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Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be?

10-14-2013 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by THAKID
There's nothing wrong with this, infact kudos to you honestly

But that is not a wedding
That is a small ceremony at your house

You did not have a wedding

I don't want a wedding myself and think its a waste of $
but don't say you had a wedding when you did not
Is this a William Carlos Williams poem?
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 11:44 AM
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 11:49 AM
weddings are overrated. take her down to the courthouse
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 11:51 AM
I dream of a day where men get to marry a bag of money, in a ceremony paid for in women.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by metaname2
I dream of a day where men get to marry a bag of money, in a ceremony paid for in women.
move to rural india!
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 11:57 AM
Would if I could, but plane fare is at least $1500 from here. I could not have a wedding for that kind of money.

Last edited by metaname2; 10-14-2013 at 11:59 AM. Reason: I mean not have a wedding. Not have; not.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by THAKID

No photographer? are u ******ed
Whatever you do, do not let you're wannabee or semi-pro photographer friend shoot your wedding as their wedding gift! I know multiple people, including my brother, who have no wedding photos because of this.

For my sister in law's wedding for our wedding gift we bought a disposable camera for every table and asked guests to share and take photos. There was a box to drop them off when done.

One camera went missing (!) and there were a bunch of crap shots but they also got a ton of great shots. Cost us a maybe a few hundred dollars to do twelve or fifteen tables or so.

(This was on top of the traditional photographer).
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 12:22 PM
My cousin gave out disposables and ended up with nudes of her brother and his date. For years I asked her for the regular pictures, which she never gave me; I assume they were all pretty crap, and a source of real sadness. The lesson I took from it is that you give out cameras because it's an amusement for the guests and maybe you can mine the result for accidental gems*, but you need at least one pro for great pics.

* and they WILL be accidental. On this point I agree it's unnecessary with smartphones. We went to a wedding this weekend where people were uploading photos in real time. It's all boring Facebook-quality group shots, which is fine as long as those aren't all you have. A real photog will get right in your face or hang from the rafters to capture a single tear while a guest might nab a blurry action shot, from a distance, if they think to take a pic at all.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
And if you ask your guests for photos during the reception ,you may be surprised how well they turn out.
Maybe, but you wouldn't be surprised if they mostly suck either.

Get the photographer. Also, GG Pepper marrying someone who'll keep you from making bad decisions.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 12:39 PM
Well she agreed on a wedding photographer just for the ceremony and pictures in the morning so i semi won lol.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by pepper50000
Well she agreed on a wedding photographer just for the ceremony and pictures in the morning so i semi won lol.
And semi-lost. (IMHO)

The importance of certain things can get blown WAY out of proportion when planning a wedding. And certainly there's lots of items you can legit skimp on. 10 years from now, it simply won't matter whether you had rubber-chicken, or an open bar, or how much you spent on the tux.

But the photos? Yea, those will matter.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Cry Me A River
Whatever you do, do not let you're wannabee or semi-pro photographer friend shoot your wedding as their wedding gift! I know multiple people, including my brother, who have no wedding photos because of this.

For my sister in law's wedding for our wedding gift we bought a disposable camera for every table and asked guests to share and take photos. There was a box to drop them off when done.

One camera went missing (!) and there were a bunch of crap shots but they also got a ton of great shots. Cost us a maybe a few hundred dollars to do twelve or fifteen tables or so.

(This was on top of the traditional photographer).
disposable cameras on the table gets a guaranteed dick pic from me or one of my friends.

There is an app now called wedpics that does the same thing but uses peoples smartphones to add pics to an online album. Had a friend use it 2 weeks ago and my sister is using it this weekend. I'm sure there will still be dick pics and the like, but its a big improvement over the disposables.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:12 PM
this is the best thread ever
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:14 PM
I know OP is trolling, yet he still managed to tilt me.

Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:20 PM
Having a great wedding has nothing to do with how much money you spend. It has everything thing to do with how much fun your wife has.

If she is sitting in a chair yawning and thanking people for showing up. You can spend 100k serving caviar, steak, lobster, and fine wine but your wedding will suck.

If she is grabbing grandma and pulling her out to the dance floor, while swinging a bottle of tequila around. You can spend $1500 serving burgers, fries and keg beer and your wedding will be awesome.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by pepper50000
I'm getting married next year and trying to convince my fiance that we don't need a wedding photographer cause everyone has smartphones. I'm losing this battle...
Grunching but yeah, you're going to lose this one. I'm of the same opinion but didn't even try.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:26 PM
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by pepper50000
Well she agreed on a wedding photographer just for the ceremony and pictures in the morning so i semi won lol.
Ok, you're halfway there. It's about making sure that all the effort and emotional energy you're investing in this is going to be properly captured, and you just can't entrust that to people with iPhones and hope for the best. -- check out the portfolios in there. You can feel the emotional energy in the photos, feel the pride and closeness and joy of these strangers, reach out and touch the petals of the bouquets. It's like you're there, and THAT is what a good photographer does. Your guests are probably wonderful people but whatever they've got on FB right now is what they will take at the wedding.

Presumably this wedding means something to you and you're hoping to create a special day for the memories. Get the cake at Costco and have a cash bar if you have to but do not cheap out on the person whose job is to make sure everything about the day gets properly translated onto film. Bad pictures or no pictures are forever:

What you'll remember:

What you'll get:

Last edited by P.R.; 10-14-2013 at 01:40 PM.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bode-ist
disposable cameras on the table gets a guaranteed dick pic from me or one of my friends.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:34 PM
It's about the wedding you don't see.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:39 PM
My wedding budget is ~5k and we have been able to get a venue in Stanley Park for a ~60-70 person cocktail reception and a ceremony at the largest church in Vancouver. I don't see what the big deal is? Maybe it's because I'm not trying to spend 20k. I could see a lot people not even trying to do it on a lower budget because of insecurity.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:44 PM
I think it comes down to how sentimental the couple and the couple's parent(s) are. If nobody really gives a ****, then of course save the money.

We knew both of our mothers would greatly appreciate an album of good quality pictures, so we kicked down for them. We also knew we ourselves would not be likely to sit around fawning over such an album, so we didn't get one for ourselves.

Disposables during the reception can be fun, but definitely don't do that in lieu of a professional.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:54 PM
I think i've posted this before. My wife and I aren't cheap, but neither of us wanted any kind of big wedding. We had already been together for 6 year and owned a house etc..., it was more of a formality.

We held the wedding in her mother's back yard, we invited only family that was in town to the wedding ~35 ppl. We met family and friends for drinks at a lounge later. We basically threw a family BBQ and did it potluck style, we bought beer/alcohol and chicken for everyone, and some people brought salads/desserts. My dad and uncle BBQd for us. We specifically asked everyone in the invitations not to bring gifts at all.

The single biggest expense was the justice of the peace. She came reccomened from a friend of my wife's, she took care of the marriage license and everything, and that was about ~$400 or something.

I'd say all said and told, the total cost was <$1000.

No photographer, we asked everyone to bring a digital camera and take tons and forward them off, some people took video, ended up with some cool pics. Really fun day.
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
10-14-2013 , 03:02 PM
Why do people think im trolling. Besides, my fiance knows how much i hate having my photo taken in general so we decided to make it more fun and less money.
Neither of us are remotely sentimental so i dont think we will miss much. We will prob take a bunch of nice photos in the park or something beforehand. Thats all anyone really needs.
We just dont do photos in general. I dont think weve had a photo taken with both of us in the past 2 years. Im 28,
Getting Married! How Stingy Can I Be? Quote
