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The future is SO not now! The future is SO not now!

01-09-2008 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
I'm already complaining that things don't load fast enough as it is, and there's some sort of surprise that I want less posts per page?
Hard drive probably not the bottleneck there.

Also, how come we still have stupid people? Human race has been around for like 15,000 years, we've got way more people than we need, and your parents still weren't sterilized to prevent further pollution of the gene pool.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-09-2008 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
It is officially the year 2008.

I'll let that sink in for a second.


Why does it seem like we're still using some very arcane technology?

Our computers have processors with 4 cores on the die, yet the hard drives have been spinning magnetic platters.. for the last 52 years!

Our cars can be tracked from satellites in space to within a few feet via GPS, yet the cars still run off of the black goop from the ground.

Who else feels failed by the future, failed by the seemingly easy improvements that should have been made a long time ago, but just haven't been, and what are those failings?
i haven't read the thread so this might have been said, but cars are designed not to last a long time. just like everything else. they are designed crappy/cheaply so that they can sell you another one in X years.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-09-2008 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by xxThe_Lebowskixx
i haven't read the thread so this might have been said, but cars are designed not to last a long time. just like everything else. they are designed crappy/cheaply so that they can sell you another one in X years.

thank you chris rock
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-09-2008 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
It's only 10 post per day, every day, for 5 years straight.
except when he posts like 23098342 times in a couple hours in the same lost/sports thread.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-10-2008 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Hard drive probably not the bottleneck there.

Also, how come we still have stupid people? Human race has been around for like 15,000 years, we've got way more people than we need, and your parents still weren't sterilized to prevent further pollution of the gene pool.
Oh, don't get me started about that! I'm still bitter that my parents decided to pollute the gene pool with my sorry ass.

But don't worry, once I have a few hundred saved aside, I'll make sure I don't repeat the same mistake. ^^
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-10-2008 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by xxThe_Lebowskixx
i haven't read the thread so this might have been said, but cars are designed not to last a long time. just like everything else. they are designed crappy/cheaply so that they can sell you another one in X years.
I don't buy this argument. It implies that all of the car manufacturers are colluding. If they could realistically engineer and build a better more reliable car for the same price some company would do it and make a crapload of money.

Cars are designed crappy/cheaply because people buy cheap/crappy cars.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-10-2008 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Cars are designed crappy/cheaply because people buy cheap/crappy cars.
I don't think that's the case, maybe the cheap part. This is why the Detroit automakers are getting destroyed. Although that doesn't explain why everyone seems to drive a Jetta these days.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-10-2008 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
I don't buy this argument. It implies that all of the car manufacturers are colluding. If they could realistically engineer and build a better more reliable car for the same price some company would do it and make a crapload of money.

Cars are designed crappy/cheaply because people buy cheap/crappy cars.
nor does it really explain why the top-selling car in the US is always the Camry.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-10-2008 , 08:52 PM
Meh, I don't really believe cars are cheap/crappy.

I was really just commenting on the silliness of the belief that car companies make cars worse then they could otherwise make them.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-10-2008 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key

This is the same as bringing up solid state hdds. Yes, there's exactly ONE phone that's waterproof. One phone out of how many thousands of different models?
Why the **** do you need a waterproof phone?
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-11-2008 , 03:13 AM

9. Scientists Clone Rhesus Monkey to Produce Stem Cells
8. Planet Discovered That Could Harbor Life
7. Engineers Create Transparent Material as Strong as Steel
2. Chimpanzees Make Spears for Hunting

Am I the only one that finds that order hilarious? I understand the implications of it, but I can't help crack a smile when I read that.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-11-2008 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by React1oN
Why the **** do you need a waterproof phone?
The same reason people want waterproof watches. Water sometimes gets in/on them. And as I said in another thread, Water + Electricity = bad.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-11-2008 , 11:38 AM
FLASH-MEMORY HARD DRIVES. SanDisk displayed “hard drives” that are pure flash memory. This is a big, big deal. Flash-memory hard drives have no moving parts, so they’re infinitely more rugged and long-lasting than mechanical, spinning drives. They’re also much faster (SanDisk says that Windows Vista starts up in about half the time), much smaller (5 millimeters thick), much quieter (silent, in fact) and much lower in power consumption (0.4 watts instead of 1 watt).

In fact, they’re superior to regular hard drives in every single way except two: capacity (maximum 72 gigabytes) and price. Clearly, SanDisk feels that the planets have finally aligned for flash hard drives to reach everyday laptops despite those drawbacks.

(If the Internet rumors are right, Apple may feel that, too; according to blogger speculation, the company will unveil a superthin laptop next week with just such a flash “hard drive.”)


