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GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France

03-27-2015 , 02:47 PM
Your sarcasm detector is broken.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by W0X0F
I've read this a couple of times now in different posts and I wonder how anyone thinks this was part of his thought process. So, he's determined to kill himself, doesn't mind taking 149 others with him, but he's concerned of what people will think?
I posted about this before. On SilkAir 185 the pilot disabled the CVR and FDR before crashing the plane. MH370's pilot appeared to have an elaborate plan for hiding the plane, which so far is working. It's counterintuitive, but there's precedent for suicidal pilots wanting to hide their actions.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 07:21 PM
SilkAir was about trying to get an insurance payment rather than hiding his actions though. It doesn't seem like that's in play here.

I have no idea what the MH370's pilots motivations were (if in fact it was one of the pilots).

I find the talk about using a FA to prevent a situation like this kind of ridiculous though. A crazy pilot is going to be able to crash the plane if he/she really wants to. I don't see the point in making a lot of changes trying to prevent that while in flight. Hell, the flip side is that maybe a crazy FA will crash the plane.

The national aviation organizations like the FAA are really good at addressing root causes of accidents, but you do have to be a little careful overfitting preventative procedures to unlikely observed accidents.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 08:31 PM
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 08:32 PM
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by joel2006
By the way, I'm not so sure that the extra flight attendant in the cockpit really is of any benefit. This seems like the kind of thing that the TSA propaganda machine put in place just to make people feel safer, much like everything else they do. Does anyone think that a person who is hell-bent on killing everyone in sight won't be able to overpower a (likely female) flight attendant? Maybe make martial arts training mandatory for flight attendants? Maybe give them a gun?

My point is that the supposed solution that is currently being implemented in the US is not really representative of the relative safety obtained by having a flight attendant in the cockpit while one of the pilots goes to take a dump. It's just that we've been lucky so far that none of our flights have had one of these crazies for a pilot.
this guy was a 130 pound german pussy. He wouldnt even have the balls to try what he did with someone else in the cockpit, even if he did i would bet on any flight attendant (male or female) against him

Last edited by rtd353; 03-27-2015 at 08:36 PM. Reason: and i would give you 2-1 odds
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 08:51 PM
This was so evil it doesn't even seem real. I can't imagine all the thoughts that went through the other pilots head once he figured out he was locked out and the plane was going down
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem
This was so evil it doesn't even seem real. I can't imagine all the thoughts that went through the other pilots head once he figured out he was locked out and the plane was going down
Can you imagine all the parents who had their small kids or babies sitting next to them as they glided down, and first realized they were going to crash into the mountains?

It's events like this that make me hope so badly that there is a hell, and that this guy suffers for the rest of eternity.

Also, I wonder how long the pilot knew he was locked out for before he started going crazy? Did he give a few knocks and after 10 seconds lose his ****? Or did he wait and only go crazy once he saw them approaching the mountains? How long did it take him to realize, oh ****, I'm not just locked out, I'm locked out because he's going to crash this ****ing plane.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 09:20 PM
Lol at everyone in this thread who thinks locking the door and casually guiding the plane to its doom is a guarantee that the same person will overpower another person in order to crash the plane. Obviously, it wouldn't prevent it necessarily, but it is definitely going to act as some level of deterrent. How this is not common sense to all of you is pretty amazing.

For all we know, the dude could have just snapped and thought, "holy **** easy would it be to just take this mother down right now. F it, I'm going for it." (locks door).

This example makes it even more obvious because this particular dude is like 99.9% never going to crash a plane if he had to deal with another person in the cockpit.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 09:24 PM
I could not agree more.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 09:24 PM
I don't think we can say 99.9% or anywhere near that.

He seems like the type of bitch that would bring a small knife onto the plane and shove it into the neck of the captain if he really needed to.

There would be no fight necessary, the captain would bleed out in a few minutes and no one would ever know, and down goes the plane.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 09:25 PM
I think it's FAR more likely that he wouldn't do something like that, but I think he would have that in him if he needed to crash a plane and got sick of waiting for the perfect spot.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 09:36 PM
Its so damn disturbing

Another horrible thought is that this sick idiot is probably going to be some sort of "hero" for dozens of other depressed, narcissistic psychopaths around the world who will want to do the same thing or even go bigger and "better" than what this crazy Lubitz did

The amount of media coverage these things get is insane

Its like what the great seer Bill Burr says about turning the steering wheel 10 degrees to the right and youre on the front page of the paper

Some crazy atrocity like this is the only shot an unattractive narcissist psycho has of becoming famous or leaving a "legacy".

Just awful to think your life can be at the whim of such a person
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by joel2006
What is it about the black boxes that make them indestructible?
They are surrounded by high powered magnets that can easily repel any negative energy
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 10:28 PM
As a psych major, this guy is completely fascinating to me. He was obviously depressed. But he had other things that were at factor too. Who knows. Maybe when he got the letter from the Dr. saying he's unfit to fly, he knew his lifelong dream of being a pilot was over. I know he could hear the pilot banging on the door but was the pilot talking to him? Did the pilot try to convince him to open the door? What about when he heard people screaming? Was he just sitting in his chair serenely like Andy Dufresne on the roof watching the other guys drink beer? Was it pre-meditated or did he just seize the opportunity? Just amazing really when you think about it. He got on a plane and killed 150 people. And once he made his decision, he had 10 minutes to think about it as the plane slowly lowered itself and crashed into a mountain.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 11:10 PM
The slow fall is the most intriguing part of it. Like, he could have easily flown it into a city if killing as many as possible was his goal, why didn't he?

