assume he has. What the **** is your problem asshat? Why are you so fervently against this guy's trip? You never provided a shred of evidence or reasoning to your hatred for him, other than "he's high class, wtf is he doing homeless?". Does it really need to be explained to you? HE WANTED TO. If you don't like it, go cry in a corner somewhere.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin

yeah no doi. My point is, that he lied about his background shows how douchey and self-congratulatory (yeah I stole that from skunk) the whole thing is.
Yeah, he pretended to have a rough background.
Therefore he is an douche.


Explain to me how this makes a lick of sense.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 03:56 PM
That you use this as an insult says quite a bit about you. Also that you can't wait to suck this guy's dick for proving it's poor people's own fault.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by DannyOcean_
You call him an ass-hole and obnoxious, but you never actually explain why.
Only an ******* would say the following:

"That's why, from the beginning, I set very realistic goals: $2,500, a job, car. This isn't a "rags-to-riches million-dollar" story. This is very realistic. I truly believe, based on what I saw at the shelter ...that anyone can do that."
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
That you use this as an insult says quite a bit about you. Also that you can't wait to suck this guy's dick for proving it's poor people's own fault.
This is exactly what i'm talking about.

Why does the book have to make a grand point? Pretty sure the guy is itending to be motivational, not derrogatory. He never said "it's poor people's own fault".

YOU projected that onto him. YOU YOU YOU. I can only imagine you'd do this because of your own beliefs contrary to "it's poor people's own fault". You're trying to project this guy as something that he is not. Hence the insult, which was a bit juvenile on my part.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by otnemem
Only an ******* would say the following:

"That's why, from the beginning, I set very realistic goals: $2,500, a job, car. This isn't a "rags-to-riches million-dollar" story. This is very realistic. I truly believe, based on what I saw at the shelter ...that anyone can do that."
Only a "*******" would speak motivationally about escaping poverty and homelessness. Yeah, ok.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 04:06 PM

This seems pretty obvious, but whatever. He's an a-hole and a douchebag because he came out of this with the attitude of "Hey if I can do this, anyone can. Stop being a lazy butthole" -- even though most homeless people have problems and setbacks that he can't even fathom.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 04:06 PM
This is essentially like Jared writing a book about how he lost weight, even under bad circumstances, and how he thinks anybody can. It's just an inspirational quote. You don't like it, ignore it. But you guys would be here calling Jared a fat-hater and a huge douche for bothering to lose weight.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 04:09 PM
There's nothing wrong with him making a statement like "anybody can escape homelessness". It's not meant perfectly literally, I'm sure he realizes that there are schiziod-mental-psycho-whatevers that will never be helped. He's trying to spread a positive message from what i can tell, and people's only reaction here is to **** on him. wtf?
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 04:09 PM
pretty stupid article. he obviously had the abilities to go and get himself a $10+/hr job. most homeless are not capable of getting hired in the first place. poor people are lazy and stupid/incapable, wow surprise surprise. its not like he actually proved something that we didn't already know. all takes is simple math to do earnings - expenses to figure out how to save money. so, imho his journey was a complete waste of time.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 04:11 PM
the only way this could be at all useful is if he shared his tips on saving money, like stealing napkins and toilet paper from mcdonalds, riding a bike, whatever that could give people ideas on how to save money.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by DannyOcean_
There's nothing wrong with him making a statement like "anybody can escape homelessness". It's not meant perfectly literally, I'm sure he realizes that there are schiziod-mental-psycho-whatevers that will never be helped. He's trying to spread a positive message from what i can tell, and people's only reaction here is to **** on him. wtf?
because his message is so obvious it comes off like he is standing on a soap box saying "The homeless are morons". While that might be true, it doesn't make him smart for saying so.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by xxThe_Lebowskixx
tlike stealing napkins and toilet paper from mcdonalds
It's not stealing if you buy something. I paid for those fries, dammit, that TP is mine!
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 04:16 PM
The challenge would be a lot more interesting - and realistic - if at the start of the year he set out to become a heroin addict, too.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by DannyOcean_
[b]There's nothing wrong with him making a statement like "anybody can escape homelessness"[b/]. It's not meant perfectly literally, I'm sure he realizes that there are schiziod-mental-psycho-whatevers that will never be helped. He's trying to spread a positive message from what i can tell, and people's only reaction here is to **** on him. wtf?
Yes there is, when for 80% of the homeless population, it is nearly impossible to escape. It's just an extremely naive and narrow world view. He's acting as if overcoming poverty is a matter of motivation when a large percentage of his 'demographic' aren't physically/mentally capable of removing themselves from whatever situation they're trapped in.

EDIT: And your Jared from Subway analogy is terrible, considering that Jared was a fatty who had to work his ass off to get healthy. He couldn't just push a deflation button whenever he felt like he might fail.
Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
03-20-2008 , 04:19 PM
I guess i'm going to be in the minority here, so I'll just post my view and forever hold my peace. I don't think the guy is a douchebag. He did something pretty cool with a year of his life, something very few "well brought up" people do. He lived the tougher life that someone else had to live, and he found out he could succeed even then. He wrote a book about it and is probably doing a media tour.

I think a lot of people are projecting negative stuff onto him that he isn't endorsing. He has a few lines of "anybody can make it lol!" but it's just inspirational speech stuff, like Jared saying anybody can lose weight. It's suprising to me all of the hatred he seems to have gotten here. to me it just looks like a kid who did something interesting and worthwhile, and who learned a few things about himself and about life. But if you disagree, that's your right.

Getting out of homelessness.. Quote