The future is SO not now! Quote
01-11-2008 , 11:47 AM
check it
flying car
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-11-2008 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by daryn
thank you chris rock
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-11-2008 , 07:16 PM
Your "point" is a Chris Rock standup bit about poor design of Cadillacs. It's a spinoff of a bit about drug companies not curing AIDS because it's more profitable for treat symptoms.

I'll accidentally take this thread seriously for a moment to note the changes of in fortunes for, off the top of my head, Jaguar and Hyundai over the past decade can both be pretty much directly laid at the feet of the market valuing reliability for automobiles very highly.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-05-2009 , 03:00 AM
It just happened that I searched out this thread today while trying to get a check up on the status of OLEDs. As I read it, I was rather surprised by the venom that OP provoked. I mean, there's nothing you can say that won't get some solid contingent of bashers. And if your thesis is in any way critical, then it's ten times more likely that someone will take offense--take it personally.

But when I saw this thread, the first thing I thought of was this eminently reasonable (and ultimately favorable overall) review of the the IT shortcomings of the Infiniti M-Series:

The United States has no comprehensive wireless Internet (we were wise enough to invest in the welfare of Iraqis instead). Consequently, the Infiniti M has no ability to connect to the Internet. Here are the things that the car cannot do because it can't connect to the Internet:

* Email you that the sunroof has been left open for six hours (it doesn't automatically close as with my 1998 Toyota Sienna) and that it is forecast to rain soon.
* Email you that, six hours ago, someone rolled down all four windows partway by holding the wrong remote control key while trying to open the trunk, and do you really want to leave the windows open?
* Learn from other cars where traffic jams are (saving the oil that we can't seem to extract from those Iraqis)
* Tell other cars that it is stuck in traffic and that they shouldn't follow (saving more of the oil that we can't seem to extract from those Iraqis)
* Learn about road construction projects that would be likely to lead to traffic jams (routing around these would save more oil)
* Learn that a friend was nearby and wanted a ride to the same place that you were already going (tapping into, which would save more oil)
* Update its road-network database.
* Update its points of interest database with restaurant openings and closings (saving more gas as people avoided driving to restaurants that were no longer in business).
* Deliver a weather forecast and real-time NEXRAD RADAR image of adverse weather along the programmed route.
* Show you reviews of restaurants and hotels from Internet sources such as yelp.
* Stream music from Rhapsody and other Internet sources
* Search for available hotel rooms nearby, display their rates, and offer the opportunity to reserve.
* Email you and the police after it has been stolen.
* Email Infiniti with a list of required parts for the next service appointment.

How hard would it be to add these capabilities to the Infiniti? My Amazon Kindle came with a high-speed works-almost-everywhere Internet connection accomplished via the AT&T mobile phone network. The Kindle cost $399.
Things that are really within our reach that aren't being done. OP--excellent post.

Well the reason I bump this is because yet again I am trying to find an item on Amazon and, as much as I love shopping and reading on Amazon, and learn things from, it still f'ing astounds me how completely incredibly stupidly infuriatingly inept their search is. I have to try ten different ways from Sunday (if that's the expression), to get even a literal parital reference to title and artist half the time. And not just amazon, but most everyplace, such as Wikipedia, the search is next to useless (except at the best ones if you can nail it literally you have a pretty good chance of hitting your target).

FUZZY LOGIC--Hello, it's not f'ing General Relativity. How g-damned hard is it really to implement this? Google has been here, what, for 15 years? How has almost no one else figured it out. end of rant.

Last edited by mosta; 01-05-2009 at 03:14 AM.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-05-2009 , 03:13 AM
How hard would it be to add these capabilities to the Infiniti? My Amazon Kindle came with a high-speed works-almost-everywhere Internet connection accomplished via the AT&T mobile phone network. The Kindle cost $399.
The Kindle downloads and displays books. Developing software reliable enough to go in a car that does all of the things he listed would be an insanely expensive undertaking by Infiniti or any other car company. This is the type of thing that would be better left to a startup so that they could license it to car companies.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-05-2009 , 09:06 AM
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-05-2009 , 10:41 AM
Not to quibble with such a scientific and clearly agenda-free chart, but its author is (hilariously imo given the bias) ignoring the development of the Chinese and Islamic cultures during the dark ages.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-05-2009 , 10:50 AM
xoom, could you describe the units used to measure scientific advancement on your graph?
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-05-2009 , 10:56 AM
The future sucks. Change it.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-05-2009 , 01:37 PM

I like the bump even less than the OP. WTF does Iraq have to do with wireless internet? Is the government supposed to build wireless internet? If I can send emails with my cellphone, why can't the Inifiti?
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-05-2009 , 02:36 PM
I read all the way to the first El Diablo post before I figured out this thread was a year old. Sudden realization that it is 2009 just hit me.
The future is SO not now! Quote
01-06-2009 , 10:15 PM
Still no flying cars?
The future is SO not now! Quote