If he was trying to have fun before he went out, wouldn't nose diving it create more of a thrill?

Or maybe the thrill he wanted to create was making the people suffer as long as possible before they died? If this was his plan, he could of flown within 1,000ft of the mountains, pulled up.... Gained altitude, circled around, and did the slow descent into them again to torture them for a 2nd time.

What's also interesting is the doctor said he wasn't in for depression this time, but something else.

How long before we hear from the doctor that saw him just a day before this?
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 11:13 PM
I think what could have been going on, is he was seeking help for his mental illness, whatever it was. He goes to the doctor, hoping to get help. Instead, he gets a diagnosis that not only won't help him in his mind, but with the no fly ruling, might end his pilot career. This could have created an episode in his head, where he didn't see how anymore, but also felt outraged because he felt he was doing what he thought was right. Then simply said, **** all this. GAMETIME.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by JWM155
As a psych major, this guy is completely fascinating to me. He was obviously depressed. But he had other things that were at factor too. Who knows. Maybe when he got the letter from the Dr. saying he's unfit to fly, he knew his lifelong dream of being a pilot was over. I know he could hear the pilot banging on the door but was the pilot talking to him? Did the pilot try to convince him to open the door? What about when he heard people screaming? Was he just sitting in his chair serenely like Andy Dufresne on the roof watching the other guys drink beer? Was it pre-meditated or did he just seize the opportunity? Just amazing really when you think about it. He got on a plane and killed 150 people. And once he made his decision, he had 10 minutes to think about it as the plane slowly lowered itself and crashed into a mountain.
It is interesting. Especially if his pulse and breathing rate did not rise. Maybe he took a drug and was knocked out.

The issue is that this will discourage more pilots from admitting and seeking help for depression. Should any history of treatment for depression disqualify a person from ever being a commercial pilot? A lot of people (politicians) are going to say yes and this will further stigmatize depression.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
I think what could have been going on, is he was seeking help for his mental illness, whatever it was. He goes to the doctor, hoping to get help. Instead, he gets a diagnosis that not only won't help him in his mind, but with the no fly ruling, might end his pilot career. This could have created an episode in his head, where he didn't see how anymore, but also felt outraged because he felt he was doing what he thought was right. Then simply said, **** all this. GAMETIME.
Yea, in the end I think the Dr. note saying he's not fit to fly is the key to his mental state at the time of the plane crash.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
It is interesting. Especially if his pulse and breathing rate did not rise. Maybe he took a drug and was knocked out.

The issue is that this will discourage more pilots from admitting and seeking help for depression. Should any history of treatment for depression disqualify a person from ever being a commercial pilot? A lot of people (politicians) are going to say yes and this will further stigmatize depression.
I believe the stats show 1 in 5 women will suffer depression and 1 in 10 men will suffer depression. Considering a small segment of the population become pilots to begin with, I'm not sure if preventing them from flying is a bad idea. I know I wouldn't want a depressed person handling a gun; especially if alcohol is involved. Why would I want a pilot responsible for 100+ lives flying a plane if he's suicidal?

(I'm not taking about depressed as in "I'm 25, only making $25K, what am I doing with my life? Woe is me." I mean full-blown, can't get out of bed, hiding in the closet, I wan't to kill myself, crying depression.)

And yes, this will definitely have a negative impact on the stigma of mental illnesses.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-27-2015 , 11:43 PM
For all anybody knows, he may have thought he saw Jesus on the wing, telling him to do it.
If this man did what they say he did, you will never be able to know with any certainty, WHAT he was thinking. He may have been seen a bird that day, and decided it was a sign.
Some stressor may have pushed him over the edge, but for all we know, he could have been happy about it. He was a sick, dangerous nut.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-28-2015 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by joel2006

Yes, pilot suicide/homicide is a form of terrorism. Hell, it's possible that all these suicidal pilots could be part of some new terrorist strategy. It's known that some of the 9/11 people had pilot training. It's hard for them to overcome security to do it as passengers, but as pilots? Foolproof. Please don't deny that this is possible. If someone had predicted 9/11 they would have thought he was nuts. It's a new age people, it's time to wake up and recognize the monsters we are fighting every day.
No only if there is some other political motivation or religious fanaticism associated with the suicide.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-28-2015 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by AllBlackDan
Its time to make all pilots pee in a bottle during flights or better yet make all cockpits have built in toilets
Or they undergo psyche testing every week or two weeks?

Also, the co-pilots should be partnered up for a period of time so they can have a better understanding of where their fellow co-pilot's mind is at.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-28-2015 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
I think what could have been going on, is he was seeking help for his mental illness, whatever it was. He goes to the doctor, hoping to get help. Instead, he gets a diagnosis that not only won't help him in his mind, but with the no fly ruling, might end his pilot career. This could have created an episode in his head, where he didn't see how anymore, but also felt outraged because he felt he was doing what he thought was right. Then simply said, **** all this. GAMETIME.
You should join one of the cable news outlets. This is exactly the kind of speculation they thrive on. Fun to theorize about why a plane crashes or what's going through the mind of the perpetrator. Also fun to wonder about the terror the passengers must have experienced.

Nothing personal to you GREEAR, but this parlor game of positing scenarios just puts me off.
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
03-28-2015 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
It is interesting. Especially if his pulse and breathing rate did not rise. Maybe he took a drug and was knocked out.
So how did he deny access to the Captain if he was unconscious?
GermanWings Airbus crashes in the south of France Quote
